CELEBRITIES ENCOUNTER TERRIFYING GHOSTS *2-Hour Marathon* | Celebrity Ghost Stories | LMN

CELEBRITIES ENCOUNTER TERRIFYING GHOSTS *2-Hour Marathon* | Celebrity Ghost Stories | LMN


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@strawberryshortcake6839 - 14.10.2023 04:31

Michael laughing was creepy af

@hermajestyqueenmarcia - 16.10.2023 00:45

Kelly is the most beautiful woman I believe I have ever seen...just breathtaking.i hope she sees this because I know coming from a family of very pretty faces that often peers do not tell pretty women that they are in fact really good looking .maybe they think the pretty ones already know it. But everyone needs admiration and love. Now that I'm older,I always make a point to tell especially young people, male and female, how very good looking they are and that even though they may not hear it from peers,it's just because others think it's so obvious,etc. I hope all of you encounter ppl who are kind and loving toward you. Love to all,Marcia in Modesto

@robertmartinez4174 - 21.10.2023 23:54

OMG Potsie.

@jingerjar1365 - 02.11.2023 23:57

Every great book is the moors

@wandakrueckeberg5660 - 22.11.2023 07:34

My mom went to high school with Shelly Long that was quite brave of her to investigate the basement of this place.😊

@austinshannon4197 - 22.11.2023 13:43

If I had to take an educated guess I’d say ghosts do exist. Whether you believe they do or not the fact is they either do or don’t. It’s not about what you believe. It’s really just whether something is true or not. An example is being born in Iraq and never seeing snow for 20 years. Then someone tells you about snow and you laugh and say there’s no way snow exists, I don’t believe in snow when I’m fact though snow does exist. See. It really just does boil down to in life whatever is true is true no matter what people believe in but I will say I’ve heard of ghost stories from people like this and very few friends but its just weird because you may hear about it a lot, people actually seeing ghosts sometimes but never once have I ever heard or even seen someone get a ghost on a picture or camera or even phone for that matter, not even on ghost hunters. You’d think atleast once you’d see that of all the ghost stories. Same thing with Alien encounters.

@debbie7474 - 12.01.2024 01:24

can you guys see ghosts clearly at your guys houses highschool and middleschool.

@patrickperalta59 - 12.01.2024 09:37

I've never seen a ghost I believe in them but never seen one... when they do reenactment of ghost children... they make them up to look evil...even if they don't mean to I think it's make up around the eyes looks dark.. it makes me shiver.

@patrickperalta59 - 12.01.2024 11:56

I remember the ghost story of the western guy who shot the woman he loved cause she loved someone else....then killed himself and she survived... that was on Unsolved Mysteries.

@ericherman5413 - 30.01.2024 03:42

Holy wow, Jillian's story made me cry. What a powerful thing love is, even when we cannot be together.

@bruceschwering5919 - 02.02.2024 20:09

Having Kevin’s voice from the wonder years tell me about his ghost story was a special treat.

@eileenbates9481 - 20.02.2024 02:39

I truley believe that loves ones who have passed way , will find away to contact their family . Let them know they are ok . Not just but they also watch over you to make sure they are safe .

@signwatcher007 - 06.03.2024 02:23

HIS grandmother is his spirit guide. Some of us have two of them, i am told all you need to do is ask for guidance, it lets them know you are aware of them. They are usually a family member.

@pavelkish7142 - 09.03.2024 13:48

Imagine you flipped somebody off with a finger and that person turned out to be adult person that was adopted and never experienced a real parents love. We need to put ourselves in other peoples shoes to understand them, like GOD says. Many fallen angels pretending to be the deceased people, when we pray to JESUS and walk with JESUS this life.. no fallen angel will try to take you. JESUS is the only one that can beat fallen angels, the only one that can heal you and give you a fullfilled happiness on earth and His the only way to Heaven.

