10 Cities Where Buses Are Normal and Good, Actually

10 Cities Where Buses Are Normal and Good, Actually

Ray Delahanty | CityNerd

1 год назад

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@Rexluna1 - 03.03.2024 06:24

I took the LA silver streak from all the way out in West Covina to hit up the red line to visit my aunt who lives in West Hollywood when I had a free day on a college track team trip and found it really convenient. I did have to sit on the literal side of a freeway for a good 15 minutes though. Good thing I had noise canceling headphones

@tiffanyturbek3394 - 03.03.2024 19:47

Nahhhhhh bro you could never catch me on the bus wtffff like how broke r u

@wrestlersandiego - 05.03.2024 15:50

Las Vegas could use some improvements thouigh as currently there is no bus service on Buffalo South of Westcliff, a gaping hole in the north/south service. Als, o when the 101,102,103 were expanded it would make good sense to also extend the 217 to Ft Apache as when transit make connections there i a lot more ridership.

@DanielTose - 06.03.2024 15:03

Title: 10 Cities Where Buses Are Normal and Good, Actually
first 30 seconds: US cities.

You're not finding the 10 best cities.

EDIT: Yup, your number 1 isn't on my top anything world wide. Honolulu is... ok... barely. Probably worse than Boston real world usage. Virtually any moderate sides South Korean city will have better bus service, with Tokyo, Singapore, and Kyoto with personal testaments as better than anything in the US, just based off of places I've personally been.

@dktest5610 - 09.03.2024 16:31

I'd love to see you include analysis of Canadian transit and infrastructure in all of your videos.

@gcal8263 - 11.03.2024 22:21

i'm way late to this video but that's my local line in the thumbnail!

@mike2106 - 29.03.2024 18:54

A city with new busses could use a huge marketing campaign and get people excited for them and change the stigma quite easily. I held the same thoughts on busses until i used the buss system up in Winepeg and foundnit so convenient.

@KrisHughes - 04.04.2024 02:54

I love buses! They seemed pretty good when I left the US in the early '80s (with the exception of long distance, obviously. Greyhound is appalling.) They were wonderful all the decades I live in Scotland (including long distance!). They seem to have entirely disappeared when I returned in the 2000s.

@mdlukens - 12.04.2024 17:48

Do you know anything about the methodology San Francisco’s Muni uses to count riders? I live in SF and ride the bus several times per month (I’m near the mission so BART and walking constitute the bulk of my getting-around) and my anecdotal observation is that a LOT of people don’t tap in when they get on the bus. If Muni doesn’t do any adjustment for this, the actual ridership is even higher.

@jakebarnes28 - 22.04.2024 00:21

I prefer busses.

@orvilleclisby6748 - 24.04.2024 09:14

Buses are the future.

@kjchicago1 - 24.04.2024 16:17

Interesting Video-Glad the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) was on the list

@kristinawester-madden9162 - 26.04.2024 20:36

If you ever need info for transit in Wyoming I'd love to connect. I work for the transit program in Cheyenne and I love your channel!

@martalli - 03.05.2024 04:10

Growing up in Ames in the 1970s I used their bus system many times while I was still in elementary school. You might already know, but I wanted to share, that Ames was named after Oakley Ames, who was influential in building the transcontinental railroad, which went through Ames.

@vimmentors6747 - 12.06.2024 11:16

Great list of cities where you can find small numbers of young men and people with no options on buses, and where ridership is steadily falling. Everyone with the option uses ride shares in all cities on this list. Unless cities tax them to death, robotaxis will kill bus systems.

@amj.composer - 20.06.2024 06:26

I'm in the twin cities in Minnesota I'll be honest it ain't half bad with public transit ONLY if you're in the cities. I don't own a car!

@yaush_ - 29.06.2024 22:19

As a citizen of the Boston area. I have to say Boston has the best city of any city in the world. The routes are just really well designed and truly take you everywhere. Also they are fast af.

