Australian Special Forces || "The Cutting Edge"

Australian Special Forces || "The Cutting Edge"

Moura Graphics

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@eccmassive9641 - 14.06.2019 02:50

High Speed 247. Sleep is the cousin of death

@MALINSKY82RUS - 30.06.2019 12:12


@angushall9976 - 12.07.2019 02:37

These are the people I look up to.

@ison5622 - 05.08.2019 09:40

rap is shit ... this needed led zep.

@feral3678 - 26.11.2019 15:26

What song?

@mrkarlos6536 - 07.12.2019 08:52


@sidheshpatil7120 - 15.02.2020 03:36

Fantastic music. I wonder how many from within the "special forces" worship and seek hope & blessings from "Jesus"!

@ProAverageGuy - 05.05.2020 03:20

i'm here, after watching a member of Aussie SAS executing an unarmed civilian..

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 07.11.2020 07:55

It's my life so I may as well take care of everything starting with the
United Nations, Nato, and every other country on planet earth in our
global sustainability infrastructure that provides me with all these
luxuries in life. It's my life so if I suggest something governments
better listen to me as it has to do with implementing change to ensure
this creation of life's survival and better conquering our extinction.
so don't get in my way of ensuring our species survival and you will all
pay your dues and obligations to the specie your all part of, as that
obligation you have was given to you the moment you were born into the
human race, their ain't no free rides you must contribute in some form
or another and your contribution has to be constructive towards our

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 08.11.2020 02:31

come with me now on a ride of educating you about the reality of your existence on this planet.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 08.11.2020 02:48

every time I take a life I see it as a case scenario of where I have failed a human being

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 14.11.2020 06:00

I belong where my survival dictates that I be.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 14.11.2020 09:45

Can we still be saved? Well sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and do what it takes to learn the knowledge required to save yourself and by doing so you shine a light for others to do the same irrespective of how difficult it is. By collectively saving ourselves we in turn save ourselves together where we stand on our own and don't need saving by anyone.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 01.12.2020 02:43

I guess people should know people like police, civilian government and
civilians that an attack on the military is like an attack on our specie
mass survival.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 01.12.2020 02:45

I guess if I was to fight and possibly die for something it would be to protect military personnel and Military Government

@greyhairedmonster84 - 01.12.2020 16:39

Good job.

@sidheshpatil7120 - 05.03.2021 17:02

- Coronavirus (a lethal WMD) fucked over Australia with such great ease.
- Prime Minister Scott Morrison, got egged at with such great ease.
- John Cantwell wrote a novel on PTSD, with such great ease.
- Man Haron Monis, a terrorist under watch, went around procuring firearm and killing people with such great ease.

And there are a whole comprehensive litany of "such great ease" about ADF and allied agencies.

That is the shitty legacy!

@nikkisims8656 - 06.05.2021 02:21


@kendopa9604 - 09.07.2021 06:39

They have been killing many innocent muslim Arabs people in the middle east and Afganistan.

@DianaKazimiera- - 25.09.2021 14:22

Respect 🇦🇺 from 🇵🇱🦅.All the best and good luck Australian Special Forces 🕊️

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 30.03.2022 16:42

Why dont you all go shove your cognitive radio right up your arse you
cunts are fucked so what your all saying is you all want to live like
automated robots where your decisions are fed to you via a cognitive
radio frequency from a local antena transmitting on 2.4Ghz and 5G Voip
signals that have been integrated with your theta and gamma brain waves?
Is this what you governments and corporates are saying?

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 30.03.2022 16:44

why no body is prepared to die for something? what you got rocks in your head that is not how you win wars.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 30.03.2022 17:58

cognition hey? are you serious what turn 7.8 billion human beings into
automated machines to be programmed to execute a task, and receive all
their decision making by a radio cognitive signal via
2.4Ghz and 5G Voip signal frequencies that have been integrated with
the theta and gamma frequency function in the human brain? Are you all
serious what just so that a few live like their what? like they own the human specie ooooo let me tell you i think blood is going to fucking run......................every human that lives has the damn right to self determine themselves and has the right to be in charge of their own cognitive awareness.........but this radio cognition network is going to turn human beings into no more than zombified brainless programed organic machines executing a program just to perform a task that is it.........this is so not happening. but I loved how you all carefully chose your word associations so that on superficial reading it means nothing and hides the adgenda but when you read all the documents down to the little details it shows the real truth on how you plan to create cyclic cognitive program in the human mind so that the Model Human Processor (MHP) as you all put it runs on an automated process where its decision making is happening from the local transmitting tower that has recieved the signal from that particular human brain via its own frequency functioning right after all how many EEG testing have you all done to determine this.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 30.03.2022 18:02

so yeah the other day too i identified what one would call Logic defining and definition terrorism to the point their educating people how to manipulate mathematical logic

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 31.03.2022 06:28

The cutting edge.........hmmmmm all I say is see lot of sloppy work here there.....not too many put initiative in the work they do

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 31.03.2022 12:00

You know im wondering why my parents gave birth to me into this human machine called life all it equates to is pain, what did i ever do to them. We chained to each other. Sometimes just want the exit so i dont have to put up with its pain this machine of human flesh.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 31.03.2022 13:23

