I have already learned so much more than I even knew was out there from this series! I have literally watched most of the documentaries on Gypsy and this one has been amazing and so informative!
ОтветитьLooking through the comments…I didn’t get to fancy’s part yet but I’d like to add my take as a survivor or abuse from my mother.
I want to say this. Gypsy was isolated. Gypsy was neglected. Gypsy had forms of abuse. After researching the case for about a year I do think most of the medical procedures were necessary.
I’d also like to add that does not excuse her behavior at all.
All killers have some kind of trauma some kind of past unless they are just born a psychopath which isn’t that common. So this shouldn’t excuse gypsys behavior at all. I know when I was knee deep in my trauma and abuse the way I reacted to it I have to own and hold myself accountable for my actions.and grow and try to change that learned behavior or core belief.
Gypsy does not do that.
Gypsy is a proven liar over and over and over again.
When I think of Munn housing by proxy, I think of that woman who injected her son with salt and her son unfortunately passed away. DD was not poisoning gypsy and anyway it was a con and that needs to be admitted and gypsies out here saying things like.” at the end of the day I will do whatever it takes to be free and right now I do not feel free.” that’s a threat. People who grow up with abuse two things happen either they break the cycle of generational trauma, which gypsy’s family has a lot of or they don’t and they either become like their abuser or worse. Gypsy became worse and does not deserve to be out on the streets and Nick needs to be in prison, but I also have empathy for the fact that he is on the spectrum because I have a son on the spectrum And I feel like he should probably be institutionalized instead of incarcerated. This whole thing is a shit show gypsy is out here making Amazon wish list and still trying to get free. Crap she applied for a habitat for humanity. She is not surrounded by good support system. She has not taken accountability at all in anyway she said she Didn’t identify as a murderer. This girl was upset because she couldn’t go see Taylor Swift right after she got out, this girl is a narcissist and she was made a narcissist by DD. You can be both. My mom is a narcissist. We don’t have a relationship, but my mom was also a victim at some point but just because she can’t take accountability For her abuse and how she is in her toxicity she brings into my life. We can’t have a relationship gypsy is about to be a mom and I feel so bad for that child. I did things the hard way too. I learned the hard way I made a shit ton of mistakes. Gypsy will not grow until she holds herself accountable and is honest, but I don’t think that will ever happen because that’s the way this world this broken world works people like Diddy and all these monsters are glamorized and glorified and now we have gypsy motherfucking rose.
I truly believe Gypsy knew 100% about the scam.
ОтветитьCID episode 1452
ОтветитьI just saw another video where Gipsy talks about this disorder and she said her father didn’t have it and its impossible to test her mother because it requires blood samples. Not sure why but completely distrust the guest on this video she impressed me as a person who just tries to look informed and smart but fails…
ОтветитьUgh that fake baby voice
Ответитьi cannot get past how so many people still do not know the truth... people and LMN are still doing stories on gypsy depicting her as the victim; while in reality gypsy was never a victim, so many people have stepped up ad spoke out that gypsy is nothing but a liar and a con artist, her and dede were equal partners in the con games. so much new info and evidence has come out, stop being sheep, this goblin is not innocent at all. also gypsy has a chromosome deletion, and mild Microcephaly , and that her treatments were medically needed.
Ответитьgo watch hello starlighs vids, her and a few people have dug up A LOT of evidence that proves time and time again that gypsy rose is NOT a victim, she is a very evil con artist.
ОтветитьGypsy was diagnosed with a microdeletion at 1q21.1, like, years ago, long before the crime, long before they loved to missouri, which has contributed to her medical history, including multiple eye surgeries to prevent vision loss. However, while she claims to have undergone over 30 surgeries, her medical records indicate only four procedures, three of which were related to her eyes. Additionally, her medical history includes a biopsy to assess muscle tone and the removal of a few moles, described as minor procedures. The placement of a feeding tube was deemed medically necessary due to her failure to thrive. It is important to consider that there are concerns regarding the accuracy of her statements about her medical history, as well as indications of significant mental health challenges, go watch hello starlighs vids, her and a few people have dug up A LOT of evidence that proves time and time again that gypsy rose is NOT a victim, she is a very evil con artist. she and people who have dealt with gyp gyp are speaking up and getting the real truth out there..