@neubauertamas5978 - 06.07.2024 14:48

Sad numbers.....Budapest has 650 public transport trips per capita anually from what 195-225 are buses only.

@stonebear - 06.07.2024 20:13

So, yeah, King County Metro did reorg a bunch of bus routes to connect to Northgate and Roosevelt (the two current northernmost stations on Link 1)... At the time they were planning the reorg Link was notoriously unreliable, and I don't know if I was the only one but I yelled at them rather pointedly and at length about preserving some bus traffic that goes all the way downtown from Snohomish County for when Link would inevitably fail... Basically what they ended up doing was leaving a single Sound-Transit-branded run from Everett to Seattle intact, moving everything else Metro-owned to Northgate, and also leaving the CT (Snohomish County) commuter runs where they were... Not too bad.

I hope they don't mess with it further when the Lynnwood extension opens.

As far as the rest of the bus runs go, it's both better and worse; f'rex, they completely eliminated the one-bus express run from Greenwood/Greenlake to downtown, which offered a one-seat ride to the ivory towers; they stuffed all that ridership onto a local bus run into Roosevelt Station, which inevitably gets bogged down around Greenlake... but if the point is to get south of downtown on a Saturday, which I did last weekend, it's not too bad. (The express busses of course only run peak hours peak direction.) And they also didn't muck with what passes for BRT around here... for better and worse (don't get me started, especially about E-line... )

@mikeymutual5489 - 16.07.2024 11:15

Your dishonorable mention really should have been the greater Orlando area. There are so few buses that if your car breaks down, you are basically stranded at your place.

@ph11p3540 - 12.08.2024 09:38

Those tunnels that go under the Vagas strip are not for Taxis or Uber. They are strictly for VIP limousine's and mini motor coach vans.

@Theredfox-ue6bk - 15.08.2024 05:47

OCbus mentioned

@paulryaninhi - 20.08.2024 11:12

Retired, 81, cheap senior bus pass, no car. Makes living here almost affordable. Perfect weather.

@thewalkingsnail - 23.08.2024 07:40

when i lived in Pittsburgh, the buses by the colleges ran every 2-4 minutes during rush hour, yet all of the students were packed like sardines every day. 😄 i wonder what percent of those bus trips were by students. someone probably has that data because student IDs worked as Port Authority bus passes.

@BenutzerWalter - 29.08.2024 17:34

How is it possible to have an average bus ridership of ONE per year lol

@ElCamionero - 02.09.2024 23:58

That Honolulu city buses have a route to the North Shore - something like 25 miles away - was my most miraculous bus nerd discovery the one time I visited. So very different a world from the Waikiki experience near where I stayed.

P.S. [SF] Muni is pronounced ‘MYEW-nee’ by the locals.

@Fellowtellurian - 03.09.2024 03:15

People are vain, they spend tens of thousands of dollars on well made/designed cars. Stop thinking they will get into a bus if it is ugly. Just make them look luxury and people will WANT to ride them. Make things beautiful again.

@avgeek00123 - 10.09.2024 05:58

I live in honolulu and I love TheBus its usually on time drivers are friendly and it can take me to most places for a really good fare!

@Moneymoneyyy - 12.09.2024 02:00

no detroit?

@car_tar3882 - 19.09.2024 01:30

Living in the dmv I am not surprised the busses are at like emergency level. We’re running all the service we can at the moment and busses are running full. We’re definitely need more fare enforcement and more funding.

@PhillyBagel - 22.09.2024 19:09

It’s weird how Chicago, Philly, and Boston just missed the top ten.

@Phone-l2c - 13.10.2024 15:30

To many crazy people on the bus

@AB-wf8ek - 16.10.2024 16:19

I wish Philadelphia was higher on the list, but to be honest, even as a person who doesn't own a car and wants to ride the bus more often, I can't recommend it.

The #1 issue is reliability. I actually have a very low standard. I don't care if a bus is accurate to the schedule so much as I want to know when the next bus is actually coming.

There've been many occasions waiting for a bus that never shows up.

