The Sims 2: Adoption Trivia

The Sims 2: Adoption Trivia


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@maisieghosted3592 - 20.01.2021 00:55

i got F’s in school and nobody took me away!

@NenadlPopovic - 20.01.2021 21:58

READ PLEASE! (and you forgot to mention this)
There is a way to bypass social worker, even if your kids are literally dying. You simply move them out of the household, and move them back in (yes, it can be the same house) - and all your Sims needs will be green again ;)

@Erri_17 - 21.01.2021 06:51

In sims 2 I once had a nice family 3 children and the parents. One of the kids got taken away which spiralled into the divorce of the parents. Then the mum remarried and her new man adopted the kid back lol

@smileymctrashbag - 22.01.2021 07:23

I wish I had a better computer id play Sims 2 all day long. God, I love the game.

@LindaZoheetik - 11.02.2021 19:20

I once made a rich family whose newborn got taken away for story purposes. I continued playing with the bio-parent until she died. I forgot about this newborn and adopted a baby into a different family, thinking i'd get a townie mix. As soon as he arrived on the lot, he had the inheritance memory as he had interherited money from his deceased bio mom, being technically her last living relative. He didn't add extra funds to the family household tho, unfortunately. His bio mom also owned a huge vacation home, but the deed got transferred to a random neighbour.

@bethhale6609 - 12.02.2021 04:13

Oh my god they over cited incest in the game

@peachforce - 19.02.2021 04:05

This is a great video series! Your editing, recording, and researching skills are on point. So excited to binge watch them all...

@genevievemonk1108 - 05.03.2021 02:51

the furthest i've ever webt with this "sibling romance thanks to adoption" thing is having two cousins get together but they had 3 bolts of chemistry so i forgave myself, lol

@kassiopeia5565 - 15.03.2021 02:48

Oh my gosh, the incest thing just happened in my game by accident. One child's parents died, and she was adopted by her aunt. Even though she was already related to that aunt, the game started treating the aunt as the "mother". The girl's biological father actually had children with another sim previously, and that child (the biological half-sister of the first girl) grew up to be romantically attracted to the girl. It didn't even hit me they were half-sisters until after they got crushes on each other! Ugh haha

@dundee6402 - 05.04.2021 09:15

I also noticed that there's a short loading screen beforing adopting a baby that doesn't appear with the toddler or child adoption. So the game literally needs time to process the whole 'making a kid from two random townies'!

@mushrmbaby1287 - 05.04.2021 22:12

non-interesing fun fact: in the sims 4 we have no social worker lady, so i created a girl who took away a baby, a toddler and a kid from a household that i created because the parents hated the children and idk why-

@liv8536 - 20.04.2021 20:57

I once had a sims who had the family aspiration, and I made him live with some random sims and like 5 children, and I got a message that the social worker was really happy with his caretaking and just brought more sims children, I didn't use the phone and I doubt sims can adopt automily, it was wild because I also made them live mostly outside with a house that's 2x20 blocks

@tintaderosa - 25.04.2021 23:49

Nice now I know I can adopt a baby that was taken away from the Goths so the baby can discover their biological parents and get their money 🧑‍🦯

@technicolordreams2111 - 04.06.2021 19:28

I didn't know about the kids being generated from random townies, wow! i have an adopted toddler with really peculiar ice blue eyes ... i'm gonna go look for her "biological" parents around town just for fun! thanks!

@MegaKaitouKID1412 - 12.06.2021 10:33

Oh my god I usually don't play with adoption, but I'm really excited to start adopting babies to add some additional variety into my playable stock. Of course townies may get married in eventually anyways, but when I batch-create custom townies using the old PeggySims way of randomizing in BodyShop, I end up with really interesting Sims that I don't want to marry into my families right away because they're such a bother to create so I want to see them wandering around for a while before doing another set, but I'm always so excited to start getting their genes into my playables family trees. This is brilliant.

@darksuccubusforever3076 - 04.07.2021 22:54

I adopted two children in the same gaming session and they both and the same face template. Is that normal without quitting and re-launching the game?

@carolinhausl8669 - 27.07.2021 16:37

One time i adopted my own child later when my family had mire money 🤣

@myriambertrand1509 - 15.08.2021 22:43

VERY intresting !!

@ingeuys5690 - 09.12.2021 21:29

That I didn't know about townies wow

@j7ndominica051 - 28.12.2021 05:12

I do not like the supernatural power bestowed upon the Social Worker. I guess it expresses the absolute power of the law in America and other modern countries. I've heard how adopted children have difficulties finding their /real/ parents in real life. This is wrong. There should be a distinct relationship role of a "foster parent" and "adopted child". I did add it into my code, although I've only created an adoption in a couple of exceptional scenarios. A parent/child is a biological truth which cannot be overridden by law. A child would remember his past from at least 3 years old without some invasive action into his mind.

I hate the Social Worker so much. The first time I encountered her after my parent went to work. I didn't have any hacks back then, the worker kept coming back, worse than a fire, and ultimately I had to revert to a much earlier save, losing story progression. The twin children had been raised with great challenge with the single mother surviving on expresso and nearly passing out.