Ответитьgod i hate her voice ! she talks like a ditsy 10 year old, and the way she always tips and tilts her head while talking , sometimes tucking her head down into her shoulders trying to be all cutesy is extra cringe !
ОтветитьThere is no way that this grown woman who left and ran around with a boyfriend couldn’t get to a police department …. When she was little she was sick and her and her mother ran with it. And now she’s running around lying and they are finally reporting the truth and people are still mad 😅 I think a deep dive is needed and the poor man on disability is still in jail
ОтветитьI had a friend who I found out later was suffering with Munchausen (for herself) and by Proxy for both her children. She and her children did have some medical issues (basically caused by all the things she did to make them all sick). But we also found out she deliberately put foul substances on herself and her children to cause infections. She did many horrible things to all three of them to become sick or appear sick. We only found out later because her children became old enough to tell their friends and eventually they emancipated themselves from her and they no longer have any relationship with their parents (because the father just let it happen). She never got in trouble for it because the children didn’t want to have anything more to do with her - even see her in court. She kept it up with herself and now she is in a nursing home but I seriously doubt she really needs to be there.
ОтветитьYall can say what you want but fancie is right. She seen the medical records. Gypsy rose is a scammer and a liar. A year later and she still has supporters. Yall need to wake up she’s lying to everyone. She offed her own mother.
ОтветитьWait it’s a little wild that she named her daughter Aurora, the same name of the city she murdered her mom?
ОтветитьNobody said anything about Dee Dee having that disorder until gypsy was going to prison and needed a defense on why she did it. I believe she did it because she was a spoiled brat and her mom told her no about her little boyfriends she had. She was upset with her mother. And gypsy saying her mom said “gypsy don’t hurt me” I find that weird because why would she be begging her daughter to not hurt her if her daughter wasn’t the one who was doing the crime.
ОтветитьI really feel that Gypsy and Dee Dee both were very manipulative, and she should still be in prison.
ОтветитьDo people not understand coercive control she was a child being groomed, the same way that predators groom, their sexual assault victims. This is the same kind of mentality where people question abused women and asked them. Why didn’t they just leave?.. give me a break
ОтветитьWho the fuck is Fancy? Honestly..
ОтветитьYou can have an allergy to sugar, it is extremely rare but it can and does happen.
Ответитьyall actually sound stupid. blaming a 11-16 year old child for what her mother was doing. yes she may have been playing into it and “helping” her mom by doing so.. but yall act like she knows right from wrong in that situation THATS ALL SHE KNOWS SHE DOESNT KNOW ANY BETTER ATP. she was raised by her mother, always clung by her side AS YALL SAID, and she was homeschooled. and for yall to think she knows right from wrong at that age… where else would she learn right from wrong … other than her mother. you think once you turn 12 everything that’s been engraved in your head sense birth just disappears? yall really failed on this series.
ОтветитьJust FYI. I tried to order fume and got scammed. My account was faruded then fume canceled my order. Super disappointing when I'm trusting a company because people I love trust them. Obviously not either of your fault but wanted to comment to help others avoid the same situation... 😢
ОтветитьI don’t understand how the doctors are able to bill insurance for anything if they have the wrong DOB. The patient’s name and DOB have to match what the insurance has on file or it’ll get kicked back and they won’t get paid.
ОтветитьWhat a great episode. One of the best yet. Everything I thought I knew about Gypsy was called into question and turned me totally around. Great work as always
Ответить😂 I Love how you say Pontchartrain
ОтветитьWhy do so many detectives say people make mistakes thats why pencils have eraser. Lol i know its and interrogation tactic but its used to much. That would be true for smaller mistakes not murder.
ОтветитьIm going to go out on a limb here. Gypsy Rose was actually abused. Full stop.
ОтветитьListening on Spotify and came over here to yell at y’all but it looks like it’s already been taken care of
ОтветитьI just wonder if anyone is writing Nick. That man deserves a book too.
ОтветитьEverything was necessary EXCEPT the cancer diagnosis..and the wheel chair, and the feeding tube?! That's a lot! Even if DeeDee had only forced just the wheel chair and that's it, or just the feeding tube and that's it, that would be severe, horrific medical abuse and child abuse. And it escalates to physical abuse in my opinion, when you're impacting your child's health.
ОтветитьNo matter what, given all the facts and information we have it's impossible and an objectively incorrect opinion for anyone to say that "Gypsy wasn't/isn't a victim", like Stephanie quoted some commenters in the beginning. It's crazy that anyone besides incels online would say or think that.
