TIER LIST of ALL BEST BUILDS in Baldur's Gate 3

TIER LIST of ALL BEST BUILDS in Baldur's Gate 3

Toxic Feather

8 месяцев назад

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@LuizOtavioZen - 25.07.2024 06:21

Eldritch blast feels better on a reverberation crit build, and you can even get Markoheskir and the coldbrim hat to also stack frost giving it a ton of CC and you could even go cold Sorc for some extra frost stacking.

@przemekturski3429 - 25.07.2024 09:07

Now do fun charachter tier list

@aliciadalbey1201 - 26.07.2024 03:16

Pretty! You have lovely hair!

@omegagaming609 - 26.07.2024 07:10

The scorching ray sorc can be better than what was shown here. If you take the fire acuity hat and one warlock level for command, it can deal god tier damage and have nearly unresistable control spells.

@screkox3900 - 26.07.2024 07:57

Dont know why you made the right way on lightning sorc cleric into sorc, but then wrong way on sorc into cleric on the ice mage. Going cleric for last level makes it so youvuse wisdom instead for spells right?

@foulweather22 - 26.07.2024 08:49

You didn't even bother to put in the description the links to the videos you used to make this tier list...

@cHaMp630 - 26.07.2024 15:54

Darkness is the wrong way to play warlock. The proper way is to abuse minor illusoin + invisbility potions and blob the enemies and initiate combat with hunger of hadar. Hunger of hadar consumes no actions when initiating combat with it so its a free action and then you just eldritch blast enemies while stacking reverberation / radiant orb gear so they basically can't ever move let alone land a hit back on you.

@tokamnich4709 - 27.07.2024 05:29

Hard to follow when you never take a breath.
Why edit the video this way?

@sakashima-yf2et - 28.07.2024 18:55


@fantazys228 - 30.07.2024 02:58

I really liked the voice of this guy

@heyimtheg - 30.07.2024 18:54

is this dude has discord or something?

@lampo4ka611 - 05.08.2024 02:33

скажите мне что не только я вижу того самого чувачка который старые билды в доте смотрел и учил играть(он еще сларка мейнил)

@twilightmakora - 06.08.2024 04:36

Токсик Флеймер, ты че тут делаешь? За врата балдуры кста пиздец респект, даже на этот твой канал подпишусь

@zenep63 - 06.08.2024 18:51

please, when you are explaing something in the video, raise your voice and don't speak with such a lower tone
1. sometimes is hard to understand you
2. with just your voice in it is giving me sleep status put music in background

@Vven4tor - 06.08.2024 20:45

Half orc tiger barbarian is my fav build since i can solo practically an army due to its aoe attacks. Combined with the boaal buff, u always have advantage on enemies that bleeds. And you can also hit those assassins that cast sanctuary in the bank vault fight in act 3 with the tiger stance attack since it’s considered an aoe attack

@al96n - 09.08.2024 10:45

Is there a more detailed and longer video about these builds?

@zachfutv9986 - 10.08.2024 03:49

Your voice is neat.

@ru4157 - 14.08.2024 03:33

What’s the dagger paladin build? Like the full run down

@FlokiKreus-mt3of - 14.08.2024 11:49

Damn boi*^* You are cute asf

@levifairchild6725 - 14.08.2024 18:46

This guy's voice🙄 Jesus Christ

@Andyconda14 - 14.08.2024 20:57

Iv beaten it twice lol out of maybe 25-30 tries 😢😂

@tearsintherain6311 - 16.08.2024 17:15

Duelist bard = Griffith

@SaintP_Goida - 17.08.2024 03:22

Наш слоняра 💪💪💪

@chalp1290 - 17.08.2024 22:27

No no, don't do that darkness bull. Eldritch blast, 3 times, with your charisma modifier you will kill. kill, kill kill. 20 charisma, 5 bonus, 1 to 10, becomes 6-16 x3. For a cantrip. The only stronger thing is sorcerer.

@folon12 - 21.08.2024 18:10

Could we ask for detailed builds for S-tier builds?

