How To Have The Perfect Start in Baldur's Gate 3 | Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Launch BG3

How To Have The Perfect Start in Baldur's Gate 3 | Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Launch BG3


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zaandamdog - 21.09.2023 14:45

Iam at ps5 i want to reset my character when iam done i see custom and below confirm i click on that nothing happens ???
Please can somebody help me

Sparky Panda
Sparky Panda - 21.09.2023 00:18

I always see people say don’t turn on traps in crypt but taking one person hugging the sides on the second pillar is a button to turn all the traps off. I never see anyone say that. They always suggest to finagle their way through the traps.

Another is that they never talk about the hatch on the right hand side without fighting the people above the crypt. Lock pick and you are in the room next to Withers. I never see anyone talk about the legit easiest of ways but how to struggle through and hope everything is ok.

Audien - 18.09.2023 23:32

turned it off when i had to watch 2 back to back fifteen sec ads with no skip

Local Man
Local Man - 18.09.2023 00:41

I'm playing a as bard, so i don't think I'm going to be very good at spotting traps. can you control another member of the party that has good perception?

Local Man
Local Man - 17.09.2023 23:28

I made a Wood Elf Bard called "Elvis Deadly" that will dip into Fighter and Rogue for a couple of levels. Going with the dual Crossbow style. I was going to stay Pure Bard and go with a Longbow build (as I heard the dance you get at level 10 is awesome for stylin' on the opponent) but the whole multiclass thing just seems to interesting to me, not to do it on my first go.

I will try and take out these guys in the intro, to get the best start. Will likely try without the barrels to start with, as you can do a fair bit with the right spells, apparently. Keep the Mindflayer alive to fight everything, while making the Devils attacks far less.

TK McClone
TK McClone - 15.09.2023 08:59

I would rather pluck out my eyeball than watch this video before my first playthrough.

Michael Klein
Michael Klein - 15.09.2023 06:53

Loot all the skelys in the crypt and when they wake the won't have any weapons or anything lol. And you're right. Withers dislogvoptions all have the exact same outcome. Doesn't change anything in game at any point

peter la anguila
peter la anguila - 12.09.2023 02:32

Thanks for the video but this is just too much info

Nitro Axis
Nitro Axis - 11.09.2023 00:02

I really want to get into this game. But I know nothing and it really feels like a chore learning about it. They did a terrible job at introducing new players

Devilgib - 10.09.2023 06:23

I recruited Karlach without Will cos I lost access to her on my 1st run, if you LR before going to him in the grove he just comes to your camp.

Harronator -
Harronator - - 07.09.2023 13:33

The true best start summed up: Dwarf max to victory, Dwarven supremacy. Play dwarf ranger, get animal companion for bear, because bears are cool. Get mage with thunderwave, get rogue with minor illusion and invisibility. Cast invisibility on mage position mage by an instant death drop, cast minor illusion in front of mage, quicksave, thunderwave the goblin leaders off the map for free xp

Mo As
Mo As - 06.09.2023 23:25

Don’t tip me just show me what to do and what to choose ffs

Shortcake - 06.09.2023 08:33

Well I did everything but it didn’t help me reach level two yet once I went to the beach scene.

Richard Sleeve
Richard Sleeve - 28.08.2023 18:01

Yyyyeah. I totally missed Astarion. I just simply didn't go out of the ship that way.

jZ - 27.08.2023 22:53

the door to withers is closed and not unlockable. (it says impossible) so i tried attacking the door wich has 20hp but when i come down to the last 4 every move i make has 0 damage/ effect......

still a super nice video :)))

Jamie Newton
Jamie Newton - 26.08.2023 05:30

Holy crap i missed so many bloody characters

WillDrivesU - 23.08.2023 04:34

There's a really nice light armor you can get, if you kill Karlach instead, xD

Mad Marduk
Mad Marduk - 23.08.2023 02:15

I can’t seem to find enough xp to get from 3 to 4 before I need the power jump.

Jae 2 BIuntFuIl
Jae 2 BIuntFuIl - 22.08.2023 23:51

is the tip about the boss fight patched ? i spent like 2 hours trying it and not once could i bring his health any lower than 20.

White-Noise Maker
White-Noise Maker - 21.08.2023 17:09

How are you guys getting Fire Bolt on Shadowheart right out of the pod?

Also, how are you hitting level 3 finishing the Nautiloid? I was only able to finish as level 2 coming out!

RansomDekafenya - 19.08.2023 01:15

Gale is an amazing nuker...if you make him a Sorceror.

kiiturii - 18.08.2023 08:00

bro what, that's how you save the orc girl? When I was there I didn't see any way to get her down, so I tried to look for a way to go up where the cage was connected, then suddenly I got a journal update to rescuing her, I went back and she was just gone. Wtf

George Rodokanakis
George Rodokanakis - 18.08.2023 01:11

Bro amazing job on all the videos great research! All that's left i believe is a step by step guide on how to pick all those weapons/gear you've found from Act 1 all the way to Act 3. Kudos!

