The Story of Salvatore Moreau EXPLAINED! All Hidden Lore - Resident Evil Village

The Story of Salvatore Moreau EXPLAINED! All Hidden Lore - Resident Evil Village

VGS - Video Game Sophistry

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@ChristopherLanier-bk8le - 28.11.2023 04:57

Why do I feel bad for him.

@IidosGamingDen - 24.11.2023 23:22

Moreau is really pitiful. Yes, he did terrible things, but the game implies that he doesn't even have the mental capacity to understand the suffering his experiments caused. He did everything out of a childlike desire to please his "mother". Even in his boss fight, he just wants to impress her so she will love him, and given how out of control his mutation was by that point, he was no doubt in constant physical agony.

@deadinside1777 - 08.11.2023 11:12

Before I knew what he did I felt so bad but now knowing what he did I don’t feel as bad

@randombluemonster1549 - 15.10.2023 19:28

Moreau is probably the most tragic RE8 ‘Villain’ because he didn’t want to become a grotesque, acid-filled beast, he just wanted to live a lovely life…

I feel bad for him. :(

@inovade - 10.09.2023 12:18

really? i never notice he was watching tv with cheese

@Toasteeee22 - 24.07.2023 18:57

Moreau was honestly the most disgusting vile creature I have seen, he is a combination of all things I hate, body horror and vomit, but I can’t help but feel and for the guy, in fact, I might even sit down and join him for soap opera and cheese

@cmac8722 - 18.07.2023 14:48

"you're stupid, you talk too much" I couldn't agree more. What is the point in sneaking up and taking the flask quietly to then talk to Moreau and tell him what you're doing? Stupid Ethan, take the flask and sneak off 🤦‍♂🤦‍♂🤦‍♂🤦‍♂

@voyagersmarch8776 - 15.05.2023 10:36

"You're stupid. You talk to much."

"I'll be taking this."

He's right

@user-zo4np6wd9s - 09.05.2023 11:17

Top video and game and story and you and Salvator Moreau!

@YannMetalhead - 29.04.2023 02:53

Good video.

@YannMetalhead - 29.04.2023 01:23

Good video.

@abdu8359 - 25.04.2023 23:17

Like many others, I felt bad for this dude. The way he has to walk and the idle look on his face convey the loneliness he feels and the neglect he's experienced. All in an effort to please someone who doesn't love nor care for him back. His longing dialogues coupled with his distorted voice only added to our perception of his misery. The scene of him eating cheese made me feel the worst, he's distracting himself from the negativity he experiences daily. When I think about that scene in particular and his background, I start to feel for the dude.

Unfortunately for him, we have to get Rose back, and he just so happens to have a jar. Which forces us to steal from him, sending him into a state of panic at the possibility of upsetting Mother Miranda and being ridiculed once more by the other lords. Glad he's out of his misery, but shit man.

@MrKakuzukun - 30.03.2023 15:04

Notice how monreu out of the pair that bickers, he laughs with heisenberg, maybe a potential idea of this was monreu would also side with heisenberg.

Imagine what would have happened if heisenberg was simply kind to the dumb fish man, he might have turned on miranda.

I dunno, just I feel like if they are a family, monreu is the idiot sibling that everyone underestimates but when backed into a corner...

@Butternose24 - 24.03.2023 08:27

I felt bad for him the minute he begged me to give him the item back because the others will laugh at him 😂 it was sad reading his journal. You can see his obvious thirst for acceptance and love but nevertheless he had to go like the rest 🤷🏽‍♀️.

@michaelmoore1627 - 22.03.2023 06:42

I'm surprised you didn't mention the jersey guy that turns into a fish monster and is its Tongue in re5

@applekhi3962 - 11.03.2023 17:45

Idk why but I loved Moreau I think it's cuz he's an example of why having a cadou on the inside isn't a gift and can be curse and honestly I like fish monsters

@janka4820 - 04.03.2023 18:46

''he was found alone, watching romance movies and eating a large block of cheese''

@greenghoul157 - 22.01.2023 05:53

What a miserable character, you just want to give him cheese, the fish simp deserved better than this

@jamescroxton1247 - 17.01.2023 03:57

‘In death as he was in life… disgusting’ cracks me up everytime. I didn’t feel sorry for killing Moreau. He was twisted, sadistic and psychotic. All the villagers he harmed with his Cadou experiments. It was only fitting that he was the most grotesque of them all. His feeble mindedness and the need of others approval made me want to kill him from the get go. He’s pathetic. He wanted power but he lost all of his own power, down to his very own body. 😂

@kay18ke - 12.01.2023 16:28


@roofkorean2664 - 07.01.2023 05:22

I feel bad for Moreau to be fully honest, such a sad existence

@Buuter_Cat - 23.12.2022 04:38


.....I'll just be taking this...

@realafah - 29.11.2022 21:42

I really do feel bad for him. I know he continued to conduct experiments of people, but that was after he was turned and Miranda really got in his head and made him an obedient child. I really can’t fault him for that. Hell, the man he was BEFORE doesn’t exist anymore so I can’t even use the faults that version of him did.

