PC(USA) To FORCE Pastors to Affirm LGBTQ+ ???

PC(USA) To FORCE Pastors to Affirm LGBTQ+ ???

Matthew Everhard

7 месяцев назад

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@randylplampin1326 - 13.03.2024 06:37

The Southern Baptists had one group that believed the views of the heretic John Nelson Darby and the other group did not. After years of abuse by the heretics they split. Think about that.

@Cletus_the_Elder - 16.03.2024 09:19

We are at a point with the largest Presbyterian denomination, where we see people who look like us (sort of), who worship like us (sort of), at churches that look like our own (sort of), and who claim Scripture as authority (sort of), who must be either possessed by a dark spirit or follow a false faith that is more make-belief and live action roleplay than the historical faith passed onto us through Abraham and his descendants. This is PC(sort of). Pod people have taken over the Louisville HQ and their churches' pulpits.

@GirolamoZanchi_is_cool - 17.03.2024 15:51

And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. — Jeremiah 29:13

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:16

Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.
-Acts 3:19

If you are in North America, please go check out any of the churches available to you: PCA, OPC, Rpcna, Urcna, or a canrc church
(These are conservative and actual Presbyterian churches)

If you can’t find one of the conservative presby churches then, maybe a Lcms Lutheran church.

If you are Scottish, I recommend the Free Church of Scotland and the APC.
(Different from the Church of Scotland)

If you’re English I recommend the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England & Wales and the Free Church of England
(Different from the Church of England)

Also online you can look up church finders for each of the groups, it will show you locations

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
— Hebrews 10:24-25

@Sofiv3 - 18.03.2024 02:11

Thank you for differentiating pcusa from PCA. I didn’t realize you weren’t part of them.

@hollandmin - 22.03.2024 00:41

I fully agree with you Matt. As a Lutheran who guided the congregation I serve out of the ELCA into the NALC (North American Lutheran Church), I understand what this could mean for any possible moderates who may remain.

@morefiction3264 - 26.03.2024 02:38

Those rainbow flags the PCUSA has outside their buildings are modern Asherah poles.

@rosemaryrojahn584 - 27.03.2024 21:23

I love the Presbyterian church, however, I think they are reluctant to be involved in the culture and the issues surrounding us and attempting to engulf us. Covid was one. Homosexuality and blatant sin. Maybe we do need a fire and brimstone message now and then. Do you think folks could sleep through that? Now there is an attack on the very Word of God. I've heard it said they are the frozen chosen. My husband said " why don't you unfreeze them?"

@ТарасЗагайкевич - 31.03.2024 14:57

They are terrified of Redeemed Zoomer’s Reconquista movement!!

@waynespurlin8211 - 31.03.2024 22:02


@johnfreese3047 - 01.04.2024 23:20

I know you left the EPC but do you no longer see it as a Biblically conservative Presbyterian denomination? I've noticed you never include it with the other conservative denominations when you list them out.

@howardyarnold3133 - 02.04.2024 01:42

How Socialist Marxist Ideology seaped into western culture & continue to wreck peoples lives.
Lord God help🙏

@KM-zn3lx - 02.04.2024 16:42

I love your t shirts. Read 1974 and reread it as well as Animal Farm. I barely understood Animal Farm as a kid's but it's becoming more relevant in today's climate!

@BruceMacLennan-mk1jc - 02.04.2024 19:07

Are we seeing the final falling away before Jesus' return?

@_ZachB_ - 02.04.2024 23:02

I've been saying the same thing about Wynn Kenyon case for a bit now. The PCUSA is not in need of Reconquista it is in need of abandonment. Leave now, and take as many as you can with you.

@HenryGibbs-u2r - 04.04.2024 10:03

Time of the end is closer than one thinks.

