24 Hours in Klaipeda | Lithuania's 3rd Largest City!

24 Hours in Klaipeda | Lithuania's 3rd Largest City!

Laura Bronner

3 года назад

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@sigis2271 - 15.09.2021 19:17

Excellent trip to Klaipeda 👌

@tomasitas4015 - 15.09.2021 19:23

Nida is my favorite spot in Lithuania 😍

@Bad_Artist_ - 15.09.2021 19:35

Klaipeda -- Clean, friendly, and inviting as any Lithuanian city, with the added bonus of old German architecture and the Baltic Sea! What's not to love?

@auronpk - 15.09.2021 19:39

do you work for hollywood?

@Asgoga - 15.09.2021 19:43

I live in nearby town of Šilutė or Heydekrug. It's very cute town that has beautiful Prussian/German architecture, very green beautiful park, cool museum with a park which is called Hugo Šojaus muziejus/Hugo Scheu museum, it tells history of Šilutė and Klaipėda/Memel region as a whole. So if you can please visit us :)

@blueeyedbaer - 15.09.2021 19:49

I lived in Klaipėda for three years. It definitely has a different feeling than the rest of the country.

@ingridasvilainyte8783 - 15.09.2021 20:02

Nooooo!!!! The Video ended...

@artursupelnieks9447 - 15.09.2021 20:04

Baltic sea is not always cold, water temperature can vary greatly depending from the wind direction . Usually if wind direction is from the coast , in Lithuania it would be eastern, then water is cold. For example, if there is south-east wind direction, in Riga Bay water temperature in Jurmala can be 12° Celsius, but only 30 km away Mersrags water temperature can be +25° Celsius. That is called "aqualing " when wind blow's away warm water and colder water from the deeper layers comes to a shore. So in Latvia you can choose the beach depending from the wind direction!

@gretux946 - 15.09.2021 20:29

I was so happy you tried Kavos architektai! It's my favorite place to go when I come home, and I miss that delicious coffee dearly. And I'm happy you liked Klaipėda, but Nida is for sure my favorite city in Lithuania :)

@alexwallace6120 - 15.09.2021 20:50

You make such beautiful videos of the towns,.cities,country side and oceans! I also appreciate how they are usually under 15 minutes.

@Tm_Martishius - 15.09.2021 21:30

Love the production of your videos, truly beautiful to see my country be portrayed this way

@silveris88 - 15.09.2021 22:15

I living in Klaipeda.

@mgb0869 - 15.09.2021 22:26

This is NOT the Lithuania I had pictured when reading the novel “The Corrections!” Beautiful country, great book, excellent VLOG. Thank you for this. Love from Ottawa 🇨🇦

@TiHerr74 - 15.09.2021 23:43

Thanks Laura. I’m going to watch this a second time with Collective Soul’s Perfect Day playing in the background.

@alex-wittman - 15.09.2021 23:58

Lol you brought your bathing suit! So optimisitc! You're not in Mexico anymore 😜

@alex-wittman - 16.09.2021 00:00

Yummmmm, did I see rosemary??

@andrius505 - 16.09.2021 01:57

Welcome to Klaipeda, the best city in Lithuania!!! :)

@joecapesius2887 - 16.09.2021 03:27

Very cool. Probably not going to use that swimsuit until next year. Although Lithuania may be big on saunas….

@mcminda - 16.09.2021 08:29

thanks for coming here :)

@Kund1s - 16.09.2021 09:24

You missed klaipeda best place it's not where bus route 6 took you... You had to take a cab and go to olando kepure, there is nice sunshine's and some cliffs to see it :)

@sawas1111 - 16.09.2021 11:47

Hi you should go to the dutch hat in Klaipeda there you will find a tin from which you can see the beautiful landscape of the whole sea

@Fernandaechaiz - 16.09.2021 19:55

You can visit the amber museum in Palanga! It's so beautiful and interesting. Palanga is a very nice place.

@alexgonzalez1784 - 16.09.2021 22:14

No comprendo nada en ingles.

@ugneliufitness - 17.09.2021 00:07

I love your videos. I am from Lithuania but I haven't lived there for over a decade now and your videos makes me feel like home ♥️ thank you for your videos ! ♥️♥️♥️

@exlibrisas - 17.09.2021 10:42

I hate large cities. Klaipėda is largest city I'd still consider living. Not too small, not too large. Not too shabby, but not too fancy. Not a province, but not a metropolis either.
So I do live here. I love the easy navigation, simplicity and cozy port vibes in the old city. Love walks in a former cemetery park near my place. Love orange street lights, reflecting on stony pavements during rainy evenings.

@discountforbananas - 17.09.2021 15:24

I live in Klaipėda :)

@Deividasst8 - 17.09.2021 17:10

you need, go to NIDA

@N.Mclaren1 - 17.09.2021 20:17

my city ✅

@bazaarx8582 - 18.09.2021 16:41

You should visit some large graveyard on november 1st, it's all saints day in the catholic faith, and everyone visits their dead relatives and lights candles, it's a very breathtaking sight when it gets dark.

@lelaj4607 - 19.09.2021 12:54

I am from Indonesia and I was joining Lithuanian summer course in 2019. The first time I arrived there, I was like ‘the weather is this cold?’ Since I was thinking that the weather was hot in summer, and I catch a cold in my first week there haha.
Lithuania is surely a beautiful country and Nida is my most favourite ❤️. Thank you for the video, I love it a lot.

@dalamoretx - 19.09.2021 18:47

AH-Maaaazing! Wow! I'm lovin' all of this journey! So interesting! Thank you!

@rita3206 - 02.10.2021 00:36


@kestutisvilkas6688 - 29.10.2021 01:10

Very good lithuanian prononsation! I am surprised.

@ameliab7245 - 30.10.2021 13:09

I just wonder about the language difference. Are most people able to understand English or are you fairly proficient in languages for getting around?

@nolitimere11 - 23.12.2021 10:03

As Lithuanian I have to thank you for those videos as they are very informative! Taking a train Vilnius- Klaipeda today for the first time and I am very excited 🐱🐱

@mindaugasbelekas3408 - 17.09.2022 13:53

why did you not ckecked the ticket :) you were in melnrage, but your ticket was clean :D :D

@baresh111 - 02.04.2023 16:24

Jasenovac First konc lager for kids Magnum Crimen

@madzen112 - 24.04.2023 09:06

Looks like an interesting place

@yassineahbane - 31.03.2024 05:05

It's an interesting city. Looking forward to Seattle there 🔥🖤

@laura-bronner - 15.09.2021 19:32

What do you think of Klaipeda? Would you like to visit?