And I found it interest for Heisenberg to say that to Moreau. He’s comforting him and making him feel better about his place, meanwhile Miranda doesn’t even care.
He says mean things about moreaus appearance to us, but it’s more like he’s mad Miranda turned them into this. He might act a bit aggressive towards him at times, but it comes off more like a sibling thing.

It’s just strange out of ALL the members, it was him who tried to make Moreau feel better. It just gives me an impression that, even though he hated being a part of this, they he saw some as family on the basis that they were suffering the same fate as him. They were put in a place they didn’t ask for and put through pain they didn’t deserve.
Which makes me even more upset that Ethan’s only solution was to kill everyone. Lady D I think was a must no doubt, but everyone else was so tragic.

@oppai9611 - 28.11.2022 03:46

Even heisenberg a freak himself called moreau a freak

@sethmacmillan4801 - 13.11.2022 11:24

Besides Lady D I love this character too

@ImBarelyMe - 03.11.2022 11:50

The intriguing part about Moreau is that all the fan art of his possible looks before is depressing and beautiful, the idea that he suffered a fate worse than death, I imagine that as he was being brutally mutated, he was believed dead and thrown to the murky depths just to suffer a worser pain from the fish around him being pulled into his body, his flesh tearing apart, crawling painfully from the water witnessing the woman he desired as his body throbs and engulfs her to his mouldy corpse, forced to drag the soul of his love and corpses of dozens of fish in and on him, hearing her screams echo in his head, until the only attention gained was by Miranda and his desperation for love was satisfied by her, grooming him to a mess of a ragged being desperate to please her

@roshango125ab - 27.10.2022 08:05

how ironic, Heisenberg was the one who hated Miranda for what she did to his body despite looking the most human of the 4, while Moreau basically worshiped her despite being the one who was the most negatively impacted by her experiments.

@calebwhitetheawoken - 26.09.2022 06:23

Monroe just wants to make Miranda proud and proof others wrong

@rumeodibo3361 - 21.09.2022 23:20

Why experiment on males to be a vessel for your daughter?

@twinkiesauce1852 - 14.09.2022 05:31

I hated this part of the game cause he really didn’t deserve to die. He like everyone else was trying to impress and listen to his “mother”. And Ethan being cocky this whole game was pissing me off. Like dude you are talking to literal gods. RUNNNN😐

@MichelleGeren - 02.09.2022 04:22

I feel bad for Moreau but I’m sorry I was gagging the whole time while looking at him🤢

@SomethingAboutSashimi - 09.08.2022 16:53

Hehe, tummies

Yeah Moreau is definitely one of the most childish Villains in RE history

I don't know a lot of RE, so if there are more characters that is a more extreme version of Moreau in personality, tell me

@hwheelez24 - 05.08.2022 22:05

I feel we all need to stop for a second, just to admire how amazing Jessie's performance was as Moreau

@oOTheMastaOo240 - 26.07.2022 19:11

Ppl say this is their least favorite part, but I think he had the best boss fight and I like how the story progresses during his part

@gokumui1984 - 25.07.2022 11:02

Moreau I eat my cheese by the block. 👌

@dmittleman9757 - 21.07.2022 20:08

I feel like Moreau was a lot of wasted potential (how poetic, given his character). The idea of fusing him with the body and possibly mind of a woman he loved sounds SO cool.
Plus, it also makes an excuse for Ethan getting stuck in the reservoir without being goaded into a conversation. The woman sees him while Moreau’s back is to him and that alerts Moreau to block the exit.

@krixxset2214 - 15.07.2022 15:17

Leave him alone to eat his BLOQ o cheese.

@Sapphias - 10.07.2022 23:45

Moreaus final form looks a lot like the creature from The Host (2006), which is pretty neat.

@Armorhunterash - 05.07.2022 04:36

I feel I may be the only one who thinks this but he sounds like Uncle Blob from a show I used to watch called 321 penguins.

@FireBomberBassist - 04.07.2022 04:58

“I’m not stupid” “Mother help me.” this poor guy. Definitely a mercy kill.

@cherokeefit4248 - 29.06.2022 23:46

I’m fighting this guy on the second hardest difficulty and I’m stuck lol taking a J break

@shibitoobscura3348 - 25.06.2022 11:37

Here's another twisted and cruel detail about Moreau's name:
- "Moreau" sounds a lot like "Morue", which is French for "Cod fish", but is also an insult we say to someone who is very ugly (usually a woman, since the term is feminine). When you call someone a "morue", you basically call them an "ugly bitch".

@itsonevideoc1675 - 23.06.2022 14:10

"I should be with her. Not you"
When I first heard that line, I just thought he meant the obvious. Moreau wanted to be with Miranda at that moment and not Ethan... Now that I know what Heisenberg told Ethan, I wonder if Moreau knew about it too (I'm vague about it to keep the spoilers to a minimum).

@user-vk1fu2cx6f - 04.06.2022 19:55

Ethan is a mushroom.

@user-vk1fu2cx6f - 04.06.2022 19:55

Ethan is a mushroom.