@dharmaofdog7676 - 10.03.2024 04:30

OK. The Widecombe Village in the Moor Story? Creepy. One of the creepiest Stories I've heard & I've heard quite a few. (of course now I want to go there)

@Handle_yourstress - 22.03.2024 19:47

OmG, That young Blonde girl is Amber from Nip Tuck? Not sure if I get the right name.

@vikikat4935 - 31.03.2024 23:39

My father was my great grandmother grandson.

When my father was over seas in WW 2 fighting he was shot in the head just missing his brain.

His family didn't get notified of it that day.

He found out that his grandma dropped what she had in her hands and screamed his name and he is hurt.

It was the same day and probably the same time he was shot.

His grandma was psychic and read tarot cards and he said that she was good really good.

@Xx_Taé_xX - 05.04.2024 02:38

I'm a widow & kept asking my husband to show himself to me. He passed in his sleep so I would love some closure. This is by far the hardest thing I've ever been through....He passed from cardiac dysrhythmia.

@deliliah50 - 08.04.2024 02:57

They will end up making our money digital at the bank where they will be in control of our money. It's coming maybe not if Trump is elected in2024. It is coming .

@TaliaHoward4EVER - 15.05.2024 22:23

The wreck my son and I were in had that slow motion effect where I could see everything at once and as I yelled God I felt something burst through my chest and it surrounded my son and seemed to push the car that was crushing in his door away and the weird thing about it was he was surrounded by light and the door started uncrumbling so much so the outer trim popped off and the door pushed out like and incredible force had arced it towards the car as the other car crumbled and moved backwards. The ambulance driver that witnessed the wreck said he knew we were dead but was shocked that I got out and that my son was crawling out of his window ,. That lady that hit us was still on her phone and her whole hood was pushed in to the dash of her car before it stopped completely .. she was fine and we were. The cop stared at my son’s door for a long while before he looked at me in shock at how it was unscathed but arced outwards instead of crumbled in

@Notesky214 - 20.05.2024 05:38

That's a strange explanation of the car accident. I just felt that same sensation before watching this about time and my dreams woo e holy Spirit thanks again ❤

@clintonwooten5189 - 27.05.2024 00:49

Yeah I was wondering if Kelly and her husband I’m thinking it was lived in Houston Texas for a very short period of time because he was in the military they were moving to California

@soniarican6275 - 31.05.2024 22:10

Read your Bible people 💁🏽‍♀️ it literally say’s

“The Dead Know Nothing” 🤷🏽‍♀️

@jsfjbd - 04.06.2024 06:13

Aww Ali Landry is so sweet. I met her when she was Miss Louisiana. I was so excited when she won Miss America for our state. These things are so very common in Louisiana. I've experienced my whole life.

@kateashby3066 - 05.06.2024 05:40

I looked up the haunted town that Daniel Stern mentioned here and the websites I read said it’s not at all haunted and that he just happened to show up right after a funeral and everyone was in black and very sad lol. I know books and tv shows will embellish to make a good story GREAT, so I tend to believe the ppl who actually live there. Also, only FOUR people died (a few more later on) so this is def an exaggerated story.

@junebug7606 - 10.06.2024 07:31

Janine I use to like your show but I notice you are all alone now!? Where did everyone go?? Stop minumizjng things are yiu now funded . Friends went tonCanada to see the falls and your border patrol made them get finger printed ..Im thinkung you are bought snd paid ! Then your video.just abruptly ended ,???? all very strrange.

