Sean Kelly: Existentialism, Nihilism, and the Search for Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast #227

Sean Kelly: Existentialism, Nihilism, and the Search for Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast #227

Lex Fridman

2 года назад

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@dividenddan - 13.12.2023 21:02

Jesus is king ❤

@abdul8685 - 07.12.2023 23:25

Ian Rand is not influencial, Her books arnt that popular (outside of conservative and libertarian circles). But the main reason why she doesnt make it on to any lists is because she was horriblly wrong about almost every thing. Like very wrong, painfully wrong, about a great many things. She is fround upon in academic philosohpy because she is not a philosopher, she is a novalist/writer. She also contradicted herself, which is a fatal mistake within academic philosophy. The greats that make it on the list dont contradict themselves. SHe failed to realize or address the inherent, deep rooted issues with capatilism that make it unsustainable. She did not consider the discoveries made in psychololgy which might have informed her that her free will might not be that free. At the end of the day, she presents as a not so serious thinker, or a pseudointellectual that is nothing more than an apologist for capitalism and corpratism

@troubadour0663 - 04.12.2023 11:48

Is he on meds? Or downers?

@hlsmith1853 - 26.11.2023 20:55

Imagine being an intelligent female reading Nietzsche when published. Imagine being a female in the first 100 years of the RELIGION called Buddhism. I'm never going to beg to get into a boys' club, and when I'm granted access, I'll decline. (Guess who is cooking and cleaning while the monks in a Nepalese temple meditate. Guess who is dropped off at the temple at age 5 to become educated, and guess who is kept at home to work and have babies.) I always say, women must be too busy for meditation, or maybe we just don't need it like men do. 😏

@KristinP-zi2dj - 24.11.2023 14:02

I hate your plastic water bottle! xoxo de beauvoir

@user-yv4gg7jb2f - 20.11.2023 20:45


@Ljosi - 17.11.2023 11:58

Choices are influenced by genetics and environment so no one is responsible for their choices. A taliban kid that is raised to kill infidels will kill infidels, for him it would be a sin not to kill them - so he can't be accused as evil, in his mind he is doing good. Are his parents evil - no, because they have also been raised by their parents to be like that.. ad infinitum. Radical freedom does not exist. Outside of quantum physics, absolute determinism is the only logical truth

@jackreacher. - 15.11.2023 17:29

When A.I. claims to have created a masterpiece of art, we'll let the dogs out. They will run the gamut. When that first tear wells up in A.I.'s eye... is it scripted and ultimately random?

@MzCR73 - 14.11.2023 16:41

Lex you are so sexy when you speak Russian! 😉

@dontknow434 - 14.11.2023 09:17

Thank you

@amaraofmechanical8246 - 13.11.2023 22:47

USA:: we invite professor for podcast.
India: We invite morons 😂

@josebarrocas8570 - 06.11.2023 15:32

What is for you Existencialism?Sarte say's...FOR U NOT SARTE

@letdaseinlive - 27.10.2023 23:13

To say the truth, the "Lex" guy seems way more thoughtful than the Dreyfus buddy. 😢

@mitscientifica1569 - 27.10.2023 08:45

Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.

—-Albert Camus

@charliebrownlives1348 - 26.10.2023 20:18

Greek philosophy destroys existentialism.... sounds nice though

@athanasia6766 - 21.10.2023 18:57

Doesnt matter. The open borders are taking in ppl from all over the world with no verification and no court date for 6+ years and worker visas. Look, this is a scheme from DONORS to lower wages. Obviously. But since we arent vetting ppl, not requiring any ID, terrorists and criminals are getting in. South American gangs are already breaking and entering homes in mass.
Why this doesnt matter is Biden is going to declare martial law bc of actions of illegals and probably a planned war because of the situation with Israel.
Students are protesting in favor of Hamas! If these students are so deranged as to support a terrorist group that murders and kidnaps, then they can also easily be radicalized. The far left is going to be the end of Anerica. I used to be a Progressive. And I still am on some economic issues like donors issues and corporate control of the government , but the trans activists are violent and misogynistic as hell. They attack any womens group that speaks against ugh, science, facts, truth.....
I CAN'T BELIEVE liberals are for this mess!
Live and let live but don't demand everyone changes their language to sooth the vanity of a militant tiny minority. It's insanity! Its ALL insanity.

The results of progressive policies have led to destruction and crime in every single city they run. It was a nice idea if ppl were all honest and good, but once you grow up, you realize allot of ppl are just plain evil and always up to no good. It just is. Second chance, yes! Third, forth, that!

These guys are losing ppl daily bc of radical positions and the 'all white ppl bad bullsh*t'. It's RACISM. Its literally straight up racism. It's disgusting when ANYONE does it. It's disgusting when anyone tries to control another's speech. What this nation has fallen God! I thought it was bad under Trump... basically because he annoyed me, always has since that interview in the back of the limo way back when with him, of course, bragging on himself.🙄😒
I had no idea how bad it could get with not only social madness but money is freaking scarce. My standard of living is 'broke'.

I still think Trump is a narcissistic moron, and a mistake. We need new young blood. I think how much this country/ tech has changed since the 70's and i cant image being born in the 40's! Did they have refrigerators??😅

Biden has nearly ruined this country. Inflation is overwhelming us all. Prices have increased 50% on popular items. Its impossible , ESPECIALLY for the poor! I'm disabled and I have to live off $900 a month because they lied about the inflation rate for SS. They L I E D lied! I dont trust anything Biden says, or his handlers.

And they behaved despicably in this interview! Good luck getting anyone else to talk to you. LoL ...just sad.

@Writeous0ne - 19.10.2023 15:36

he brings up determinism vs free will many times but i do not agree with his end game. someone who does not believe in free will does not avoid all responsibility, it's just that any responsibility we take was not a choice it was destiny.

