very bad video
ОтветитьWow super!!!!
ОтветитьСамый лучый ролик
ОтветитьBut what's the throughput?
ОтветитьCOAL CAM
at the end
This is truly amazing I wish I had the time and money to build something amazing as that! Awesome job keep up the good work!
Ответитьi love you
ОтветитьThe only thing I could make with LEGO was destroyed buildings from action movies.....
This is a masterful piece of engineering 😁
This is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time well done
Ответитьcan you please make me 33 hoppers out of lego
ОтветитьGreat video👍🏻
ОтветитьHi, wow very cool! I want to project something similar... Can you teach me how work the hoppers in the load/unload terminal?
ОтветитьSo many good LEGO videos on YT, but none bearable to watch because of the FU*** music!
Ответитьwow this is so coal!
ОтветитьAll my dreams in one video...
ОтветитьNO WAY! Teach US how to mamke such a thing, please!
ОтветитьI wish i could have so many trains like you do
Ответитьwhy are your trains 9 volt
Ответитьthe fails video is funny
Ответитьwhy have you put the shark in
ОтветитьI have also the shark
ОтветитьNo wonder why 9 volt discontinued their stuff because you brought them out of stock
ОтветитьJust simply fantastic ! The childhood dream of many kids of 80s years age. Congratulations to do it so funny indeed
Ответитьwow omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg..........................................................................................coooooool
This has blown me away. Have dreamt of the idea of fully automated model railways and in Lego too. Love it!!
ОтветитьЯ потрясён твоей придумкой
ОтветитьBro I remember sending my dad this vid and asking him if we could do this somehow
ОтветитьI needed an Arduino for school, i still have it in my closet
ОтветитьHow much lego bricks do they have for this?
ОтветитьExcuser moi , je n'arrive pas à aller sur le site pour voir tt le materiel que vs utiliser car le site reste introuvable
merci de me repondre
It looked like you worked hard on it
ОтветитьDoes each motor needs an ardino or all on one single arduino?
Ответитьwhy the gay porn song ?
Ответитьhow do you fully atomate 9v like this
ОтветитьHi mai names is Bruno
What this name traim?
Just amazing thanks. GET BACK TO WORK!
ОтветитьRemember this viedo from my childhood. It always dreamed to bild the same thing 😅 and as a 16 year old now I'm still trying to learn. Love these old viedo ❤
ОтветитьWhat music is this?