Temijin Kahn
Temijin Kahn - 17.08.2023 14:53

I failed twice trying to pull the wizard out. Never saw him again.

Buckaroobonzai - 13.08.2023 02:20

Astarion is a wuss biotch, exile em after a few levels

mozamshmeek yea
mozamshmeek yea - 12.08.2023 02:45

I have a video on my channel showing how to play baldurs gate 3 on Xbox

ryan h
ryan h - 10.08.2023 04:51

Sounds embarrassing but I'm on normal mode and I'm stuck at battling thorm and hos army, but the thing is I'm not sure if there's ever weapon upgrades if so then I have never upgraded ever and I feel dumb anyone know?

GOATed - 09.08.2023 05:15

Thank you for that tip about Zhalk. That sword is nice!!! Also you unlock a steam achievement if you kill him

The Olympian
The Olympian - 09.08.2023 03:27

with the tomb and trap section, if you passed the check and can see the button next to the sarcophagus, just open it, loot it, then press the button AFTER, the fire traps will be disabled
if you want to go a step further and disable the grease traps, just put a vase on the buttons and they wont activate either, and they dont activate from walking on them so dont worry about that

JeidelacruzUK - 08.08.2023 23:40

Im so confused, i started off with gale? but made my companion...

Steven Bacon-Cheddar
Steven Bacon-Cheddar - 08.08.2023 17:13

I cannot stress enough, get the amulet in the tomb where Withers is, that Speak with the Dead is game changing!

Witrom - 07.08.2023 19:00

I didn’t even go to the crypt and still got withers, he just showed up when I went to the camp whilst inside the goblin stronghold in a side room.

AwakenedNotWoke - 07.08.2023 18:58

BTW...the 2x Demon Guards in the last 10 turns of the Boss fight drop a total of 600 Gold (300x each).
Did this on Balanced, several tries, lots of luck and timing, and "to hit" chance involved

elquellora - 07.08.2023 14:58

@KhrazeGaming your videos are very useful, thank you! i wonder if there will be one about the "best" build for companions; that would be amazing

Michael Miller
Michael Miller - 07.08.2023 02:39

"There's really no benefit to have an odd number, like, for example, having 17 strength".

This is counter to years of 5e experience. If you're even and get a -1 stat debuff, it lowers your bonus. If you're odd, it stays the same. If you're even and get an additional point in a stat, you get no change, but if you're off and gets an additional stat point, it increases your bonus.

Odd stats are better.

Modern Talking Central
Modern Talking Central - 06.08.2023 15:40

All my Party members and myself will be duel class characters. Also, Astarion, Wyll and Minthara will be killed as soon as I meet them and have the opportunity to do so. My character will be a duel wielding Rogue Assassin, with Shadowheart and Gale always in my Party and the last slot shared by all the other surviving companions that I feel are worthy to be in my Party, and mainly, Karlach, Halsin, Minsc, Jaheira and Lae'zel, along with some generic ones I like as well.

Anyway, by the time I get around to playing this game, it will on sale and considered an old game, as I will play it long after getting my enjoyment and entertainment fill from "Crimson Desert" and "Starfield" first. For all the great mechanics in the game, Larian Studios has also implemented many mechanics that I'm neutral and indifferent to, as well as many mechanics that I hate and consider poorly implemented.

Greenmountainpokemon - 05.08.2023 21:56

Can you delay the fight, with the first boss. Wait until the other 2 mobs join, then blow up the barrels?
Is that possible, and get the extra loot and Xp?

Troy Martens
Troy Martens - 05.08.2023 15:14

If you play this game by following a guide, you're not playing it the way you should be.

PartyRD - 05.08.2023 14:32

thanks Khraze!

Jay Dunna
Jay Dunna - 05.08.2023 13:16

How does one leave the brain in the room before boss? he always follows, cant remove him from the party chain...

torhagen - 05.08.2023 09:34

And guess what resistances work from the get go 😂

SargentD4 - 05.08.2023 07:40

Perfect start is to have 4 rogues

Ronaldo Felix
Ronaldo Felix - 05.08.2023 05:09

Is this in normal difficulty? Want to try this on Tactician.

aznpanda510x - 05.08.2023 04:59

Can’t wait for it on ps5

FailureXD - 05.08.2023 04:21

is it still possible to get the flame sword at the start of game?

SGTBEERCAN - 05.08.2023 04:00

Does this game show initiative rolls ? I couldnt find them

Grant Plays
Grant Plays - 05.08.2023 03:24

Awesome video!
