C4W3L09 YOLO Algorithm

C4W3L09 YOLO Algorithm


6 лет назад

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Sniper90 - 18.04.2023 20:18

Amazing tutorial!! thank you so muchh

Lorry Zou
Lorry Zou - 04.03.2023 00:53

If we divide the image into 3*3=9 small boxes, why do we still need bx, by, bh, bw these box coordinate variables?

Manikanta Bandla
Manikanta Bandla - 21.02.2023 20:45

Is Non-Max suppression used during training?

R H - 16.10.2022 03:00

what are the values of don't care question marks? Is it up to the labeler or is there a convention?

Alex Dalton
Alex Dalton - 26.07.2022 23:22

what if an object spans more than one grid cell?

Mihir Chauhan
Mihir Chauhan - 05.04.2022 13:41

Loda heran karas tu machine learning bhanai ne

Daniel Kusuma
Daniel Kusuma - 10.11.2021 19:08

Thanks for the video, it brought me back to light:)
I however still have a question: In the Yolo v1 paper it is described that the final convolutional output layer is a tensor of 7x7x1024 dimension (Darknet), then the detection follows, where grid cells dimension of 7x7 are defined. My assumption here is, since the dimension of the conv output the same as the grid cell's, can one say that one grid cell represents one pixel, hence the detection proceeds one 'pixel' at a time?

rico aditya
rico aditya - 29.05.2021 10:40

How to get value c1, c2, c3?

Ujjal Kr Dutta
Ujjal Kr Dutta - 16.05.2021 19:41

i have read multiple blog posts on yolo, along with the original paper, but this video provides the intuition at a different level. amazing !

Sahil -
Sahil - - 15.04.2021 22:07

I am not clear how will it's work at Inference time? How can I get model output BB into original image format? Kindly give me the mathematics how to compute it?

Ritwek Khosla
Ritwek Khosla - 18.01.2021 11:52

Thank you!!

Sandipan Sarkar
Sandipan Sarkar - 11.01.2021 17:01

great explanation

Batselem Jagvaral
Batselem Jagvaral - 11.12.2020 14:19

the best AI teacher, thank you

Lakshman Vengadesan
Lakshman Vengadesan - 08.11.2020 18:40

Let's say I have an object in 3 of the grid cells. Then, the outputs of all the 3 of the grid cells should be identical, with the same values of bx,by, bh,bw. Am I correct?

Gagan Daroach
Gagan Daroach - 13.10.2020 02:06

Is this a graduate or undergraduate level course?

Edward Bingei
Edward Bingei - 20.06.2020 18:47

amazing educator

Andres Fernando ARANDA
Andres Fernando ARANDA - 26.05.2020 03:08

Same concept is used in YOLO v3, but instead of softmax activation for all classes, logistic regression is applied to each class (meaning there can be an object belonging to two classes)

D B - 08.05.2020 18:50

How is this grid cell segmentation actually encoded in the neural network? Is it encoded at all?
If I understood correctly, the segmentation is only encoded into the training data, and the network is supposed to "learn" to output the y=3x3x16 that matches the locations of the objects relative to the grid cell on the training data. In other words, the network has no information about any image grid.

Ngân Triệu Ninh
Ngân Triệu Ninh - 17.04.2020 19:17

I read some documents and I know yolo use HSV, can you explain for me why?

nipuna viduranga
nipuna viduranga - 09.02.2020 07:14

How to define anchors boxes boundary

Maxim Lopin
Maxim Lopin - 22.11.2019 22:45

thank you

Alex Ter-Sarkisov
Alex Ter-Sarkisov - 13.11.2019 16:14

OK, so how many objects can one cell of YOLOv1 predict? The article says 'we only predict one set of class probabilities per grid cell regardless of the number of boxes'? It seems that the article skirts around the fact that the model can only predict at most 1 object/cell, but the wording above does not exclude, for example, the case when all B objects belong to the same class. So how many?

Mohsin Bajwa
Mohsin Bajwa - 18.09.2019 16:34

source code?

Guard Representer
Guard Representer - 13.06.2019 03:07

Is someone else tell me training time we are using anchor box terminology become boundingbox in prediction time is that right?Prediction time acnhorbox not using only boundingbox right?

Denmark - 12.06.2019 14:50

Is this YOLO or YOLO 9000? According to the YOLO paper, I think the y should be 3x3x((2x5)+3), so y is 3x3x13. Is this right?

haojie chen
haojie chen - 17.04.2019 05:24

Clear and good ecough. Thank you.

waqas malik
waqas malik - 03.04.2019 15:51

Is yolo is a deep learning algorithm???

PoRouS22 - 11.02.2019 21:27

Thank you very much for all your YOLO videos. They are just great :)

Omi Halikar
Omi Halikar - 20.01.2019 21:10

what happens when the expected training output was close to bounding box 1, but the output of the network was 2 and coordinates of the box on expected output were incorrectly marked close to 1 whereas they should have been close to 2

the UNknown
the UNknown - 17.09.2018 18:22

How to get the programming exercise

Ricardo Cruz
Ricardo Cruz - 25.03.2018 01:44

This algorithm simplified the bounding box regression by having a 3x3 (or some other) grid output, right? What I didn't understand is how anchor boxes are used in this algorithm...

Harold Su
Harold Su - 09.03.2018 15:19

Thank you Andrew !
