How to Insert Checkbox in Excel

How to Insert Checkbox in Excel

Kevin Stratvert

1 год назад

935,489 Просмотров

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@nicobenji0248 - 19.06.2024 23:41

This doesn't seem to work on the browser version of Excel. How is it dinner on the browser version?

@miqbalikhwaanusshafa - 20.06.2024 11:56

Damn. This is way more complicated than in Google Sheets

@lunu7039 - 26.06.2024 18:40

That's a great feature to master. But what if I have a list of 2000 items? Is there a way to assign each checkbox to the corresponding cell automatically - individually it will take ages. Is there a way to copy a formula or formattng? I'm still terribly new to the wonders of this programme.

@lilylomcari1750 - 28.06.2024 05:37

Omg I was just looking at how to make a checkbox in Excel and got wayyyy more cool functions than I expected from this video. Making a doc for my Director and I think this will really impress! Thank you!! 😊

@bagogawa4641 - 29.06.2024 15:50

notworking nowadys

@suyong5844 - 01.07.2024 11:32


@dowhatyouwill - 04.07.2024 22:00

I have no developer tab in my version of Office...another point for Google Sheets, let's me add editable checkboxes in two clicks

@Pralin_Leo_Messi - 11.07.2024 13:05

Does anyone have any idea how to increase the checkbox size? I am asking about the checkbox size, not the text beside it.

@BENNYSEY - 22.07.2024 20:36

What if you’ve many check boxes. Do you have to manually linked them to cells?

@laimichael2440 - 31.07.2024 03:18

If i have 1000+ check boxes, are there any faster way to cell link?

@carlocapulong1855 - 12.08.2024 05:36

The FILTER function has never been available in Excel in Office 2019. It was introduced in the subscription version Microsoft 365, and the first 'permanent license' version in which it is available is Office 2021.Ju

@xkatsmeow - 19.08.2024 15:55

If you have a long list you need checking, adding the true/false would take too much time adding it individually. Is there a way to count the number of check box ticks without the true/false control? Also with highlighting which row is checked?

@ericprater830 - 21.08.2024 22:41

Is there a faster way of linking the checkboxes to a cell? I have an extensive list I want to utilize checkboxes with but it will be extremely tedious to link them all

@imonyxx3277 - 26.08.2024 21:27

Maybe I missed it but if I wanted the true/false box to say for example, "done"/"not done" or other, how do I change that?

You can link the part of the video where he explains it if I overlooked that

@madanjha8932 - 05.09.2024 12:14


@thelaurels13 - 08.09.2024 23:28

How do I change the true false to yes no instead?

@atsilramadhan5887 - 09.09.2024 09:28

punya gua udah di checklist bang

@tribecapete - 14.09.2024 04:48

I have a brand new, high end Macbook Pro. Using checkboxes slows the machine to a crawl. Editing video? No problem. Editing Excel? Crash. Wow. Horrible program.

@HollowPointBlank - 19.09.2024 10:52

how do I link cells to checkboxes in bulk?

@tapsalrcn3589 - 20.09.2024 05:08

Very helpful🎉

@xdsmastermia - 28.09.2024 05:01

Subscribed. I need something similar but instead of true false, I need a numeric value per item then to sum up only checked items. I'm certain this can do it in just an excel dummy. Nice video man

@NoorulainAyub - 01.10.2024 22:27

Advanced level tutorial.

@TheSmothers71 - 09.10.2024 07:44

Your tutorials are always so easy to understand. I hope to be using the check boxes on a upcoming project. Question is there a way to copy and paste the function or do I have to assign a function to each check box individually?

@mounireaddevil - 10.10.2024 20:44

Thanks I have an issue I insert the check box from the developer option however I couldn't add the true description or the false to this one as result it do not count after the function

@mrlem9944 - 19.10.2024 00:45

You talk way too much!

@GrowthGrounds - 19.10.2024 21:47

Good video. At the end I was hoping you shared the if function to turn the true false into different words lol

@johnpaulbenedict - 20.10.2024 12:44


@titlighosh6733 - 24.10.2024 04:01

Thank you for this amazing video. It's really helpful.😁

@shinichihiroshi5328 - 01.11.2024 16:06

This is PERFECT. Thank you.

@katricejohnson1730 - 19.11.2024 02:37

Is there a way to enlarge the check box?

@EerlijkeReviews - 19.11.2024 14:22

How to make the checkbox in excel so they also work in spreadsheets?

I made a nice sheets in google but when i download it it saves as excel file and when i import them back to sheets the checkboxes say true or false
Any way i can update the sheets saved file so it works again when i import them?

@khofichronicle - 27.11.2024 16:52

can you change text from true to maybe checked or something different?

@jericcastillo4286 - 27.11.2024 20:02

why my checkbox with check doesnt count as "TRUE", i cant use count if formula etc. Please

@Aryawo - 29.11.2024 12:56

Bro that was more than Great❤

@thibaultmberabahizi9381 - 06.12.2024 17:30

what if my list is long though? do i have to do this manually for each cell?

@jethcarl2269 - 12.12.2024 04:48

i cant find the filter function.

@manjushrees9115 - 13.12.2024 00:31

1 year later and still very useful!
I'm trying to make a Habit Tracker in Excel but to iterate the same for 31 days x (No. of habits) seems very tedious. Is there any shortcut for it?

@dannwid - 24.12.2024 06:35

How to link the checkbox into its own cell without showing text "True" or "False" when selected/unselect?

@sagardeshmukh6275 - 19.01.2025 21:29

Thank you so much. I learnt many things in one video. I hope many more video will be useful for me.

@RealBudgetMama - 22.01.2025 14:25

Thank you very much for sharing this.

@OmefeVictor - 24.01.2025 22:13

You're just amazing in teaching.

@jenniferpayne525 - 30.01.2025 20:14

Thank you! Was trying to figure this out for work. I appreciate you!

@lucyferaseraphine5011 - 10.02.2025 16:59

When I saw a video 11 minutes long about checkboxes, I admit, I fist skipped it. But I returned and now I'm so glad I did! I was cheering while trying all the functions! It's gonna be so helpful for me at my work! Thank you so much for the video, it's amazing!!!!

@CeylonBlissz - 18.02.2025 10:53

superb, thanks

@TensonIlo-h7w - 21.02.2025 04:10

Your tutorial is amazing 👏

@denva2175 - 26.02.2025 17:35

Bro you are the bestttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@samsamesam2619 - 03.03.2025 17:18

Brand new today. 2025 march 3
