This Recipe Will Make You Like Lamb

This Recipe Will Make You Like Lamb

Andy Cooks

9 дней назад

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@biendereviere - 24.02.2025 00:06

I don’t have all these specialised knives Andy, can’t I just ask my butcher to debone and butterfly the lamb necks? It’s on my wish list though to get some specialised knives for expensing my skills in my own home kitchen ❤❤

@cwavt8849 - 24.02.2025 00:40

No... I won't. Sheep meat stinks. Whether it's young, old, fat, lean... that neat has an odor and taste that ine hax to be Really hungry, or habituated to eat

@Seids_89 - 24.02.2025 02:20

There are people don’t like Lamb? Wtf

@chrisbarnes6149 - 24.02.2025 02:36

Looks immense, chef !!! Something I'll be definitely trying !

@chrisbarnes6149 - 24.02.2025 02:50

Just ordered some from salt marsh lamb uk , 12.99 for 2 necks !

@labarbaroja - 24.02.2025 02:50

Porcetta inspired Lamb!!!! Love the idea! 😋 🔥

@taz4406 - 24.02.2025 03:32

Lamb neck is absolute 🔥💯

@akproothi - 24.02.2025 04:54

Love the recipe.

P.S. My 3 year old son loves you, and has shortened your name to Candy

@drifterdrifter9558 - 24.02.2025 07:00

Lamb is the best meat out there bar none

@pineapplesideways3820 - 24.02.2025 09:05

Sheep ia ao versatile in new Zealand, chops, shanks, and brides, kiwis really love lamb

@justin908 - 24.02.2025 09:28

Wait, people don't like lamb??

@clickybick3134 - 24.02.2025 11:34

Grew up on Lamb Necks! Mum would roast them and the meat was so tender and flavourful while the skin goes really nice and crispy! Such good memories thanks heaps Andy!

@LadyLynne - 24.02.2025 11:55

Love your videos, so clear and concise and informative. Question, why do you have the music playing? I find it quite distracting and really unnecessary for your show.

@sorscha - 24.02.2025 14:24

Yes, a "cigar"...

@rowenastevens7340 - 24.02.2025 14:28

I do this with breast of lamb, it's just as good and not so much faff with the bones, just needs trimming of excess fat, and it's really cheap too👌

@swit1905 - 24.02.2025 14:44

Incredibly underrated cut (the neck) and cooking technique - thanks Andy! I went to Morocco recently and had Mechoui (slow-cooked lamb shoulder over fire) - best lamb of my life! Also the way they cook lamb brain in a clay pot tangia was amazing!

@FRESHNESSSSSS - 24.02.2025 15:02

I just realised I am eating a golden kiwi at the same time as watching Kiwi Andy.

@REISGaming24 - 24.02.2025 17:55

I love lamb, thanks for showing this one. Definitely want to give this one a go. Looks delicious.

@spacepathfinder1 - 24.02.2025 20:33

I like lamb just salt, black pepper and grill.

@jinxUKBK - 24.02.2025 22:06

Another thing that will make me like lamb is if u reduced your prices back down 4 times as everywhere else.

Your channel should be called 'Andy Steals'.

@UbiquitousDIY - 24.02.2025 23:24

Hi Andy, could you make a weight loss salad please?

@rosevale3218 - 25.02.2025 00:40

I love lamb and have since I was a child.

@yoilmcdoil1994 - 25.02.2025 02:23


@angelikamessenger1237 - 25.02.2025 04:59

Lamb is one of my favourites but so expensive these days, A lot of "cheap" cuts like neck, shanks, beef cheeks, skirt beef, beef shin, oxtail have become so much more expensive due to UK chefs promoting them and butchers have jumped on the trend charging twice as much for them. That makes people turn to nasty fake processed food instead of easy cheap nourishing foods made at home.

@Brandor88 - 25.02.2025 05:13

Uncle Andy, this recipe looks great and you explained it simply, so that even I feel confident in making it.

