Destiny Believes Christianity Is The Best

Destiny Believes Christianity Is The Best

Last Night On Destiny

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@Dakkalistic - 10.05.2024 10:45

Always extra wild for ppl who remember watching Rubin on TYT

@ajwubbin - 10.05.2024 08:52

1984 is based pretty directly on Orwell’s experience in Spain, when the anarchist militia he was fighting with was suppressed by the Stalinist forces.

@micell826 - 08.05.2024 10:08

Impartial literally means the opposite of what you think it does. Is English your second language?

@Breadbored. - 08.05.2024 08:14

You're not impartial to Christianity, you're partial to Christianity.

@palestinianswithanaziflag - 07.05.2024 14:09

I love how people call out the crusades as if they weren't in retaliation to Islamic conquest for 100s of years, and as if Christ ever commanded such a thing, and by definition of the word Christian means follower of Christ well then I fail to see how any atrocities committed in his name can be attributed to Him since His principles aren't aligned to it, and please bring up the OT but research the Carthaginians before you do who practised what the surrounding nations did, child sacrifice, paedophilia oh wait it's almost like He knew this practise would continue and oh boy did it.

@gordonbecker1456 - 06.05.2024 06:03

Destiny's inability to see or accept the very real corruption in our government is crazy

@kashual - 05.05.2024 05:42

Destiny is now on the payroll of the Christians and the Jewlumni

@masterwayne9827 - 05.05.2024 02:26

I felt like The for vendetta was literally like a dude fighting communism. I did not get the whole fucking like conservative thing at all.

@mob4386 - 05.05.2024 02:10

Does anyone know what software he uses for noting his research?

@LesterBrunt - 04.05.2024 12:40

Christianity is just the beta version of Islam.

@VARMOT123 - 04.05.2024 06:47

They literally gave slaves a different bible because church and bible supports soavery,genocide and colonialsim

@Deadman33777 - 04.05.2024 00:06

6 is the number of man btw

@BonShula - 04.05.2024 00:00

I hope you sober up

@woobilicious. - 03.05.2024 23:45

Pretty sure 1984 was drawing influence heavily from western socialists support of the USSR and denial of Holomodor, or Justification of it. It seems far more culturally relevant and closer themes than the 5mins of fascism in the 1930-40's or a right-wing authoritarianism that never really happened post WWII. And Animal farm straight up has the line "Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others", a socialist critiquing socialists makes a lot of sense, His non-fiction work used similar ideas, That's different to say V-for-vendetta where the authors are comic book artists, using facism as the generic evil-bad.

@PhilosophyofGuitar - 03.05.2024 19:47

You can't take what Dave Rubin with any degree of seriousness. He's not bright at all this man, quite the opposite. And that's being nice.

@albeon81 - 03.05.2024 18:19

I don’t understand why destiny keeps conflating libertarians with conservatives. Most libertarians are anti war, pro drug, pro free speech. I think libertarians can be left or right, it’s not really the same spectrum. I guess because he was conservative when he discovered it.

@Misterbgone1 - 03.05.2024 16:08

Sneako got the iq of a boiled egg

@DrStrangelove_ - 03.05.2024 14:11

Arguing whether bad governments were left or right is cringe and dumb. You dont want either extreme.

@Stratocaster42 - 03.05.2024 09:55

I was kinda hoping that Googling "Moses hits rock" would bring up some AI image of an old dude hitting a crack pipe

@anthonylafikes2571 - 03.05.2024 09:22

He had to go get his big brother to tell destiny why he was wrong 😂

@oidokun - 03.05.2024 09:02

I love Destiny, but he might have had one of the biggest streaks of saying dumb shit in this video. Big brother not being a central them of 1984? Thinking Black Dynamite was a blacksploitation film! He’s so unaware sometimes.

@paperpersona1243 - 03.05.2024 03:22

"I firmly believe Covid was a test run for us to be comfortable to have mask wearing jihadists in our country."

Nope. Nope nope nope... NO.

Im already in a mood and I can't handle such concentrated stupidity today. Im out.

@HedonisticPickle - 03.05.2024 00:32

The irony of his example of newsspeak from 1984 proving his own point of never having read it himself.

@torunaga1927 - 03.05.2024 00:17

Why is destiny saying "whaaaat?" in the beginning like that like he doesnt get the implication. Trump would have sent in national gaurd no matter who is being disruptive. The dude is making the comment that biden only would send them in for a particular group. remember biden has said himself Antifa is " just and idea"

@kolanos - 03.05.2024 00:01

Destiny is impartial to Christianity, and dictionaries.

