How to BULK UP Fast!  (TRUTH about "Bulking and Cutting")

How to BULK UP Fast! (TRUTH about "Bulking and Cutting")


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Jeremy Huntley
Jeremy Huntley - 18.08.2023 20:24

Making a video without a shirt is the first step

BaLLa - 08.08.2023 10:20

Can you gain weight through muscle gain while being in a caloric deficit?

Pat - 01.06.2023 09:44

I agree you can do both aim for .82 grams to 1.2 per lb and eat at maintenance while working it. Its slows but effective in both loss and gains

Venom - 03.05.2023 23:51


ssonicdeafmonkey - 02.04.2023 17:11

Dude got a chest pump using the white board damnnn 😮😂😂

Pilot - 29.03.2023 19:28

Once and for all my ass, this debate will never end I fear

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar - 28.03.2023 23:08

I love the music 🎶🎶💞

James Cook
James Cook - 26.03.2023 11:46

Just imagining my Geography teacher explaining stuff on the board without a shirt

Jordan Setacci
Jordan Setacci - 18.03.2023 02:52

jeff looks better here than he does now. i know he's older but still.

Johnny Harlock
Johnny Harlock - 06.03.2023 13:16

I used to take casein before bed for a bit but stopped. Can you tell me what was this study where casein showed a slight edge over whey? I found that very interesting and would like to read up on it more.

EpicRivers - 06.03.2023 10:58

I have about 70lbs of caloric surplus already with me at all times :D . I just started gettin fit like a 6 weeks ago, take it easy lol.

Johnny Harlock
Johnny Harlock - 06.03.2023 10:19

What's the calculation for the amount of protein you should take per day?

Roxy - 20.02.2023 23:44

I’m counting on you to inspire me to do better and learn better and hen it comes to my major in kinesiology. I stopped going to school for this semester since nothing seemed clear. Thank you for your knowledge and thanks for being so cool. Big love

Bagelz - 12.01.2023 23:35

Most the guys I know who do bulking and cutting rarely "cut" and they use bulking as an excuse to stuff their face and get fat. This one guy I know is medically considered obese and he says he want to hit 200 pounds, he thinks that it's 200 pounds of muscle but he's clearly fat

Fwfj0qje0320rflqa - 12.01.2023 18:19

I don't understand how a workout can take no more than 40 minutes, unless you perform only two sets per exercise

Ankit Ojha
Ankit Ojha - 09.01.2023 19:25

I just started following this channel!
I didn't know this guy is teaching this long 🔥🔥🔥

darius rey
darius rey - 08.12.2022 15:31

Best advices always!!!👍👍👍

Max Cavalera
Max Cavalera - 18.10.2022 05:14

Workout should no longer be than 40minutes! Been following his advice for years. Works like a charm for an ectomorph like me.

Rick Jacobs
Rick Jacobs - 22.08.2022 06:28

Watches athlete-x once: “Ok! How to gain six inches on your biceps in half an hour!

Mikeztarp - 01.08.2022 22:41

You tell us to sleep well as if it were something we could control.

Skyteus - 30.05.2022 15:38

What if ur srawny and have like 0 fat 😅😅

NUCLEAR SMG - 29.05.2022 00:28

younger athlean x looked aesthetic as fuck

David Webster
David Webster - 14.05.2022 03:38

Thank you for this video Jeff. Was sick of hearing i needed to stuff my face and feel bloated all day to build muscle. I’m comfortable eating 1800-2000 calories per day. Prior to this video, I was convinced that 4 days of weight training was pointless unless i ate more food than i wanted to. 😊

Mr. Happy
Mr. Happy - 05.05.2022 20:07

A pound of ground beef and a gallon a milk a day will make you fucking massive in just a few months. It will also significantly increase your risk of having a heart attack

akapabs - 01.05.2022 19:48

I imagine young Jesse watching this video and adding protein powder to his Froot Loops.. topping off the bowl with a handful of gummy bears!

samsonspin - 25.04.2022 05:20

i know jeff wants to be as lean as possible for his public figure reasons but i think jeff looks his best here conventionally in terms of attractiveness and aesthetic

michael k
michael k - 08.04.2022 09:01


Harold Stanberry
Harold Stanberry - 02.04.2022 17:48

I find as a classic physic competitor when doing calves, abs, forearms, it can take just a little over a hour, calves are a whole work out by there self. Good information though. 👍

Basit Khan
Basit Khan - 30.03.2022 13:52

did he said that the subjects took 1.5gms of protein per Kilogram??

