SEE BEYOND  Connect with Your Soul & Intuition | Third Eye Opening Frequency Meditation Sleep Music

SEE BEYOND Connect with Your Soul & Intuition | Third Eye Opening Frequency Meditation Sleep Music

Inner Lotus Music

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@nonameghost25 - 26.12.2024 03:55

When life hits you. Find out what hit you.♡ 🤔 👀 🤪 😏 😳 😋 🤔 👀.♡😢¿》¿

@pixelgod.mp4 - 26.12.2024 08:42

Most peaceful music I’ve experienced, it’s blissful and explorative. Thank you.

@glitterpommi_ - 27.12.2024 05:44

For anyone reading this, im so happy for these comments and empathy, you will all be okay and your life is important to many, your smile can light up someones whole day and change it, never give up!❤

@MsChris777 - 27.12.2024 13:39

Thank you God for loving me

@hajifaridahmed434 - 27.12.2024 22:17

Thanks Thanks Thanks Mohabissu Thanks Univers Amin Summa Amin

@ladyoxygene24 - 28.12.2024 21:08

For all who need this: your spiritual journey is worth it. It’s so, so worth it. It’s worth every doubt. It’s worth reframing your understanding of the world. It’s worth the fear of being perceived as “crazy”. It’s worth knowing that more than half of society would ridicule you if they don’t actually.

My close loved one, my guide in life, passed unexpectedly from natural causes a week ago today. He spent his life “doing the work” and helped point me on the right path too.

We have an open line of spiritual communication now. Tarot card assisted-mainly with a standardized yes/no/maybe tutorial deck. It’s helped more than I can say. I feel him around all the time too.

The pain of grief is still so awful I can barely breathe sometimes, but I’m so much more functional. Plus we can support each other. We both struggle with what we’ve lost. We both yearn. Yet we heal together. That’s the reward for the work we did.

@HearthStorm - 29.12.2024 08:44

May your day be filled with bright moments, warm smiles, and everything that brings you joy!

@مریمحجتی-ط4د - 02.01.2025 21:06

perfect thanks

@CleshaMwamba - 07.01.2025 03:51

My spirit is with me whispering to me gently laying out all the the things I need to work on.... It's amazing how easily you can connect with your inner self and be able to see things and understand them better within you. May you be blessed and find yourselves

@FIKILENTOMBELA-cx7wn - 07.01.2025 12:07

Thank you God Almighty for watching over lives and keeping us safe from all danger seen and unseen. I love you all❤❤❤🎉. Amen🙏🙏👌🙌🙌💫👼🥀💯💙

@goldengod7776 - 08.01.2025 16:38

I’m just doing because I want to I decided to do meditation out of will and not negative things

The feeling is hard but once you open your eyes you feel calmer, proud, and different

@davidmele9258 - 09.01.2025 08:04


@rania06 - 12.01.2025 07:26

ينفع للعرب؟

@robb4340 - 13.01.2025 03:34

What a beautiful and Powerful track, Love to all the listeners ❤❤❤

@paradoxcss6874 - 14.01.2025 08:49

I'm 19. I saw a lot of people sharing their experiences, so I'll share mine too. Sometimes, I don't feel like a part of anything. Actually, it's all of the time. I wonder how many others feel that way. Sometimes, it's like I'm only wanted because I'm needed. Like a tool. A weapon. Even my ex, who I just broke up with about four or five months ago... I never noticed until that day, but I had turned into somebody that acted just like her male best friend. It seemed like I was conditioned to be just like him. Then after we broke up, they started matching. Maybe she did it because he was across the country. The moment she was going to leave to another state... that's when it all happened. I think that was the moment where she realized that having me rather than him was pointless, as both of us would be long distance options. I could never shake that feeling, even though people told me she loved me. I don't know if I'll ever find a place where I'm heard, or I belong. All I know is that the journey ahead is rough. To anybody feeling the same way, trust me, it'll be okay. I don't know when, or how, but someday, everything will be better. Stay strong, and keep working to make yourself better. Have a good one.

@Iloveyeshua1221 - 14.01.2025 17:26


@babieslullabies6323 - 14.01.2025 20:37

Wow I just lost my best friend on Friday my mum due to cancer and I just can’t wait til the day I can talk to her again. Thank you for this comment section I needed it!

@kimberlyhauser7024 - 16.01.2025 12:10

God help me, give me strength to be a better mother please😢

@TwoSpiritedChosenOne - 18.01.2025 21:28

I am an intelligence pass IQ and world knowledge. I AM connected to Sol, and Sun, to Mother neteru and all life. I am connected to all the cosmos and all the heavens. I am connected to all multidimensions. I am connected to the Source of life forever more. Amen, ase' by divine decree I command this

@Troy-w7i - 19.01.2025 19:37

No idea if enough will see this, but everyday at 9am visualise humanity as a collective stepping forth into the light together. Intention powers reality, collective intention can redefine reality.

