Adam Ruins Everything - The Best Ruins (Mashup) | truTV

Adam Ruins Everything - The Best Ruins (Mashup) | truTV


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@TwitchDarling69 - 08.02.2024 04:15

That is the best rap about harpies I’ve ever heard.

@matthewparker5277 - 12.02.2024 17:52

A lot of it comes down to "lobbying" or what every other country knows it as "bribery"

@Damicelija - 13.02.2024 13:57

nice! thanks)))

@sereñiarosa - 21.02.2024 07:36

I think I can accept the fact that I'm going to die, I just don't know if I can accept that I might die before I do everything I ever wanted to do

@SabinFigaro - 23.02.2024 09:29

I ended up owing 250,000 dollars from medical...who knows now with anual percentages...pretty sure someone bought my debt because my latest bills went to california..I dont live that state...and i was medivacc'd in state..

@SabinFigaro - 23.02.2024 09:55

As a recreational user of the M.J. I can truthfully say I have never been in a physical altercation..One time came close, but that was before i ever patook..alcohol is wayyyyy more dangerous...

@SabinFigaro - 23.02.2024 10:01

Yo, i help out at Salvation Army church..and their thrift store is just a place so people dont have to pay "dump" fees..ticks me off something fierce...

@Fanman1217 - 21.03.2024 06:47

My mom who lived in California durning Nixon's campain when I showed her the weed bit:sounds about right.

@oskars_l - 26.03.2024 16:15

Great video, proves many points I already knew. And few I should know, I almost envy I am 40+ and did not few things sooner. For example my wedding would cost around 200 bucks for evening with friends. My younger brother spent 1 hour 50 bucks on few whiskeys and just signed papers and still married with 3 kids. Me - few thousands on weddings white dresses - result 1 kid and divorced 😄.

@10tailedbijuu - 26.03.2024 22:02

about the game industry one, when it comes to mobile games the loudest majority want a game with no microtractions, therefore no mobile games on the platform as the majority of mobile games use microtransactions to make money in their free to play games, and that is considered predatory towards children, even though children aren't the only ones playing said games.

@GlitchedMew - 27.03.2024 06:17


@GlitchedMew - 27.03.2024 06:18


@GlitchedMew - 27.03.2024 06:19


@GlitchedMew - 27.03.2024 06:19


@jacktlee34 - 29.03.2024 03:30

God this show was made specifically for the reddit /r/athiesm debate lords that throw ad-hocs out and get a half chub when they prove someone wrong.

@LegendaryRc - 11.04.2024 11:14

i'm from india. medical costs are dirt cheap. medical equipment is also very cheap.

why didn't any greedy hospital in the us learn of this yet. why don't they just simply import these and sell them there.
maybe , just maybe it's because of the excessive fda regulations

@qmechanics - 14.04.2024 09:24

Be careful and do research about everything that is of real concern to oneself. This show, for example, has bias like many others. No matter the platform or one's perspective, one finds important truths, interesting ideas, gaps, uncovered factors, agendas, questionable or misleading takes/information, gas lighting, strawman arguments etc. . These ideas vary, have different weights, any number might be relevant or irrelevant etc. depending on the program and can vary per episode (Some being better than others), be similar across episodes or entire productions.

It also helps to categorize programs. For example, programs vary from being factual, truth based to putting on a facade, others present a position or opinion to covering a large spectrum, some are very academic to pure fanatasy etc. There are aeas that overlap as well. Knowing where the program fits on the scales helps constrain the possibilities and one's approach.

It doesn't mean one should dismiss a program based one's positions. For example, watching political programs that differ from one's viewpoints can be very useful. It gives one a better grasp of the other side and one's own positions, uncovers flaws, motivations, areas of argreement, appropriate counters, presents modifications etc. necessary to be an effective individual. It can also serve to set aside one's prejudice, anger etc. and create bridges of communication.