ОтветитьMunchausen's (by proxy) isn't defined by making someone sick to profit, it's defined as pretending one is sick- your child typically and in this case, and that is still exactly what happened here. Yes, Gypsy did have some minor health issues here and there. I do believe it's possible DeeDee caused some of them, knowing both her history of suspicion surrounding her treatment of others in her care like her mother, and also her new step mom (allegedly), but the majority of Gypsy's illness was pretended, BY DeeDee. Yes Gypsy eventually learned and realized it was fake, and went along with it, and pretended too. But imagine that happens to you, or your child. Her mother forced her into a wheelchair and she got into TROUBLE when she was caught out of it, trying to have fun and be a normal kid. She was abused, neglected, starved, by not letting her eat solid foods when she could.
ОтветитьBeing a con artist sounds more exhausting than just working a day-to-day job.
ОтветитьIts the same reason people dont leave cults. Look at the FLDS. Why would Gypsy be expected to be any different. Im confused by your take on this.
ОтветитьWHAT THE ??? You guys had April Johns aka Fancy on your podcast....SMH in question of why???
ОтветитьIdk why other doctors or nurse say it’s impossible. There are many stories of quack doctors! There are some doctors that would do it. You can con doctors there doctors who con and are quacks once she had one doctor sign on it would be easier to get others on. You can also forge doctor’s records.
ОтветитьI am sorry but I don’t believe any of the doctors records. Period unless it was done after Gypsy was arrested and done by verified doctors and verifiable records. Documents and records can be forged and manipulated especially old records. Her mother could have found records form another person and manipulated them to appear as Gypsy’s!
ОтветитьI personally have seen people use people’s other peoples mri’s cut and paste their name to them. So has all of this information been verified as in Gypsy retested and matched back up otherwise all these records mean nothing!
ОтветитьDede absolutely benefited she was along for the ride and got attention. I cannot with Fancy! Sorry but she is treating bogus medical records like the holy grail. When again I am 99% sure Gypsy Rose had many medical evaluations after her mother’s murder proving she did not have any of these conditions including the chromosome disorder. Blaming a child and accusing her of doctor shopping is absurd and cringe! Fancy gives looking for her 15 mins. Love you guys but I feel like it’s a waste of time.
Ответитьyea this like blaming a domstic oliance of victim staying rightz
ОтветитьThey also received money cash money so yes they received homes therefore it was benefiting from the con. And if you was raised like that since young most thet grow up still wont think its wrong they will fight you on you being wrong.
ОтветитьI believe that Nick should also be out because he's not a danger to anyone, this wouldn't have ever happened had it not been that he felt he was saving Gypsy.
ОтветитьI get what dereck was saying at the start. He was meaning it could have psychologically been the first time it was stated to her and brought home the reality of it. Even tho, yes, she knew in her heart it was real.
ОтветитьI took it that fancy is a doctor but am realising she isnt. So thats a worry. Also if we agree abused women find it understandabjy hard to leave, why are we expecting a child to leave or question a parent they have been groomed to behave in a certain way by, all their lives. I did find it interesting if there is a disorder that explains these issues and hope by now Gypsy and her father will have been tested for it and its definite and if so, then i hope Gypsy has learned and had therapy for accepting the medical procedures WERE needed.
ОтветитьI agree with Derek every time
ОтветитьWhile I may not agree with everything being said... I love that cw is truly and unapologetically themselves. Whether we agree or not.
ОтветитьI have reviewed all of Gypsy Roses medical records that Fancy has provided (they are on the internet). Other than a doctors note stating she has a chromosomal disorder (and her mother doesn’t have it and her father is unavailable for testing) there is NO record of this test being done on Gypsy Rose. NONE. Where did the doctor get that information from? Perhaps from Dee Dee??? Until Fancy can provide that test I’m going to take everything she says with a grain of salt.
ОтветитьIf this, the medical records, were discussed in the trial that never happened, Gypsy would be in jail still todat most definitely. That's why she took that plea deal.
ОтветитьTerrible police interview - the detective spent more time than her talking. He should have let her speak & then start questioning. He tells her that her mum has passed. He did not allow her to ask questions 'how did mum die?' This would have been a big clue if she did not ask about the way her mother died that she had taken part.