This frustration is even with access to a bus tracking system. I can see the buses on the map, but often times the trackers are completely inaccurate.

This is not a rare occurance, this is like 1 in 4 trips I find myself having to get a car share because I've waited over 20 min past the scheduled time.

Expecting riders to take a gamble every time they wait at the curb is a complete failure.

@imawaffyduck - 19.10.2024 00:00


@maxwellsmith9988 - 28.10.2024 04:33

a fellow sawtooth bus station enjoyer

@maxwellsmith9988 - 29.10.2024 01:08

busses and trains are not enemies, they are kissing, sloppy style

@francoisedwards2223 - 31.10.2024 06:22

Number 1 definitely surprise 😮😮 me

@joshuatriffo8538 - 07.11.2024 03:59

where's my toronto mention (yes ik U.S. states + washigton... but like honorable mention plz)

@brianarbenz1329 - 17.11.2024 00:59

Thanks. I'm planning to move out of Louisville - I have long loved Louisville, but its bus service is dying and, for that matter, heading for a pauper funeral. If it seems fascism's momentum here can be halted I will stay in the U.S. and am looking for a place with excellent bus/rail service and a certain number of intelligent conversationalists. Ames, and Champaign/Urbana are high on the list.

@eli-o3l2e - 13.12.2024 02:38

I’m from Maine and I am very proud to say that our cities, while they aren’t big enough for rail transit (at least, not yet), their saving graces are that they’re extremely walkable and bike-friendly and the larger cities have good to fair bus transit (the subject of this video)

Edit: I forgot to mention that I would like to suggest that you make a video about my home state of Maine’s urbanism at some point

@LadyLyriasFashionConsulting - 23.12.2024 20:42

Yes buses shouldn't be stigmatized...unfortunately due to Jay Z's Empire song...

@ahmedzakikhan7639 - 02.01.2025 09:51

Its a shame Chicago has such a bad bus network. Chicago should have been 2 if the city didnt focus on car oriented planning.

@spaceandrace - 07.01.2025 21:13

Do another bike v bus v car vid please

@andrewmiller6780 - 28.01.2025 00:57

Albuquerque, New Mexico’s local bus system is Zero Fare currently and the Rail Runner is pretty affordable and convenient, most of the resources are put into Central/Route 66 so if your taking the 66/766/777 those are pretty decent for what Albuquerque is.

@jakearlow - 28.01.2025 21:32

I'm car-free in Seattle and take the bus everywhere (I live nowhere near the lightrail). I'm from new york, where obviously I took the subway more, though I definitely was a bus rider there too (and hope to be in the future when i move back). i love nearly all the bus drivers here in seattle, and it really is convenient and for the most part the routes are pretty good. unfortch i have been spat on harassed in some way nearly every other time i go on the bus, which i try not to say to NIMBYs but feel fine saying on a channel like this. love miss bus though and ur channel

@alexisdespland4939 - 08.02.2025 00:34

pittisburg beiinf far wesr of the alleganies is firmly a midwestern city. .

@JoeyLovesTrains - 17.02.2025 22:28

Kinda surprised Boston wasn’t on this list! Buses are pretty often used from what I’ve visually seen, no clue about the data behind it tho.

@johnnguyen6044 - 18.02.2025 02:34

I reside in San Francisco in the Richmond District near Geary Blvd. There are five bus/trolley lines within four blocks, that will take me downtown. The 1 California, 2 Clement (pre-covid) 38 Geary (24 hours), 31 Balboa, and 5 Fulton (24 hours). The 1, 38, 31, and 5 have early morning express buses, that take commuters to their downtown office jobs, and late afternoon/early evening express buses, that takes you back. There are at least 12 buses, that operate 24 hours. The 91 Owl bus line, that travels almost the entire 49 square miles of San Francisco, and connects to the 24-hour buses. I rarely take the bus, but I am happy to have the option.

@himbourbanist - 19.02.2025 19:50

Pittsburgh's Busways are so, SO sick. They manage to do so much with buses