Look how evil the Social Workers appear in black and with the formal haircut. God damn them.

@skelkankaos - 27.01.2022 21:00

Sims gameplay idea. Adopt a baby, grow him up to an adult and then try to figure out which townies are his biological parents and make friends with them

@caitlin4245 - 20.03.2022 17:17

oh god what if you adopt a baby and it gets gabriel greens honker?
hell no

@AnaSilva-ye2wb - 26.04.2022 16:37

Before I put the knowned mod by krestellyn (if I'm not wrong is her/his user name) the freaking Dina Caliente just flirted with Alexander Goth I think he was teen (because I had the ACR) that was really disturbing, she kind of a stepmother for Alexander. Heu, Dina!

@Reese-sim - 09.05.2022 11:38

I love that the adopted baby is a mix of to townies! Kind off realistic I guess, and just generally funny considering how the creators of sims could just (?) have made a face template applying to babies as well. Great video!

@MissRuthina - 18.06.2022 00:34

Used to create a really pretty sim toddler... Get them taken away... Adopt it into my family... Build all the child's skills up... Have almost all the scholarships in university lol

@NinjaHotel - 27.06.2022 00:46

i kill children in the pool :D Only one time the social worker joined in the pool but the game broke whe she could't get out of the pool :D

@brooketilton6215 - 06.07.2022 02:35

I wonder, do adopted sims retain their recessive genes from their bio parents or are they treated like they’re fresh from create a sim? I would assume they’d keep it kinda like how the adopted babies have the genes from their townie parents without being related.

@tallgrl94 - 23.07.2022 03:45

Reason #2 why kids can get taken away is no joke. I was family with the Newson family in Sims 2 (it starts with 2 teens, 2 children, & 2 toddlers) and was doing well. The toddlers aged up and everything was great, then I got a notification that one of the boy children was overheating.

I clicked on him to see that he was jumping on the bed in his pjs. Then I heard the dreaded jingle and four of my six family members disappeared from my sims selection. I rage quit and went back to a previous save.

@la912 - 24.07.2022 06:18

I didn't knew most of the things you explained in the video, thanks

@sharminameena - 14.11.2022 14:54

LMFAOOO I'm so glad i stayed until the outro. 🤣 tell me why somehow I understood what she said too

@Chazmaster68 - 15.12.2022 19:12

I love how you say “rescued” rather than “taken away” which it technically true

@diamondinthesky4771 - 14.01.2023 16:32

What I'd really like in a Sims game is if there was a distinction between adoptive family and biological family on the family trees. Like the lines could be different colors and/or there's a button to switch from one to the other. That would also prevent the incest thing.

@colinvanblaricom6573 - 02.03.2023 09:39

Given how detailed Sims 2 is I'm very surprised the baby just disappears when the social worker puts them in the car

@rymikai - 15.03.2023 00:38

man i remember when i played as a kid (mostly i just didn't know how to play), the cps kept scaring the shit outta me, by taking my precious locked kids away :') c'mon! i want parentless kids! the way they teleported inside the locked rooms made me piss my pants (figuratively) 😭

@NovaG0 - 03.05.2023 07:51

Is their a mod to fix erasing past family issue?

@MinnieOnCam - 21.07.2023 05:38

You explain things in the game I never think about.

@connorbabylon5957 - 13.08.2023 22:02

WAIT, can biological siblings fall in love with each other if they got adopted by different parents?

@feridbuljugic - 02.06.2024 23:00

Also, adoption can also be done with the tombstone of L and D!

@dundee6402 - 23.06.2024 22:58

Now that I know how to use SimPE I resolved the adopted kid issue by having each child their family flag checked with their original family members in their relationships, so they won't have any attraction and be locked out of romantic interactions with them once they grow up.

@sanneoi6323 - 31.07.2024 07:09

Apparently aunts/uncles and cousins don't have the family marker in their relationships even though they are connected on the tree... so incest should be a possibility.

@danica4642 - 19.10.2024 06:59

Once i had Cassandra and Darren married, they had a girl and then both died of heart atack after Mortimers ghost scared them. Then Dirk Dreamer adopted a kid and guess who it was? His own sister. She never found out his adoptive father is actually his older brother. 😂

@marumaru2105 - 18.02.2025 04:44

My elder sims had their kids taken away but I was able to adopt them back with the elder sims’ adult son.
I don’t think they remember that they used to be brothers lmao

@eimademon2575 - 19.02.2025 18:29

I really like this little system of generating babies and added little lore to that. The townie parents had a hook up and the mother didn't want the baby, the father disappeared from her life, so she put up the baby for adoption.

@lucxslobos - 27.02.2025 18:34

omg I didn't know about this! amazing video

@Totallynotkyubey - 03.03.2025 21:00

Bad parenting may lead to incest, got it.

Accidental aesops are my favourite.

@Marticore - 14.07.2020 22:58

I'm not sure how babies are generated in Sims 4, but in Sims 3 all adopted kids get the same face, so...