@juliangodsend9418 - 04.04.2024 16:03


@bobbyrayvictory6905 - 04.04.2024 17:43

It does amaze me that we american Protestants fall so far so quickly. We won't ever have a martyr era. I fear we are the lukewarm church. We allow those who claim to follow christ to dictate how our society will follow the devil. Maybe we should start asking the Eastern orthodoxy, or heck even Romans, what we need to do. They last millennia. They get martyrdom. We sell our own souls to debauchery. Its not just happening to yall. Its every american church being wripped apart. From TN to TX debauchery is gaining grown as we act like victims. We are afraid to be seen as Proud Christians

The gates of hell can only stand against us if we allow them.

@thogevoll - 04.04.2024 18:44

Pastor, why so many denominations? When we get right down to it it's our belief that Jesus was the sacrifice that saved us all belief in him and his sacrifice is what it's all about.

@ronrondquist4568 - 05.04.2024 02:13

Fucked up world 🌎

@mikey6214 - 05.04.2024 04:56

Society must collapse before the spirit of Christ can return.
the LGBTQ community will quicken this collapse.

@mikey6214 - 05.04.2024 05:00

The slippery slope.
Pedophilia, the next compromise
The age of consent will be abolished.
The child will be given full rights to choose when and with whom they want to have sex.
God help us all.

@othergary - 06.04.2024 22:38

Martin Luther did say that discipline was an element of a church. His discussion said God’s people or holy Christians are recognized by the office of the keys exercised publicly. That is, as Christ decrees in Matthew 18[:15– 20], if a Christian sins, he should be reproved; and if he does not mend his ways, he should be bound in his sin and cast out. If he does mend his ways, he should be absolved. That is the office of the keys.

For Luther, the real church exercised discipline over its members. This element of Luther’s understanding has often been missed, but he was crystal clear about it.

@othergary - 06.04.2024 22:43

The Lutheran equivalent to PCUSA is the ELCA. The ELCA ordains women, practicing homosexuals and now also transgender pastors.

In 2018, 31,000 ELCA teenagers attended the ELCA’s youth gathering.   Popular ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Webber led the students to say after her “I renounce the lie that queerness is anything other than beauty.” At the youth gathering, an 11-year-old boy who thinks he is a girl was put on stage to promote transgenderism.

some of us think ELCA really stands for “Everything Luther Cautioned Against.”

@joerodriguez6043 - 07.04.2024 15:45

There is no hate like Christian love. Just like the LCMS in my own Lutheran tradition you preach hate in the name of Christ

@jtlearn1 - 08.04.2024 00:40

How a conservative can stay in the fight while financially supporting the synagogue of Satan is beyond me.

@jtlearn1 - 08.04.2024 00:41

It's time for Bruce Gore to use his gifts for the true church.

@orangemanbad - 08.04.2024 05:03

I am so truly grateful the Lord showed me truth and led me back to mother church. Seeing all this absolute craziness consume the Protestant churches is satanic.

@orangemanbad - 08.04.2024 05:06

They do realize Queer supremacists are not Christians right? And that Jesus blatantly condemns sin? They should change their name from PCUA to Church of Satan (USA) to stop any confusion.

@Brotheral-pb1oj - 08.04.2024 22:27

If you are a born-again christian, then why in the world do you need to use all these initials, and naming these multi-letter denominations. I guess that just simply being a Disciple of Christ is not enough. Colossians chapter 2 tells us that we are " Complete in Christ ". Evidently you disagree. Of course! That's right! TRADITIONS OF MEN! ?

@uthyrgreywick5702 - 13.04.2024 22:20

Apostacy doesn't happen overnight so who took the first step away from God and godliness toward apostacy and can you identify when it happened?

@elstevobevo - 21.04.2024 15:43

Drop the term Presbyterian? Drop the term church!

@RichardTClark396 - 22.04.2024 05:32

We live in a very sick world :(

@homebakercooks - 30.04.2024 02:16

Unbelievable, so sad and horrific.

