guys are you going to see A Quite Place ??
ОтветитьLooking through the comments on Bloody Disgusting's Oscars article it appears it was an April Fool's joke. You can check to verify that yourself, it doesn't say so in the article. I'm assuming the bit that people are interpreting as making it a joke are the last two sentences.
"I'd much rather Get Out be called a horror film and win an award for "Best Genre Picture" than being dubbed a comedy just to appease the masses, which is just FOOLISH [italicized]. I guess we'll know how this all pans out by next APRIL..."
fyi both the gate 2 and chud 2 are on blu-ray
ОтветитьWow. Crazy to hear about the X Men movie reshoots. I too will be hopeful that something good is going to come out of this 👍🏻