The BEST Clan Boss Champions From Each Rarity In Raid Shadow Legends

The BEST Clan Boss Champions From Each Rarity In Raid Shadow Legends

Skratch Plays

1 год назад

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Brent M
Brent M - 15.08.2022 20:27

I've refused to build an unkillable team for 2 years, despite having a pair of maneaters forever, just because all the teams looked so same/same for so long, and it felt a wee bit like cheating.

Most in my clan can do more damage to CB than me. BUT - I've been able to 2key UNM for a very long time, and over that time, my team has evolved and changed as I pull new heroes. Perhaps it's anti-min/max, but I have enjoyed building and gearing new champs to eke out an extra 2 mil here, or 4 mil there.

Now in its current iteration, I can do steady 40-50 million per hit depending on affinity. The worst hit i've seen in 2 months is 39mil, and the best is 54, but those are outliers and a result of super-bad or super good RNG. Generally I'm 85-95 million total - which is a super steady 2key.

That lets me get top chests in UNM and NM easily every day, and on days i'm feeling keen or awake for a long time, also Brutal.

The team, as it stands, is Dutchess, Krisk, Valk, Venus and Vizier, but I've had about 20 different champs in the lineup. I started this route b/c i pulled Vizier very early (before any man eaters) and found some old videos about poison stacking with Frozen Banshee. So those were my first two mainstays.

Again, I am level 100 and could likely put together a pretty strong 1key Unkillable. But for some reason, it doesn't seem fun. The longest my team has lasted on UNM is 68 turns. But that was a while ago with a more defensive build.

Anyway, great video, hope it helps some others who are resistant to unkillable teams have some fun. I know it inspired me to just go rebuild my Valk. I added almost 2k defence to her and 28 speed. She's now over 7k defence (from 5700) and hopefully that results in another small bump in total damage.

Let's GOO!

Cuenta Secundaria
Cuenta Secundaria - 14.09.2022 16:49

No one talks about the Ninja dmg on CB? lol

John - 09.09.2022 06:17

No wonder my clan boss team sucks. I have none of the champions in this video lol

J - 27.08.2022 23:46

I feel that tatura rimehide is one of the most underrated clan boss champs. He brings the increase defense and block debuffs on a 3 turn and that massive self shield making stun targeting really easy. He also just hits rly hard

Andaro - 27.08.2022 18:26

​ @Skratch Plays I bet you are regretting not putting "NO DAMAGE DEALERS" in the video title now... lol. You are going to need an auto reply!

Mrsebbecool - 27.08.2022 12:36

the World record has a rare i belive so rare can be worth it

agentcodydanks - 26.08.2022 21:26

This guy sounds like Kermit the frog, if Kermit was Russian or whatever he is.

Blohnnie - 23.08.2022 17:54

needed this vid!

Wesley McLain
Wesley McLain - 23.08.2022 06:27

When you say they're one of only three counterattack champions, be sure you occasionally clarify that they are one of three AOE counterattack champions since there are about a dozen self counterattack champions as well.

Kenkei Mwaniki
Kenkei Mwaniki - 22.08.2022 13:10

I'm shocked you didn't mention anax

Allweather 91
Allweather 91 - 20.08.2022 02:32

My Frozen banshee averages 30mil per key on UNM

Iain Smith
Iain Smith - 19.08.2022 17:32

My current unm 3 key team: Hotatsu, Skullcrusher, Rhazin, Occult Brawler, Vizier. I am working on Brogni, Narma and Venomage to hopefully get to 2 key

Radosław Ocłoń
Radosław Ocłoń - 16.08.2022 22:09

I'm not sure why people disregard Arbiter for clan boss, when she can outshine most of the champions from your second 10. Revive, Attack up, weaken, turn meter bost, buff removal (for affinity CB)... She, together with Altan, Ninja, Valk, and Fahrakin allow me to 2 / 3 key UNM with mid game gear :)

naveen nischal
naveen nischal - 16.08.2022 16:49

can anyone help me with Altan's best artifact, I just got him and wanted to build him

Seth K.
Seth K. - 16.08.2022 15:32

Don't have a single legendary you mentioned, have every epic you mentioned...

rowan mcleod
rowan mcleod - 16.08.2022 15:05

i feel vogoth is a massive snub here. no speed tuning required healing (it's basically built in ally protection) with buff extension (although it is a random buff) on his a1.