@leestringer - 14.10.2023 13:19

Wow, I'm only now realizing that a full season of The Sinner was based on those two young nihilists he spoke about

@miaconnolly6691 - 13.10.2023 06:20

This was sooo good!!! ❤️

@SacredDreamer - 12.10.2023 01:40

I'm just popping on to share the only knowledge I had - Ishmael is the son of Sarahs Egyptian Handmaiden Hagar, whom Sara despised.
Abraham also had 6 sons to Keteruh - The Perfumed one - Median, Joktan, Zimran, .. (that's all I can remember)

@timemanagementisinvesting - 10.10.2023 18:11


@ohfft - 09.10.2023 01:29

Lex what you were saying about how one language loses the values other languages brings,can be seen and understood, when we have the right concept of how and why languages have a connection.
Meanings are imported from one language to another through words because of the importance they carry.
A port, or an opening to look out of is also the place ships leave from to take their important cargo from and to.
The greater spiritual reality is being mimicked through the wrong use of words, that causes this disconnect in diferent languages. Truth actually expresses itself very directly going straight to the right place. Just as the word express infers.

@ohfft - 09.10.2023 01:09

The claim that God demands, contradicts what free will means! A reponse is always the answer we give to hearing the question being asked!
Our abilities to answer are determined by what we can hear, not just with our ears, but with all our senses.

@ohfft - 09.10.2023 00:47

Sadly the thoughts of these so called philosophical experts, who tried to come up with their own limited versions of truth, while being locked into these limited veiwpoints, have little to offer. The smple acknowledgement that The Creator of everything that exists, will by the nature of how creation exists. Will always be outside of created existence, meaning that anyone within creation, will not be able to see beyond the creation they are within, so can not expect to see The Creator in a place They will not be.
To assume this physical uni-verse is the make up of everything that exists, is nieve at best.
It is like saying our own speech is the only sound out there, because thats is all that is being heard by our ears.

@monstaincity8219 - 08.10.2023 17:55

Contour of role

@trvst5938 - 07.10.2023 04:27

“Existence precedes essence.” When he mentions it has a longer history he is right. I can’t help but think of Nietzsche’s “Thus spoke Zarathustra.” Man is the rope between beast and Ubermensch. We must emerge for this phase of man made gods to find true meaning in our existence as a species. But if anyone has any other ideas 🫡

@cutnslide - 06.10.2023 01:21

"i dont know if you're familiar with chess"... jesus

@The_Invisible_Man - 02.10.2023 22:13

The part about the Irish and James Joyce was BS… like a lot of the podcast actually.

@harisubramanian4165 - 01.10.2023 10:45

Lex doa podcast with Slavoj zizek

@MrPittsSox - 30.09.2023 21:03

Great episode !

Are the humans becoming more computer? Is that called Autism ?

@BiggestEnergy - 30.09.2023 06:30

I thought Sarte was on the money before you introduced the german philosopher

@sanakan1337 - 27.09.2023 23:34

mh. from what i took with me, i want to point out that nihilists seem to have a very nice idea of how others are feeling.

@Eyobworku-jp6vz - 27.09.2023 22:05

For sartre freedom is what u do with what happens for u

@nazguess - 24.09.2023 18:46

Lex is one of the best russian propagandest out there.

Just look at the art of pshing (little by little) russian writers, their ideas. Ideas that led to development of Russian people that are engaging in atrocious acts of violence.

Though, he may say that he's sorry for everything that's going on in Ukraine and he would blame putin for it, but not the culture and not the population, that represent collective putin.

Yeah, but let's praise the ideologysts and "best" writers of that nation that influence the people of putin to create the acts of genocide of the neighborly nation the one that sometimes they call brothers.

@lesliebrown6378 - 23.09.2023 05:55

Camus had the invincible summer the moment as the burden of the rock rolled away and before he needed to shoulder the rock again this is the main of sysiphus

@giantplantofweed6061 - 18.09.2023 02:31

Also „grund“ means cause and motive

@WikiPeoples - 17.09.2023 20:39

So interesting that you can listen to an almost 3 hour discussion about the deepest philosophical ideologies and still walk away feeling like it was a waste of time and no ground was gained. All of these high level platitudes are just dancing around real conversation... It's too abstract and thereby unrelatable to actually existing and living in the world. A form of art to be sure but practically useless for anything else.

@thesavage9549 - 16.09.2023 17:38

What is this guy talking about? He really talks a lot of bullshit

@WikiPeoples - 15.09.2023 07:40

I was so glad to see Lex mention that his love of life is largely genetic. You're lucky man, your very existence is joyous and that's probably one of the luckiest things you can have.

@NeelSandellISAWESOME - 14.09.2023 16:19

I just watched this podcast, and it seems like Lex dosen't know what he's talking about at all. Am I missing something or all these comments just bots?

@lemon-yi6yh - 06.09.2023 05:54

I don't say this to be toxic, but it would have been much better if you talked 3 hours about Schopenhauer. You talked about writers but there was little philosophy.

@NoidoDev - 31.08.2023 18:40

Maybe "Martin Heidegger" but certainly all these Marxists which denied being Existentialists. Mostly French... Okay, NEXT!

@oswurth8774 - 26.08.2023 07:54

I heard from a friend he talks about the old roman gods briefly in here? If anyone has a timestamp please drop it below

@beenright5115 - 07.08.2023 22:23

Nice!! I've been joking about doing this for years! For some reason i thought this was impossible at home without access to a mill.
Definitely checking the other video out!

@matheusishihara3168 - 07.08.2023 00:26

Im currently reading brothers Karamazov and I didn’t want spoilers, so I hat to jump half of the podcast 😅. Im comming back tho when I over whith the book.
