“Tell me about yourself” is your life story

“Tell me about yourself” is your life story

Dan Croitor

4 года назад

32,633 Просмотров

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@darshanraju553 - 25.06.2020 09:49

Hey Dan, just wanted to come back here and give a big thank you. Just got offered an SDE intern role at AWS. Thanks for the content, keep it up!

@imanm6482 - 16.03.2021 01:29

Thank you Dan! I used your videos in my interview prep and I just accepted a position as a Senior HR Assistant at Amazon! Please keep making these videos, they helped a ton.

@ubaidurrehman9720 - 10.04.2021 12:14

Hi Dan,
I didn't understand using metrics what are metrics can u give any example to understand what is metrics

@faceittofixit8481 - 20.05.2021 05:53

I've competed in 100+ Toastmasters speech contests and the best way to improve is to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. And YET...I rarely practice how I answer questions in interviews. When you suggested spending "half your time practicing how you would answer interview questions", I thought YES! SOLID advice!

@gststg64849 - 24.07.2021 01:45

The best advice I can give is to be authentic. When you are authentic, it simplifies your answers, you come across as personable.

@LuisMorales-yx8di - 06.11.2022 01:27

Thanks Dan Croitor. Your communication skills are very good. I hope one I can communicate as you do.