Look at us prisoners to ourselves by all the trinkets we make and our lust for them with forever chasing money to attain them in this economy. And what do many do to attain these trinkets, that includes Government? And others just want to make more machines of flesh. But life goes on, or maybe it doesnt whom knows.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 03.04.2022 03:32

You know im starting to ask myself if people have come after me simply because im a descendant of family members from my parents generation that may have comitted actions that they want revenge from on their children like me. After all i am dealing with possible ancestors whom have commited acts of torture during war time and have been courtmarshled for it. But if this is the case what does that have to do with me. I hope people are not coming after the children of family names that have commited acts of torture and war crimes from world war 2 days onwards or earlier.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 29.04.2022 21:05

Im slowly recovering from the verge of death and visiting with the Grim Reaper and Im only coming back harder and yes you could say I know just a little bit more than this countries leader and prime minister scott morrison together with his governor general

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 30.04.2022 11:25

All i know is the Grim Reaper tries to hold me back but the grim reaper has one war on his hands with me.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 01.05.2022 09:43

Are those holes your burying the dead in are those corpses your burying australian police forces members? No damn

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 07.05.2022 05:58

So information warfare hey Major General Susan Coyle how about we dispense with all that shit and just do it old school physical carnage and bloodshed. Cause this place were just slaves in a finacial prison and when the labour we offer has expired and cant do it anymore we are left behind for dead. So really what do i have to loose but a jail cell i live in were sold as a so called home.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 10.05.2022 02:56

Like this illusion and conjob you keep your slaves in the mud pits with in australia where they remain your slaves and dont flee your mud pits whilst well your king and slave masters dont lift a fingure yeah right goverment they manage things and look after us keep giving em medicare boys keep em alive in those mudpits as long as possible working so we dont. And give em mental health psychiatrist to dose em up mentally so if they figure it out we fuck their brains and can keep em still a slave as basic stuff as a zombie

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 11.05.2022 11:06

Fuck this country passed marriage equality laws, im sitting at home letting just a few know about my sexuality not going out exposing it as bait and fuck its coming to my home attacking me what of others out their no wonder their suicides rates are fucking climbing.

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 11.05.2022 22:57

Yes but human beings had a flaw when they were made i suppose how were we prevented from consuming the earth in a month with nothing left to consume for the remainder 11 months till the earth could replenish those resourses so we were given economy and money as a restriction to how fast we could consume which is why we never have enough and forever chase it. Unfortunately you humans worked out a way around it so it seems a few other restrictions were added. Due to how far you have all bred as well these religions you all follow only allow hetrosexualism

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 12.05.2022 18:05

So tell me Australia few years back the banks in Greece well invested a lot of well money here in in this country so tell me what is this place doing to come good to well those board of directors that invested in this place here hey?

@christosantonopoulos2018 - 19.05.2022 01:51

Australian Special Forces hey hows that going for ya? Ya winning? Oi by the way whats ah collecting blood free selling by litre and taxing everyones income on top fuckung you cunts raping eberyone listen ah thinking all these criminals might start learning from you as ah you take the gold medal.

@robbotaylor8717 - 11.09.2022 13:40

Megan Fox Australia Australian special forces produce for me please

@robbotaylor8717 - 11.10.2022 02:39

SDM loss

@robbotaylor8717 - 16.11.2022 15:17

If the KC 135 come to Australia I want them interrgito I'm Australian navy deden navy recruiter and in form the Afghanistan that my life is in grace danger and

@robbotaylor8717 - 19.12.2022 12:53

Byran bay raids Si du hextA Robby Si amagias amigo Si Lao dula Byron bay 716234 peace du hextA rabbi

@robbotaylor8717 - 19.12.2022 12:54

Sasr T Roy contact diaga ecko alapaha ecko to plicoe

@robbotaylor8717 - 11.02.2023 05:06

Hello daddy love you heaps your wife misses you alot PS Timothy on the Coffs Harbour moon is trying to kill me contact special forces USA special operations and orginise a deployment for him for the area 51 military he is a meanie

@robbotaylor8717 - 11.02.2023 05:08

Stay alliences with Afghanistan special forces the Iran special forces are friends

@robbotaylor8717 - 26.02.2023 04:02

Russians have declared war

@robbotaylor8717 - 22.03.2023 10:27

Hello Australian special forces I'm getting a deployment to the USA airforce Nevada area 51 I'm Soo proud of all of you have a good day / night on the battlefield best of luck wish me luck my visa was accepted by CIA have a good day

@FFFfortyeight - 17.05.2024 23:12

Look at the stock. Anglo Saxon Celtic. Says it all.

@mariodavis5619 - 13.06.2024 04:36

🛟 I if in trouble know will come get us John 17: 17 kjv from 🧹 🪄 Montgomery Alabama USA

@SalmanovGadzhimurad-pj9qq - 09.07.2024 03:13

Дедушка Клаус Ш. живее всех живых:Население должно быть принужденно к сотрудничеству

@SalmanovGadzhimurad-pj9qq - 06.11.2024 10:25

Про этих юмористов …я из верующей исламский семьи но обвинить могут только в Госизмена в России…про юмористов из России и Украины