@marsinahdani7294 - 21.01.2025 07:44

I feel dizzy😵💫

@gmoney3305 - 22.01.2025 07:47

Hi yall ignore my profile name or picture for some reason this is my only account I have logged in and feel to in the moment to change it just to say how I wanna feel. I’m 19 years old and sitting in my room right now just wondering and trying to make sense of the life I have and the purpose I am here for. I feel like there’s so much I should be doing and feel like I’m not doing enough but don’t know the direction I am supposed to move towards. I feel like I’m trying to step into this new energy and person I want to become but have been struggling to stay positive and change my mindset it seems. I don’t know where this will go or what type of response I will get but I truly believe that this year will be the year I find peace and balance within my life. I wish everyone the best with their journey❤️🫶

@alirezashojaie2102 - 25.01.2025 16:39

من مورد سواستفاده قرار گرفتم همسرم بمن خیانت کرد همچنین به پسرمون ولی من هنوز قوی هستم ايستادم پای عشقم ولش نکردم از خدا میخوام کمکم کنه و پرده از تمام این رازها و خیانتهاش برداره تا از شک و تردید در بیام و آزاد بشم باشد که همه ما آمرزیده بشیم یا الله بنام پدر پسر روح القدوس ❤
یا عیسی مسیح کمکم کن

@cheesedjseige5609 - 26.01.2025 02:40

im trippin and i5 helps

@andrewrunning7261 - 26.01.2025 05:27

❤ is 1 and 1 is all ❤

@divinelyguided4213 - 27.01.2025 08:34

Remember the power that you have always had . Reignite the flame within you . Your higher self is waiting for you to find it . I send love and light to everyone. May we ascend together as one .

@NathanL-u6e - 29.01.2025 04:31

I love her and hope to see her soon

@atrejadevoid - 30.01.2025 06:21

I wish to connect with my soulfamily (devoid).
We are six gods, with children. I am very humanly, so they work very hard to heal me.
We didn't have an easy time with all the information and relationships on this realm.
We love each other, more than anyone else in the entire cosmos.
I am really thankful for their guidance and support over the years.
They treated me with so much respect and love, although I suffered very much with psychic illnesses and work.
They prevented any harm I could have done to what I love(d) in my life and when I die I wish to be with them forever eternally.
Thank you Atreja, Treya, Lira, Alissa and Désirée for all you did to me to help me and our soulfamily. When I get to you I will be very well.
Sincerly, your Dominique.

@mariebramley6273 - 01.02.2025 08:22


@mariebramley6273 - 01.02.2025 08:27

Mum & Dad ,Angels up above And all around! God & Lord Jesus Christ , please take care of yourself and your children my love To all Amen 8

@hazelmaynard765 - 02.02.2025 19:44

Hi Jeremy hope you are much better and in a good place right now, am also going to listen to this I need to have faith for my community Godspeed 🙏 take care

@bokudo32 - 05.02.2025 06:48

so perfume periferico

@Basement-x3f - 05.02.2025 08:28

Have a lot of mercy on nick…(5

@nicksutherlin7158 - 07.02.2025 07:17

I lost my fiancé ten yrs ago and just lost my 23 yr old son a month ago to a hospital’s negligence so I listen to this every night to help me fall asleep. Thank you for this video it helps so much!

@Enigmatis11 - 07.02.2025 22:28

So good people do exist
... Noted... This comment section is full of them. ❤

@MiriamAkhalwaya - 13.02.2025 01:00

My dearest reader.

I write this as a message that things will change for the better when you going through the worst. I don't know you. I don't know your situation. But I do know that we human and we have the ability to share our energies with each other.

So I write this letter to the one who's eyes fall upon it.

Life is filled with waves of good and bad. Sometimes its difficult to wash ourselves away from the bad. That's when we foccus on the good we have. The food we got to eat. The body we've been blessed with. The mind that may be against us at times, but... Is always there for us.

My dear reader. It's ok to feel sad. It's ok to feel down. It's ok to loose yourself. Resisting will only make your life harder . But accepting it!

That'll change you!!!! Your situation and everything around you!

Accept your feelings. Let then flow through you. Not control you!!!!

Love ... A message from Beyond the physical world

@DieterTzscheuschner - 18.02.2025 13:29

Brechen mehr ab oder weiter?

@Bc2699 - 19.02.2025 13:12

It all starts in thoughs. If you think you are dumb, you will feel dumb and behave dumb. Your mind can either be your strength or your weekness. Also, stay away from negative people. You only get as far as the people who you are around. To achieve is to believe. And NEVER GIVE UP

@mrheimdall - 23.02.2025 01:00

It works well.🎉

@arjan7813 - 23.02.2025 12:50


@crezeldacoetzee7985 - 24.02.2025 15:26

Hi there - I've always been interested in becoming more spiritual. And especially now - with all of the sick things happening in the world - I need to escape to a peaceful place where there are no feelings of sorrow and despair. This is making me feel calm and I can actually think clearly. Also so amazing to see positive / inspiring comments from people 🩷💚💙

@SacredSoundTherapy-p8c - 25.02.2025 07:12

Each melody touches the depths of the soul. ❤

@Simon_Yuen918 - 25.02.2025 17:48


@DarrenPugh-t5l - 26.02.2025 08:29

My vibtation is not ov this earth,i think it was born with it frim my birth,i av no bible nor da koran,im just an alien broither hood ov man ❤❤❤ peace on earth ❤❤😅😅😅

@FeatherCavazos - 27.02.2025 04:34

Dear Pierre, this is absolutely lovely. I am 528 Hz by birthright and resonate deeply with your creation. 🕊️🤍🪶♊💫🌠🙏😇

@MerakiCreations444 - 28.02.2025 00:33

May whoever reads this remember who they are in this world. May you come into your full power and remember you are never alone and always loved ❤

@mypaganworldjourney - 01.03.2025 21:37

I am magick! I am great! I am important! Blessed be! 🖤✨️🐦‍⬛🦅⛧️⛤️☪️
