2 Ways to Ensure Audience Growth

2 Ways to Ensure Audience Growth

GaryVee Video Experience

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@frenchiegonewild7264 - 06.10.2019 18:34


@aryann1084 - 06.10.2019 18:34

So early that there are literally no comments!

@ryanbeckfitness4274 - 06.10.2019 18:37

Nothing good in life ever came easy... We all have heard this so many times. Stop complaining and put the work in!

@PatrickCogen - 06.10.2019 18:43

Great video Gary! It requires patience among other things to grow an audience so learn to be patient! Thanks for all the inspiration for my channel as well. Keep it up :)

@StuartTufft - 06.10.2019 18:47

The guy

@marktalksmoney1956 - 06.10.2019 18:49

Double the production of your competition. It's free to produce content, no excuses left.

@smartbusagencylondon7129 - 06.10.2019 19:02

I needed to hear this again, just this part. Thank you Gary 🙏

@DavidSenteno - 06.10.2019 19:06

I truly believe that is why now is the time to start. Master social media because this trend won't end, it will evolve. My goal isn't to be the 1% but to provide multiple streams of income that me and my wife can use as we look to our Golden Years. Let's face it Social Security and 401K are not guaranteed and I'm not planning to be a door greeter at 70. I just picked the work I love and made sustainability and happiness the end goal. 🐼✌️👍🏽🧟‍♂️

@jdk3010 - 06.10.2019 19:11

Thank you Gary bro’ i think your a ALIEN man

@loganlaj - 06.10.2019 19:12

You gotta really put in the work today for anything online. It seems easy on the surface, but is still a lot of work!! Incredible vid Gary!

@jdk3010 - 06.10.2019 19:12

subscribe to my channel if you want to see me post a video

@catherinef.7809 - 06.10.2019 19:14


@frostykiller2437 - 06.10.2019 19:29

I really don't know my talents maybe bc I am mad with apples

@MatthewCoast - 06.10.2019 19:49

I really hope TikTok stays around, just for your sake Gary

@neevasclassesforlanguagean5680 - 06.10.2019 19:55

Thanks Gary. You have really opened my eyes. ♥

@jaybahre - 06.10.2019 19:56

I'm trying to grow!

@alexsurmer - 06.10.2019 20:08

the guy on the left seems lost

@KevinJPineau - 06.10.2019 20:36

Gary you give so much great advice, thanks. I just put out a video on generating traffic free from medium

@Thereal360man - 06.10.2019 20:55

Nothing worth doing it’s easy.

@IssieODonovan - 06.10.2019 21:32

Fantastic advice.

@SharifSourour - 06.10.2019 21:40

It's not easy at all! But then again if it's truly worth it, what is ever easy!?

@equalscash9388 - 06.10.2019 22:04

As soon as I started producing content I suddenly understood everything you were talking about before and started to respect you even more. Absolutely everything you've said is 100% true!

@MadeSportsEntertainment - 06.10.2019 22:09

love it when gary drops wisdom on unknown dudes in suits

@Surfman374 - 07.10.2019 00:14

Bravo Zulu ⚓️

@ACMUSICLATIN - 07.10.2019 00:27

Once you start producing content, you realize the work it goes into making GOOD, content. That being said, its a learning curve that forces you to improve which in turn helps you in the long run. Thanks gary!

@darranpettyfilms - 07.10.2019 01:43

Finally, it’s about being the best🙏🏻❤️

@beingpras - 07.10.2019 01:48

Patience is something that is so hard when you're hustling and putting all your efforts and NOT seeing the results..

But when you learn it with practice.. It just makes YOU dangerous.. in a good wayy!! Stop by my channel if you wish.. Hope i bring you some valuable content!! 💙🙏

@mxmnocmcho - 07.10.2019 01:50

"as it should be" -Gary vee

@DennisMHilario - 07.10.2019 01:53

Nothing is easy.

@chr1staki - 07.10.2019 03:20

Or it's meant to be easy but we make it hard? 🤔 Just jumped on TikTok today (@chr1staki) thanks to you, Gazza. It seems like fun!!!