@johnmccaughey36 - 02.05.2024 23:53

When the Lord instructed Moses to strike the rock in Exodus 17, He intended to establish a picture of Christ as our Redeemer. The Bible says repeatedly in Psalms and Isaiah that Christ is our Rock and Cornerstone struck (i.e., killed) for our sake, and He will bring forth streams of living water (i.e., salvation...see John 4:10). Moreover, Hebrews says Christ died once for all and no further sacrifice for sins is required.

So the Lord intended Moses strike the rock in the desert only once in the scene from Exodus 17, thus picturing Jesus sacrificed once to bring us salvation. Later in Numbers 20, the Lord instructed Moses to only speak to the rock to preserve the picture created in Exodus 17. When Moses chose to strike the rock a second time instead, he disrupted the picture created in Exodus 17. Had God allowed Moses' mistake to go unchallenged, we would likely be confused by the distorted picture, concluding it was necessary for Christ (i.e., the rock) to be sacrificed (i.e., struck) repeatedly for our salvation.

Therefore, God rebuked Moses to assure our proper understanding of the picture of the rock barring him from entering the Promised Land. In the process, the Lord formed a new picture to support a proper understanding of salvation. By barring Moses from the Promised Land, the Lord illustrated that we cannot enter into salvation (i.e., the Promised Land) by works of Law (i.e., by Moses) but only by the work of Jesus (i.e., by Joshua, which is the name Yeshua or Jesus).

@nikmarshall2989 - 02.05.2024 23:49

I think I side with Matt Dillahunty’s point that technically the god of the New Testament is even more of a dick than in the Old Testament because of the introduction of eternal hell.

@jasonrichardson4448 - 02.05.2024 22:53

Dave Rubin is on to something here

@samuelsumuel9683 - 02.05.2024 22:37

The prolonged insults part is very true about Ily. Also, keep in mind he literally did selective editing of clips and perpetuated things she didn't say by making a clever cut and then saying that is the reason she was endangering kids. Don't fake a clip and then shit on someone for multiple videos about something you fabricated yourself while also attacking intrinsic aspects of the person.

@michaeldromes3948 - 02.05.2024 22:18

All those lawyer debates and lil bro didn't even see Better Call Saul, what a sick joke

@Kurtio_ - 02.05.2024 22:13

Some of these stories in the Bible are parables not literal. Context matters parable stories are meant to teach a lesson like Jonah and the whale for example. It's about what happens when u ignore Gods call. Sure, some are literal, but some are parable. Doesn't mean they don't hold truths that can teach a powerful lesson about life. The Bible is complex which is why it's the most studied book on earth.

@carlod5818 - 02.05.2024 21:44

transploitation is my new favorite term

@scrufinator1 - 02.05.2024 21:39

Trump never sent in the National Guard anywhere because the Democrats were already threatening to say that he was trying to naturalize the country and take over and be an authoritarian . In my opinion it was one of the mistakes of this presidency to not squish down this stupid BLM Rebellion when it started

@JoshC-End-Abortion-Fear-God - 02.05.2024 21:24


@cryptidmediaofficial - 02.05.2024 21:14

Destiny streaming from his fully staffed kitchen

@Pleasekillmysonsdad - 02.05.2024 21:12


@kategoryland8346 - 02.05.2024 21:01

jesus was an incel. that is what kindness brings, you become a nice guy. you need to take action. his legacy spawned thousands of years of delusion, he has been an objective bad for humanity

@whyfuckinchannel - 02.05.2024 21:01

The story of the Jewish people from a Jewish perspective is, God chose us, we fk it up, God punishes us, we repent, God forgives us, we fk it up, God punishes us... rinse and repeat for 3000 years. Judaism is essentially an abusive relationship with the creator of the universe.

@itsgabony - 02.05.2024 20:49

1984 is good but Brave New World is better

@itsgabony - 02.05.2024 20:48

1984 was inspired a lot by the soviet union.

@BlazinTigger - 02.05.2024 20:40

when you say 1984 had a conservative government it's being super wobbly with definitions. an American conservative is still liberal, 1984 was a conservative government the same way the soviet union, nazi germany, Nkorea, ect. are/were conservative governments but they're not conservative by American left right political dynamics, it's not liberal by those dynamics either that form of government is illiberal, it can't exist in our system.