@gregs3845 - 25.02.2025 06:08

I love me a bit of lamb neck. Can only ever get them as chops though. I don't even think my local butcher has whole ones on display, would need to be a special order. Lamb neck stew it great.
I tell you another great dish to use lamb as an alternative is rendang. I have Hindu relatives so beef is off the menu and I really don't like chicken rendang. So I make lamb rendang for them, delicious.
A lot of people say cooking with the bone in makes for better flavour. Is that true for roasting or is it more for the stew/braise situation? Or is it a myth?

@striker.eureka- - 25.02.2025 06:23

They dont sell lamb neck where I live. Does anyone have a good substitute?

@Cjcomputer14 - 25.02.2025 08:22

Just bought the cookbook. Thank you for some great looking meals mate. Would love to see what you call your favorite meal to cook

@tonykuriger573 - 25.02.2025 10:04

Hash browns cooked in lamb fat are one of the best things you'll ever eat.

@gallowsend - 25.02.2025 12:59

o yessss sir

@jmchau66 - 25.02.2025 13:02

Sounds simple but are years of experience in prepping the lamb neck. Total respect right there!!

@thecarlob_007 - 25.02.2025 14:20

We don’t really have lamb meat as a staple from where I am but I find it strange that people don’t like it.

@matadaniel6520 - 25.02.2025 22:32

Omgoodness... Andy so yummy ...gonna get some of that lamb neck... inspiring indeed ...and budget friendly .. ka ching!! ❤

@jadelo2304 - 26.02.2025 05:48

ICYMI: Figs and fig wasps

Figs grown in California are also usually pollinated. While varieties like Black Mission, Brown Turkey, and Panache don't need pollination, it happens naturally.

About your fig short video and fig wasps. Only a certain type of fig tree requires fig wasps and then only in areas were the wasps can live, i.e. California. Areas were it doesn't get below a certain temperature: 12 F

Most fig trees grown in the back yard are self pollinating and thus don't need the fig wasps help.

@tuggerahlakesbream9962 - 26.02.2025 07:14

On average how much should the neck
Per kilo thanks

@Ram__babu - 26.02.2025 07:57

Hii sir

@darren8269 - 26.02.2025 11:46

Hi Andy, you have inspired me yet again! Never heard of lamb neck as a cut before, and I am a sort of oldish bloke. Never seen it at Colesworth. I will have to visit a butcher :)

@NinaNina07 - 26.02.2025 13:11

I'm drooling 🤤

@scottyplug - 27.02.2025 07:57

Dizzamn that looks amazing!

@darrenfindlay3732 - 27.02.2025 08:46

Hi Andy I'm new to your channel and lovin the content mate, I recently watched your beef rib vid and was curious as to what brand of offset smoker you were smoking the ribs on as it looked mint and the build quality looked as tho it was built to last with heavy duty steel. I'm wanting to upgrade my old flimsy smoker to something like yours cheers mate keep those awesome vids coming 👍 👌

@lolus8974 - 28.02.2025 02:59

Could not love your content more

@laurencemorgan2277 - 28.02.2025 04:10

Would this work with a breast of lamb?
Looks stunning by the way..😊

@jeremymcrooks - 28.02.2025 04:23

Andy - what is your go-to "i'm sick" meal that makes you feel better?

@DallasDyson - 28.02.2025 06:43

Hey Bro I'm in Brizzvegas thinking you could do an Aussie burger episode while it's summer, Yanks don't know what their missing with tinned Beetroot instead of pickles and tinned pineapple with a fried egg,,,,, Droool

@danieljoy7504 - 28.02.2025 08:41

That looks absolutely delicious.

@leandraleo281 - 28.02.2025 15:03

I genuinely prefer any game meat to beef, and I like lamb meat alot, so its ahit crazy to hear that people don't like lamb😂😂

@IcyHail - 02.03.2025 12:34

Who doesn't like lamb? I don't think i've ever met a person (non-vegan) that doesn't like lamb!

@jonniebosh2238 - 02.03.2025 23:54

Sorry mate can’t afford to buy it. Too fucking dear.

@jlchausse909 - 04.03.2025 01:28

I’d eat lamb everyday but sadly I’m not made of money