@phylliselizahb1041 - 17.04.2024 21:11

We're aswim in dishonesty & greed.

@timothyjholloway - 19.04.2024 07:44

Hahahahahaha. Oh. What a great ending. Just perfect.

@joyware1984 - 20.04.2024 08:34

I played Mario in the early 90's. Girl power!

@mmolina1224 - 21.04.2024 23:36

Not gonna lie the video game facts are facts... can't wait to see more woman playing

@LittleBean007 - 22.04.2024 07:34

I would like to say he kind of makes the healthcare thing out to be the fault of hospitals. Which it is but only in the sense of a hospital that is operated as a private entity. Doctors would rather give you the lifesaving care you need for a price that doesnt end your life, but insurance companies (and the politicians they lobby) are so greedy that they'd rather hurt the end consumer (you) instead of providing a service accessible to everyone that is also high quality. However, I think this is kind of a theme throughout each episode. Adam focuses his attacks towards the incorrect entity and doesn't necessarily seem to care. He mostly makes it out to be a problem of the employees/victims rather than the high ranking politicians and corporate business owners. If anything Adam should be attacking the foundational structures of American and Western society for most of the instances where he "ruins" something, but thats not as appealing of a video. In reality most of these issues stem from a massive campaign funded by multinational corporations and the people they elect to push their agenda, which has been happening since before America even started being colonized. I dont entirely know why this problem is so apparent in all of Adam's "ruin everything" videos, but it is very much something that has started to bother me. (Average leftist meme btw)

@Boicapof_Chronicles. - 24.04.2024 22:45


@groominator-magneticequato7195 - 06.05.2024 21:56

I had to threaten the hospital with a lawsuit before they agreed to send me an itemized list of my hospital costs that my insurance paid for.
I was in bed rest during pregnancy - no meds, IV, no monitoring, nada - just lay there. Cost $5027 EVERY DAY for 16 days. $80,400 total.

@biggocrazy - 09.05.2024 06:23

I used to watch this when I was younger. Adam was my idol back then and still plays a huge role in my life now

@Mynameishassan0 - 05.06.2024 23:39

Adam ruined my perception of the truth.

@RichardHartl - 16.06.2024 20:58

The ONLY good thing Trudeau did in my country Canada is fully legalize cannabis

@kobamiwizard - 20.06.2024 22:41

god I love that they involved some of the CollegeHumor that Adam worked with personally

@kitemaywilder1792 - 27.06.2024 01:27

as a massive online gamer i only care about 5 things personality/ day to day choices/role/ ability in said role/ if you're a loot thief or loot hoarder

@Narbmaster - 28.06.2024 05:14

I did not expect to see open mike eagle

@NoMoreBsPlease - 29.06.2024 18:26

"How to Strawman & Cherry Pick Conservative talking Points, While Completely Ignoring Liberal Hypocrites- With Adam!" No wonder people stopped watching...

@TheConcertCruizer - 07.07.2024 07:17

Awe he left his best Ruin...the one when he was on Joe Rogan.

@TenThumbsProductions - 10.07.2024 17:11

Dude looks a wimpy Vanilla Ice in the thumbnail.

@realgaming7789 - 18.07.2024 05:55

is the guy in the pink shirt adam from adam ruins everything i need to know

@MoonDawg2413 - 19.07.2024 20:08

Hahaha, wasn’t expecting a Zac Oyama cameo! Love the Dropout crew.

@cocheeseknox7440 - 13.08.2024 16:49

Adam casually forgetting that Ms. Pac-Man was a ROM hack made official

@lizardbearturtle - 26.08.2024 05:06

XD i mean i died for 4 minutes in a hospital XD

@jeremynicoletti9060 - 06.09.2024 21:56

Whoever that brunette is, she's quite the actress.

@spongeyspikes09 - 06.09.2024 23:36

Adam: You cant defeat me
"I know... But HE CAN!"
Joe Rogan: 😈
Adam: 😰
