With which rubber can you produce more spin Tenergy 19 or Glayzer 09c? Is the Glayzer 09c fast genung for the half distance? Can you test G 09c for chopping?
Ответитьcan't wait for the Tibhar MK review 🤩
ОтветитьI really enjoy watching your videos, keep up with the great stuff :)
ОтветитьGood video, do you think glayzer is better than Glayzer 09c for general use?
ОтветитьGreat video! :)
Two questions:
1. What rubber and blade are you using yourself normally?
2. Can you by any chance Compare the Glayzer to Rozena? I've been playing Rozena for the last few months and want to try out Glayzer.
I use Tenergy 05 both side very good control and blocking for me but lack in top end spin compare to dignics series so dignics too hard for me. Can I use glazer or glazer 09c as substitute for Tenergy?
ОтветитьNow this video is good because you use the same blade for both rubbers not like in the previous video 👍
ОтветитьHi, hope all good, many thanks for the video! I have a few questions if you don't mind answering)) Tenergy 05 Hard for forehand or Glayzer 09c? Which tire gives more spin and speed? and what do you think is better, I use Ovtcharov innerforce alc 90g., let me know please
ОтветитьDue to softer sponge, the throwangle is automatically a bit lower.
Watching your technique, you try to make the shots at first same. Thats why ist go into the net first ;)
Every rubber / blade (even combinations) need always a bit of adjustment :)
Looking to your video (and also previous one).
Glayzer seems to be perfect for first transition into current high end rubber of BTY.
Also with Glayzer it seems you can play safer, which means bringing one more ball on table is crucial until the higher leagues.
After all it will be always a good backhand rubber in my oppinion.
I will have the chance trying it in 2 weeks (but i will use G09c).
I think my combination will be D09c FH / G09C BH (or G09c FH / G05 BH).
D is much more alive, so dynamic in comparison to G
ОтветитьCan you recommend what rubber is better for chopping?Dignics 09c or Glayzer 09c? I am currently using tenergy 05fx but I'm feeling that they just don't grip the new abs balls
ОтветитьI used g09c with booster on hinoki inner blade. The result is very awesome.
ОтветитьNew subscriber here! Appreciate your effort as I’m looking for other cheap alternatives to expensive rubbers, thanks!
ОтветитьGood efforts to make vidoes for the audience 👏
Ответитьwich one do you like more for your backhand Rozena or Glayzer ? thanks great video and feedback
ОтветитьGreat tutorial. How did you remove old glue from rubber before you add new glue on it? Just with fingers.
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