@lovelast4evergemma508 - 21.06.2024 02:08

I 💯 believe Anson Williams❤️💝❤️

@LupitaLeal-ux6mq - 22.06.2024 18:17

I think it was her mom like she was adopted that's why she would call her bye another name....God bless

@LupitaLeal-ux6mq - 22.06.2024 18:41

Loved the Danny story

@patrickperalta59 - 25.06.2024 07:52

When Ernie Hudson was telling his story and what he saw he mentions his wife and son thought it would be fun to stay the night at that place...they bothand their son see something and according to Ernie his wife got scared and was fliping out as well as his son................my question to her and her son would be.........."why you scared and fliping out at what you saw I thought you said it would be fun staying there.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry but I find it funny when people say things like that then react differently to what they said.........it's clear to me his wife and son did not believe in ghosts and did not think anything would happen...........once again two sceptics is proven wrong...............I love Ghost stories and I do believe in Ghosts my opinion Ghosts only appear to those who do not believe......I've never seen a ghost or expcerianced anything and I've been to places believed to be haunted...........

@seventieslove8783 - 25.06.2024 19:07

In the segment with the haunted town, that WASN'T "speaking in tongues". That was either a demonic language or the haunted/possessed spirit of someone who died there.
The connotation of speaking in tongues, which actually comes from Scripture, is normally associated with Christians who have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and given the Gift of a Holy spiritual language from God.
There was nothing Godly about his experience.
And l believe the evil spirits in that town WANTED to force them to come back.
They made a VERY wise decision to drive on their flat tire.
Some demonic spirits can and do harm people if they are able. Thank God they got out of there.

@seventieslove8783 - 25.06.2024 20:37

For Shelley Long, it's impossible to tell a demonic spirit to move on, unless you believe in and use the Name of Jesus, and even then it may require the power of the Holy Spirit.
That's why the light exploded - demons are very angry and filled with hate and they can never go back to the Light. What she was doing was very dangerous because she didn't have the necessary tools.

@fmmackey3862 - 05.07.2024 05:57

I believe these are true stories❤ Thank you for sharing!

@mitchhobock683 - 08.07.2024 20:32

Demons trust in Jesus Christ

@dianneys4887 - 09.07.2024 06:52

Trump seems way more cognitively impaired than Biden. Biden seems a lot healthier than Trump too.

@chilangaenportland746 - 04.08.2024 10:51


@CRyan-Waltham75 - 15.08.2024 19:19

This question is for Ernie Hudson. Are you still not afraid of no ghost? 😝

@TakahashiTakami - 25.08.2024 11:36

I had an experience in Las Vegas at the Main Street Hotel & Casino. My hotel room was on the 6th floor I believe. It was near the fire exit at the end of the hall. There was a drawer in my hotel room that opened on its own twice. Once at 12:30am and again at 9:30am. I don’t know how it opened by itself. I tried to recreate the scenario, but couldn’t. The drawer was hard to open and heavy. I told my parents about it and they told the hotel staff. I switched rooms to the 4th floor which was the same floor that my parents were on. It never happened again since I changed rooms. To this day, I have no idea how it happened. I can’t explain it using logic. Was creepy though. There was also a creepy looking sketch painting in my room I remember.

@JessicaJames-xy1vi - 27.08.2024 08:50

Whoa see that girl pick that boy up ..yeah like that by my jaws and slammed me over and over off my feet.

@nitaeschete6147 - 28.08.2024 07:57

She is a coward. She has no plan!😮😢😂

@2025devastated - 31.08.2024 23:29

You know one or more of your crazy viewers is going to cause trouble for Mr. Alfred. Then you will make a video yelling at us.

@delphinidin - 23.09.2024 00:38

Story 1: Don't worry, the dog is fine!!

@youmarc11 - 02.12.2024 05:20

Had a crush on Shelly Long on Cheers.

@trentbell2730 - 17.12.2024 12:13

Ali seems like such a kind soul! I didn't know she's from the South, God knows how to make em down here..

@trentbell2730 - 17.12.2024 12:24

Gena Gershon has NO business still looking so good 😲😳

@elizabethleigh9471 - 18.03.2025 02:09

Why demons pretending to be d£ad folks communicate with anyone else but to the ones who should actually receive messages is beyond STUPID. For example : alli the doritos girl - why he called her instead of to his own daughter and/or wife??? Oh it's because story wouldn't be aired - his family isn't famous! 🙄