@chadwallis6830 - 22.08.2024 00:17

I have to disagree with the list, personally I'd put Circle of The Moon Druid in S class, finished 3 campaigns and that class was super strong, you can go straight Druid or 9 druid and 3 barb

@PetrolPatrol - 23.08.2024 15:55

I am so impressed to learn people have done the play through with multiple class types. Maybe I shouldn’t be because the game has been out a while now. But I’m still on my first play through and I feel like I put a lot of hours in whenever I get that chance!

@GoldenMouse69 - 25.08.2024 20:22

If you longrest, is the buff stacking ranger no longer 1st?

@massemassimo-f7f - 27.08.2024 19:20

So maybe it's because neither me nor the content creator is a native speaker but I have a VERY hard time understanding his mumble guide.

@deriva383 - 28.08.2024 13:37

Puedes hacer algun equipo para modo honor?

@piggelin971 - 30.08.2024 14:24

Hi, do you have any video i can "ghost" to see more details about ur S tier Monk, and Thrower build?, im curious to see if u have come up with something special, since im tired of Spud king mumbojumbo builds....

@xmenn44 - 01.09.2024 16:39

bro learn to fking speak

@MayHugger - 03.09.2024 22:54

Probably should’ve added some clarification in the title that this was based on how well things can solo honour mode.

@HalloQwertz - 09.09.2024 00:45

Can someone explain the dagger paladin in more detail or have a guide?

@daveyfunk - 09.09.2024 23:16

Where you say in the Fighter/Cleric build you add 1 lvl Cleric for extra attack, is this mixing GWM with war priest charges? I've been thinking a build 8 Swords Bard (flourishes, extra attack, font of inspiration, 2 feats)/2 Paladin (smites)/1 War Cleric (war priest charges, bless, heavy armour prof)/1 Wizard (haste and other spells using headband). I'd be thinking if war priest charges synergise with GWM bonus attack on kill/crit? So essentially I'd have an extra bonus attack if I crit/kill, but war priest charges if I didn't

@XenosFFBE - 22.09.2024 21:58

I hate that 90% of thsi video is "be dark urge".

@TheBlackLightMan - 24.09.2024 01:05

B tier build that would be fantastic to pair with is the Gale camp cleric. Sure he is not going to see combat when built this way but he is able to keep everyone alive while he is in camp. Just put warding bond on your party stack hp on him, and go play. He heals himself in camp as he gets hurt without you needing to worry about him as much. And if he somehow does die, its cheap to ressurect him. he can also give you aid and with 11 levels of cleric and 1 wizard, can get any relevant buffs you want on the rest of your party like longstrider, Aid, and even heroes feast. It's overkill as you make the game trivial at that point, but still, if you are trying to do a duo run on a technicality (one party member and gale in camp) this can make some builds be able to solo the game, from a certain point of view anyway.

@Jordan-v2x3i - 11.10.2024 14:03

Is there any way u can do the s tier builds guide separate

@b44dsss - 17.10.2024 21:41

are you retarded sitting on those stuff still packaged? if you say yes to this then you are 2x retarded. get normal and be happy you snowflake.

@jajccc3901 - 18.10.2024 05:35

Where can I get all the S tier classes guides? I searched some of them and didn't find a guide :(

@rageerr0r108 - 05.11.2024 15:06


@WowSuchFrames - 23.12.2024 01:23

Druid + Barbarian or Monk? Or Monk + Rogue? What do you think guys??

@Oliver-es4ld - 22.01.2025 23:51

Why is bro talking like that

@warnado5007 - 27.01.2025 11:37

Glad someone was able to see how broken being able to dual wield ranged weapons is even just on paper.
Back when the game released I tried playing sharpshooter crossbow expert with a handcrossbow to discover you dont even need crossbow expert to essentially take advantage of it in this game. level 4 thief with sharpshooter just obliterates most of act 1. And you keel scaling insanely well. I was really tired of newbies talking about how powerful the paladin is.

@dantedeluca4to1ra4 - 30.01.2025 04:24

Nice info man, like

@FilipeAugusto-qx3dj - 18.02.2025 14:22

How tf you get this many noblestalk?

@orimoreau3138 - 17.03.2025 10:49

Vanity is cringe, do better