@michelcorneau1923 - 17.05.2024 14:53

Political DEI intrusion now in churches,,,,why true Bible believing Christians must follow Christ and His Word ,no matter the denominations ,,,as the Church is not a building ,but born again believers!

@RTHenry83 - 06.06.2024 19:05

Yup. Because forcing people to affirm something against their will is always a sure fire road to success!

@JonasBlaine-x7n - 11.06.2024 21:20

To hell with that

@jeffpruitt7128 - 13.06.2024 06:26

They sure don’t listen to Gods word

@krveldhu - 17.06.2024 23:53

The ignorance of your view and understanding of the PC(USA) is profound. Our denomination convicts people of sexual immorality on a regular basis, it's simply handled on the local level and not broadcast to the world like a badge of honor. You have also taken what is being proposed and completely overlooking the spirit of it, which is to elimate the ongoing judgment towards those who are different than you. He who is without sin, cast the first stone. If you would like people to leave their sinful ways, then stop treating them like leppers, and instead sit at table with them, just as Christ did.

@jamesweldon5037 - 02.07.2024 19:59

What happened at the PC USA convention?

@timothykeith1367 - 05.07.2024 12:13

The PCUSA worships "inclusivity" - which they use against conservatives. They claim that Jesus was "affirming" of diversity in orthodoxy - while redefining basic 2,000-year old theology to identify with Progressive ideology in the name of defending the "oppressed"

@gunbutter830 - 08.07.2024 21:31

I left PCUSA during the great schism. The national presbytery tried to sell us on their LGBT stance and it was obvious then. They were duplicitous and had lost any Biblical foundations to their beliefs. The mental gymnastic on display were awe inspiring and if it were a sport they would have earned a gold medal. On and on they went telling us what was in the Bible wasn't being interpreted properly and things didn't mean what they said. The church voted and 60% left. The pastor left saying, "that which is tolerated will become accepted and then required". He was right. I'm PCA now. Happy I'm there but sad to see what was once great be destroyed.

@stanthebamafan - 11.07.2024 08:44

I grew up in a far left PCUSA church. I can promise you, it’s worse than you can possibly imagine if you’ve never spent time in a far left church. We learned blasphemy and heresy that would shock you (everything in the Bible is a metaphor, there is no hell, the Bible is wrong sometimes and full of contradictions). They promoted paganism one time. Never once in 18 years did I ever learn anything about the Westminster confession or catechism. The church formally marched in pride parades and gun control rallies. The slippery slope argument is real, and female pastors or LGBTQ are just the tip of the iceberg.

@flippaskipskipparooni4150 - 13.07.2024 15:44

With all respect Matt, we are at war and the PCUSA is the battlefield. Being at the PCUSA you may be able to share the true Gospel to someone for the first time.

@ddrse - 16.07.2024 09:51

You can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨

@PrentissYeates - 18.07.2024 06:45

Our government could actually turn the page but for a brief time towards conservatism, but to left its full steam downwards.

@bobhultstrom2344 - 31.07.2024 06:55

Easy for you to say it's time to leave. But in rural minnesota there is no other Reformed church within 90 miles. So now I must be Lutheran or non aligned.

@Jeffrey-c2z - 20.08.2024 17:37

Although sad to see this, I'm not surprised. The queer movement was never voluntary but forced upon people.

@weeb9332 - 05.09.2024 19:18

This is the great falling away predicted in Scripture before the return of Christ.

@weeb9332 - 05.09.2024 19:23

Is it me, or is it sad that we have so many sects of “Christianity” when Scripture used words like believers, disciples, little children etc. How far we have deviated from the New Testament Church.

@PamelaChristian-d3i - 28.09.2024 19:21

Pastor's won't be able to talk about sin, sorry to say most pastor's are not talking about sin now, when we Christians need to be reminded, We still sin. The Bible said there will be a falling away from the truth in the church, and they will want to hear what their itching ears want to hear, Amen ❤
