Hey Holly. So fun. Im glad you said about passionfruit being hollow. I would have thought mine was strange ha. Thankyou for all the info😊
ОтветитьGrafting inspo thanku and i also need to label.u think u will remember but.......
ОтветитьThanks for that Holly, very informative, I'll be sure to give it a go when I start growing passion fruit.
ОтветитьI was out yesterday pollinating my passion fruit with a paint brush. A rat ate all mine last year so this year I will net them
ОтветитьDo an expo on the bulldog sometime. A bio or something 🤣🇺🇸
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьWife asks why the whole graft was taped including the scion.
ОтветитьWow, I love your content. I found you yesterday by accident and watched a couple other of your videos before this one. I'm just starting to attempt to transform my 'garden' (use that term loosely lol) from a weed and kikuyu (aaggh, bane of my existence!) infested area, to a productive food and decorative garden. I have a little experience but am still basically flying blind and I've a long way to go, so all help is gratefully received. Seeing what you do and what you grow there in Perth is so inspiring and gives me motivation. I live in Toowoomba, Qld (zone 9b), so probably not quite as hot as Perth, but not too far off, and it gets very windy here also as I'm on an elevated site with precious little shade and my back garden faces west so plenty of hot sun. I'm just amazed at all the things (and the quantity) that you're growing. You're clearly very passionate about it and that's infectious, which is helpful bc when I hit a 'roadblock' it can be a bit dispiriting. One of the problems I have is a somewhat clayish soil. I've spent the last 4 years improving the soil (and trying to kill off the kikuyu) in one area and have successfully planted up in there, but a lot still remains to be done. Sometimes feels like a 1 step forward and 2 back situation, so I appreciate your enthusiasm and great tips! Do you have any qualifications in gardening or are you just self taught? Cheers from Qld.
ОтветитьGood Wishes Needs 75 Millions+ To belong to Farming gardening .thanks. Our Onlines Class Mates .
ОтветитьDid it take?
ОтветитьAnd another reminder to me to label 😅 I love that there's always something new to learn in the garden. Always experimenting and exploring. Happy gardening! 🌱