DesignsOfARonin _
DesignsOfARonin _ - 16.08.2022 14:21

no Geomancer?

BeoWulf - 16.08.2022 05:00

I built one unkillable team with rushguard the tower and skull crusher I used it for about 6 months and then just disassembled the team. I hate speed tuning anything I get my champions as fast as I can with as many stats as I can send a little fellas in and let them fight, with the right champions and the right gear it's not a problem. Unkillable teams are great if you don't want to think or play that part of the game but they are extremely boring

artitect - 16.08.2022 04:56

I've been running a team with: Dutchess, Krisk, Martyr, Geomancer and Urogrim... Gets me 1 key NM, 2-3 key UNM... Debating to build an Unkillable team or not since I have the champions I need for it.

James Daniel Jean
James Daniel Jean - 16.08.2022 02:33

Hey Skratch, just a question. How do you feel about Vizier Ovelis? I just pulled him and saw he was good for clan boss

Khraag - 16.08.2022 02:03

I actually prefer Martyr over Valkyrie on CB, especially if you have other shield champion in your team like Krisk or Brogni. Martyr hits harder, bring increase defense for her own damage or other defense DPS you may have and decrease attack on A1 and also can bring decrease attack occasionally in case of the odd resist or simply increase it if you have debuff extender.

Alex D
Alex D - 16.08.2022 01:12

Hey skratch do you remember the video when you said hotatsu was only good on paper? Do you not stand by that video Any more

Eric Serrano
Eric Serrano - 16.08.2022 01:08

Make a video on suggested champs for certain clan boss affinities

7 10
7 10 - 16.08.2022 00:15

Can you do a Kyoku guide? There are no up to date guides anywhere and would love to see a crazy clanboss build

Robyn - 15.08.2022 23:54

what do you mean apothecary is the only one in clan boss, frozen banshee is a goddess my dude

AaronDavis057 - 15.08.2022 23:24

Skratch. Love your videos. Hey can you link where you're double ally protect team is? Kinda wanna see what it is and if I can do anything with my Miscreated Monsters. But even past that wanna see what you did

Skratch Plays
Skratch Plays - 15.08.2022 23:03

Sorry guys messed up on Aox he does have a 100% chance for attack down, not sure what I was reading there🤣 Unfortunately I missed Riho from my list🤯

Blue Buda
Blue Buda - 15.08.2022 22:51

Riho is a CB monster. Heals cleans Block Debuffs. Decrease attack. Hp burn. Decrease Defense. Weaken.

Ryutsuki Shiba
Ryutsuki Shiba - 15.08.2022 21:35

Aox is 100% chance attack down...

Darth Oppossum
Darth Oppossum - 15.08.2022 21:02

This is where my FTP is. I've got some good cb champs, but not for unkillable. I've eeked my way up to a 4k UNM by speedtuning 5 specific champs.

Now I've got the new buff extender and 6 starred my martyr. It feels like I'm on my own trying to puzzle things together because everyone focuses on unkillable teams

deadly stricks
deadly stricks - 15.08.2022 20:58

Was expecting a mashalled tbf

Sammy3000 - 15.08.2022 20:48

Is it a good idea to use Martyr and Valkyrie in one Team or will their Counterattacks overlap?

Nathan Coley
Nathan Coley - 15.08.2022 20:42

The best clan boss champions you say brother? 🤔 Sounds like a video that needs watching. Gotta see if my dude Aox The Rememberer makes the list. 👀

Aox's passive is great imo.

Ashwin Bhat
Ashwin Bhat - 15.08.2022 20:41

Can u do a video on anchorite in helicath team

Sotrueman1 - 15.08.2022 20:24

Geomancer not on the list? He's one of the best damage dealers bruh

Off3er - 15.08.2022 20:21

I use Hotatsu for alot of places, i have used him in CB for a long time

Rawk - 15.08.2022 20:06

Btw hotatsu its somewhat weird, built mine after i saw yst video on him, but for some reason his passive triggers on poisons too and it fucks the whole thing, pretty sure its not intended but i do regret building it tbh with the passive as it is now

Benjamin Niedermayr
Benjamin Niedermayr - 15.08.2022 19:53

frozen banshee or corpulent kadaver are good rares for cb ;)
