Good but there are a few mistakes. For example, 300 zl was translated to 300,000 zloty and the correct printer position should be by the window but instead a green tick is shown for the position by the door.
ОтветитьI am an English Teacher myself, and I would like thank you especially for adjusting the pace so perfectly that it doesn't sound too slow to be bored or too fast to be difficult. One of the most efficient listening exercises I've ever encountered.
ОтветитьXD nie spodziewałem się że jest taki kanał o nauce polskiego a już myślałem że nikogo ten język nie obchodzi
ОтветитьI just realized these are exactly the same conversational prompts in the Learn German course and I'm wondering if it'd be easier to pick up German while brushing up on my Polish
ОтветитьThis is helping me a lot! Dziekuje!
ОтветитьPolish Pod is the best way to learn. It cost, but it is a valuable resource.
ОтветитьSuper!!! 👌 Dzięki ♥️
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьSo helpful! Thank you
ОтветитьHello everyone trying to learn polish, what is the most helpful thing you do to learn Polish?
-struggling polish student
Nadal uczę się polskiego ale jeżyk polski bardzo trudne...
prefiero hablar nahùatl
ОтветитьHi! if you are learning Polish, I will write with you so that you can practice! We can talk about anything and everything! I would like to help, so don't be shy to write to me!
ОтветитьI lived and worked in Poland for a short period. I try to keep my basic skills up with these videos, as not many Poles live here and I can't use the language on a daily basis.
ОтветитьExellent prononsation!!!
ОтветитьVery nice!!!
ОтветитьОтличный учебный курс!!!
ОтветитьDziękuję bardzo
ОтветитьGood Job teaching Polish with grammatical errors :D
Huge grammatical fuck up in the very FIRST minute of the video...
"tę?" means "this one?"
"tą?" means "with this one?" (like in "Im going to hit your stupid head with this book for teaching language with errors")
Zanim zaczniecie uczyć kogokolwiek, sami się nauczcie polskiego. (Before you start teaching anyone learn Polish yourselves)
- I'd like to buy a book about cars.
- With this one?
- Yes, with this one.
Imagine if someone else was trying to learn English and in the course there would be "your" instead of "you're". I wouldn't like to be thought errors :/
Im czech and i understand perfectly
ОтветитьGreat video and effort, but this is not for a beginner. Shorter sentences and slower.
Ответитьnie tą tylko tę
ОтветитьI appreciate those videos and I wish you made more conversation videos in other languages too bc the conversation videos in other languages are exactly the same dialogues as here so you can´t really use them to learn more than one language
ОтветитьPolish jokes .
ОтветитьI speak Russian just wanted to know if I could understand some stuff
ОтветитьAmazing. Exactly what I was looking for.. Been studying polish grammar for over a year but still cant have a basic conversation in Polish.. Im learning so much through these simple repetitive conversations... Keep them coming
Ответитьvery nice and clear, thank you ! :)
ОтветитьNot enough time to read the text.
ОтветитьIt's fast
ОтветитьYes indeed, as many people have commented, excellent practice! The pace of the speaking is very good too, not too slow so that it sounds artificial. This is good listening practice. Bravo!
ОтветитьDziękuję bardzo❤
ОтветитьThis guy is lisping a lot
Że też wam kurwa nie wstyd publikować taki chłam
I like the everyday lifestyle setting. This is definitely for me. I just need to find how to adapt it to my time.
ОтветитьGem 💎
ОтветитьThe thumbnail was clickbait. Got em
ОтветитьWow, really cool, thank you that we have the opportunity to listen and then check the subtitles
Ответитьthis video is the best
Ответитьbtw. in polish we should use to say "tę książkę" no "tą książkę" bc of "-ę" in the end of "książkę", "dziewczynę", "muchę"".
Ответитьthis is very useful and thoughtful thank you 😍
ОтветитьAmazing content! Please keep it up!
ОтветитьThanks so much 😊
ОтветитьVery nice and useful, but I personally would prefer a more accurate and less free translation. Of course it could sound a bit more weird and it's wouldn't be exactly how a English mother tounge would say it, but I think it's useful to know the translation of the different polish words used, so they can be more easily connected to other contexts.
ОтветитьThis is THE best content I've ever come across. Beautiful and I genuinely thank you for this.
ОтветитьA 1 ? A2 ?
ОтветитьHere are the gentlemen with the best taste in women 😅😅😅😅
ОтветитьVery useful - am finding it very helpful - good to have genuine voices.
ОтветитьGood video, thank you so much ❤