@alexbromage8596 - 07.10.2019 04:49

Own the conversation. Brilliant.

@robertnagy8360 - 07.10.2019 08:08

a jogdijam változatlan 900 milliárd euro/havonta/csatornanként 13 év re +késedelmi kamat +80 % minden ertékesitésbol :))))))) számolási alap 170 csatorna /13 évvel:))))))))))) és igazán leszarom ha mégis túl sok nektek:))))))))))))))
és egy centet nem engedek el belole:)))))))) hiába halogatoad a kifizetést ez csak több lesz :AI:)))))))) + a google térkép számára 10 milliárd euró a kilométer ora feltüntesért járó jogdij :)))))))))))) azt akarjátok dolgozam nektek nagy csicskák:))) akkor sajnos ennyi az ára, de nincs semmi gond ha azt akarjátok ne dolgozok nektek akkor is ennyi az ára:)))))))))))) ezt is boszoptátok:)))))))) adom a nagyhatalmaknak :)))))))))) nagyhatalmak elbuknak :))))))) én pedig nyerek:)))))))) megmondtam az elején nem tudtok velem mit kezdeni:)))))))) 2 választásotok van fizetek vagy fizetek:))))))))

@mrmarshfellow - 07.10.2019 08:59

It looks like some guy got lost, asked Gary for directions and is just stuck there listening while Gary talks about social media

@AcesizOfficial - 07.10.2019 09:22


@WealthbuilderzTV - 07.10.2019 23:05

You have to work while you wait.

@grahamfrizzell7975 - 09.10.2019 00:04

This is need to know stuff. It is time to diversify. Is there scope for beer focussed media on Tik Tok, given its current captive demographic, and could someone who is legally blind utilise it? Only one way to find out I suppose. Also I’d like to point out that, reading between the lines here, the common thread among your speeches Gary is people need to set real, tangible, defined goals and outcomes beyond joining the 1%. For me, happiness and fulfilment will arrive when my writing and book sales funds my travels around Australia so I can continue writing about beer. The ultimate reward, much like you buying the Jets, for me is to visit Alesmith, The Lost Abbey and Anchorage breweries in the US, but by no means is this final. Doing my $1.80 on Insta is exhausting but it is exhilarating watching my following grow. I aim to have 10k followers within the next two years, assuming Instagram doesn’t capitulate before then, but if it does I have an already very strong presence on Facebook and it shouldn’t be too difficult building a following on Linkedin. I am absolutely loving life at the moment. Feeling the burn. It sure as shit beats the discrimination I used to face when going for call centre jobs I hated and was ultimately grossly overqualified for. And I have you to thank for helping to show me the way, The work becomes its own reward when you realise it’s not the pursuit of happiness, but it’s the happiness there is to be found in pursuit.

@HogOnWelding - 11.10.2019 12:29


@SharveshYT - 15.10.2019 13:43

Thank You Gary for inspiring me to start a YT channel

@KingstonSLim - 15.04.2020 22:00

The 2 ways Gary mentions is, either you're first on a platform, or you're the best

@katrinaruthministries - 25.05.2020 04:23

Thanks for the valuable content of growing your audience online!

@iam_Gavinb - 23.09.2020 23:30

Bruh legit did not answer the questions lol

@paulbrzeski4237 - 07.01.2021 08:30

Someone please give Gary some time to nap and get a haircut. He looks like they've just called him out of a chemo session.

Great vid tho <3

@massiveknowledge877 - 24.09.2021 14:02

Basic behind this talk =provide quality product whatever your field.

@zexonhairi7215 - 02.12.2021 11:52

"You wanna live a 1% life." Yeah thats true, but really we wanna know how to grow our brand audience LMAOO

@vasundharag9076 - 16.12.2021 15:28

i love the way he says she or he instead of the conventional he or she!!

@bonganiblacksmith6755 - 10.01.2022 08:48

I like that, "You are either the first or you are the best." 👌