George Lee
George Lee - 27.03.2022 20:53

Hey guys need some advice. I'm 6'2 and weigh 210 pounds. I have a lean body but have a stomach. So if I eat a high calorie diet that won't really reduce my gut, I get fatter in the midsection 😵‍💫 So I'm not sure which way to go with this. Appreciating any advice here. 😊

Digitalprodigy - 27.03.2022 19:03

I ve been doing this since November. I was 177 pounds 18% now it's march I am 152 pounds 11% body fat, all my fat is gone all muscle now abs popping out, arms and chest are bigger and legs. All I did was drop 300 calories from my calorie maintains, worked out 3 days a week full body, so it took longer than 40 minutes, more like an hour or so, ate 200 sometimes more of grams of protein, kept my carbs around 150, and my fat under a 100 grams. I ate 4 times a day,last meal at 8pm first meal at 12pm. Trained fasted, only supplements was 5 grams of creatine and 2 protein shakes a day. I hit a weight plateu around February not losing any weight so for 5 days I ate at maintenance and boom weight started dropping again. Right now I am currently at 11% and starting to bulk slowly. I added just 200 calories over my maintenance my new maintenance, so I will slowly add muscle to my new body, I will keep the same diet because it works and that diet is I eat what I like that has all the micronutrients I need . I will just add more portions of the same foods there you go for anyone that's interested on how it can be done at least for me, everybody is different, but that how I've done it. Good luck and yes you can lose fat and build muscle at the same time. It takes dictation, hard work and patience.

Chidalu Michelle
Chidalu Michelle - 17.03.2022 07:20

Didn't know how to go about building muscle and getting lean and then Jeff came along😊thanks a lot man

crakavelithedon - 10.03.2022 18:17

How can workouts be less than 40 minutes when the workouts he recommends can be, for example, 4-5 different exercises x 4 sets?

At a minimum that's 4X4 = 16 sets.
That's 2.5 minutes a set, including rest. Not including warm up, setting up exercises... doesn't seem realistic to me.

Earnest Farley
Earnest Farley - 01.03.2022 16:19

Jason, question on protein. Som advocate using lean body mass as the basis to determine protein intake vs. total body weight. Thoughts?

Browski - 05.02.2022 04:37

lift weights and do cardio lol

Jachin Holness
Jachin Holness - 11.12.2021 06:56

So I should consume the specific amount of protein I would need to bulk while also eating at a caloric deficit?

Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 04.12.2021 09:05

Rhabdomyolysis is no joke. The catobolic muscle loss can be very severe very fast. I had a bad case and went from 187 pounds at 10% bf down to 163 pounds in less than 2 weeks.

Daniel WestCoast
Daniel WestCoast - 21.11.2021 02:19

What if you did one stage of bulking to gain as much muscle as possible and then started doing a 4 month cut to look your best? But after that following a clean muscle building and fat burning journey like what you just explained? Like a slower process but pretty much maintaining but make decent gains over a 6-12 month period instead of just completely starting slow?

Chandrachur~Your Forever Favorite Agony⚔️
Chandrachur~Your Forever Favorite Agony⚔️ - 14.11.2021 17:13

Sir ANOTHER IS -->"U can not gain muscle, if u have a thik(more than 18% of body fat), is it true? Or it is a myth??

RIchard Caballero
RIchard Caballero - 10.11.2021 17:08

Exactly the answers I was looking for. I never go wrong when I inquire Athlean X

Joseph Lach
Joseph Lach - 29.10.2021 07:56

Jeff: “poor sleep.”
Me: goodnight guys it’s 1am. I’ll watch this later

Silent Gamer
Silent Gamer - 28.10.2021 05:53

Bruh a 40 minute workout ??? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

john denver
john denver - 27.10.2021 04:27

I completely marker up my muscles b4 I workout at planet fitness. It has added 15lbs to my bench max

Jon Manriquez
Jon Manriquez - 23.10.2021 07:45

We become anabolic when we sleep? This is when protein synthesizes during the day


Gabriel Vazquez
Gabriel Vazquez - 20.10.2021 05:02

Awesome! Thank you, Jeff!

Ramon Noe Nin Tavares
Ramon Noe Nin Tavares - 10.10.2021 08:40

Me watching this video at 1 AM :)

TS White
TS White - 06.10.2021 09:57

My melted cheese dripped off my sandwich and played this video. WTF

navy med
navy med - 27.09.2021 00:40

What about whole body training 3x per week? Hitting every basic movement and getting a few accessory exercises in takes more than an hour
