panic attacks are crazy i had them i went for help, SSRI did miracles and off medication after 1.5 years i never had it once again. Seek help
ОтветитьHow many boosterjabs did they get..😂
ОтветитьThe short hair actually threw me for a loop😂 I’ve only ever seen you with your normal cut
Ответитьi was at the hospital for 1 week in 2014 for dehydration. before going to the hospital i threw up a lot, i couldn’t eat nor drink anything and i kept throwing up. almost di3d, i don’t know the correct names in English but after two days hospitalized without eating or drinking any beverages (plus two at home, four days total), my mom touched me i said i was very cold and kinda weird to touch so she called the doctor, turns out my blood sugar was 40 and my blood pressure was 6 over 4, immediately got sent to the intensive care unit…. i was 12 years old and that was wild af, from what i remember i was very confused, had hallucinations, was very very weak (could stand up on my own) and i dare to say i lost 22 pounds that week
ОтветитьI've had migraines since I was 16 which over the years, got worse and worse. Then Covid hit and I got Covid Encephalitis- my neurologist believes, exasperated by the migraines, because I thought that it was just another migraine, and didn't realize how sick I was until I passed out.( And NO, for all you anti-vaxers, I had not yet had one) At the time, in the early 2021's the knowledge that Covid could become encephalitis was only starting to be studied. I wasn't get better, after several lumbars, my CSF protein levels just kept climbing- almost 3000 at one time. Finally, after 6 months, I had my first stroke at the age of 36. I lost my sight in my left eye and pretty much all movement on my left side, I had to re-learn how to speak, write and do everything from scratch. Fast forward another year, yet more treatments that weren't working. I had my 2nd stroke. This time, I lost my hearing. I was on anti-viral medication for over 3 years. Now in 2025, I'm as recovered as I will ever be, but I'm still deaf in my left ear. I'm told its Sensorineural hearing loss, due to the extensive consistent pressure in my brain stem. To this day however, my CSF levels are still unexplainably above normal. I've had so many different diagnosis, I still don't know what's actually wrong with me. But I have no doubt, having migraines, as bad as I get them, is probably the root cause. My advice to everyone- don't take a persistent headache lightly. Rather be safe than sorry.
Ответитьi get those complex migraines. can't count to ten, can't remember names, can't speak, can't think. brain just powers down to like 3%. takes me a few days to recover.
ОтветитьI wonder if what Wendy Williams experienced was actually a panic attack. Ive both had and seen a lot of these types of panic attacks(especiallyafter smoking weed, or worse, painkillers and weed(or even cigarettes), where someone slowly starts to feel this sense of fear/anxiety/impending doom, and when it reaches its peak, they pass out.
Not saying that's what happened to her, just that it looks similar.
i have dystonia in my jaw and neck which are uncontrolled spasms and contractions - which makes my face looks like its having a stroke every day....
Ответитьwendy fell like a stone 😂
ОтветитьWhen you lock your knees your blood stops and doesn’t go to your brain so when it decreases you pass out
ОтветитьPanic attacks are insane. I used to have them fairly often , oddly they've almost stopped completely since I had my son. I'd be curious to know if there's any connection to pregnancy and panic attach reduction or if it was a coincidence
ОтветитьThe black lady was absolutely faking it. The faint at the end was terrible acting
ОтветитьI had a stroke when I was 36, we had been to a fund raiser prior for a highschool coach that suffered a stroke and it included much information on identifying strokes, so when I had one my husband's first question was if I was drunk, but we both were aware that would be extremely out of character for me, so when I told him no, his second question was to smile, which caused me to think "Oh god he thinks I had a stroke." He called his mom to come over to stay with the kids, packed me up in the car and drove me to the local er, where I was asked a dozen times if I had a headache, they were under the impression it was probably a migraine because of my age. They still worked me up for a possible stroke and I got the treatment I needed but It wasn't until I came across the video of the news reporter that I comprehended why the er doctors kept harping on if I had a headache.
ОтветитьMigraines do look suspiciously like a stroke. Mine aren't verbal like hers thankfully.
ОтветитьMan that haircut
ОтветитьJust wanted to say Dr. Mike. I love your channel. You're very informative
ОтветитьDo not apologise for the haircut — looks good!!!!
ОтветитьEmergency responders hate reporters. They are sent out to stand in hail, snow storm, hurricane and apparently in the middle of a race. Surprise surprise you will get injured!
ОтветитьMy grandmother gets complex migraines with aphasia. The first time I saw it, I didn’t know she had them and I was positive she was having a stroke. Scariest thing
ОтветитьI hate this video sm
ОтветитьI drunk H2O a lot of it so I think I’m fine
ОтветитьIn Navy Bootcamo, we had a girl go down, face first. She was 6" and busted out her 2 front teeth. We learned not to lock our knees while standing at attention.
ОтветитьI have Complex/Cluster Migraines and people say that its like I'm having a stroke.
ОтветитьI had a miny heart attack when I saw his new hair cut.
ОтветитьWTH man lmao, when you were talking about that knee injury I hit my knee on the corner of my coffee table, god it hurt so bad! Seems ok though!
ОтветитьWhen I have extreme panic attacks. My chest feels heavy and tight and it feels like a hammer is tapping on my heart. It causes my body to strain and lock up
ОтветитьThe girl on American Idol could also have locked her knees. That would cause the face first fall. I have IST, and was confused with VVS or POTS before they came up with my IST diagnosis. My fainting episodes cause my knees to go weak and I tend to crumple, as do MOST of my Dysautonomia buddies. Prior to being diagnosed with a form of Dysautonomia, I was involved in a ROTC program, and standing in formation, we would see people lock their knees and pass out after a time. They ALWAYS went down face first when they would pass out. Their bodies became rigid until they hit the ground and often they wound up with facial injuries. We always treated them for dehydration and had them rest. (I was part of the first aid team)
ОтветитьWendy is one of the creepiest looking women I've ever seen. Like robotic almost
ОтветитьTo sum up a panic attack. You think you’re dying. Thee worst
ОтветитьI gave myself panic attacks by consuming too much stimulants (coffee cigarettes and coke) breakfast of the gods if you can handle the ride and be productive. I imploded locked myself in a bathroom stall
ОтветитьI’m traumatized…
ОтветитьIn 1985 I started having Panic Attacks and people treated me like I was a crazy hypochondriac. No one understood that this is not some "fake disease" and thought I was just trying to get out of doing my work. Thus started a 20 year addiction to Ativan. I still get a P.A. once every 8-9 years, but they are no where as horrendous as they used to be.
ОтветитьMy oldest son had a stroke at the age of 38. It turned out he had a foramen ovale that never closed all the way. It broke my heart.
ОтветитьThis doesn't help my hypochondria but I'm watching this till the end
ОтветитьYour haircut's great, I feel.
ОтветитьI feel for her, thats how my body responds when my seizures starts after that i dont remember anything except my fam telling me what my body does and a lot of sleepy ess
ОтветитьJust a reminder, get your booster democrats!
ОтветитьI had a migraine just like that. It's really weird.
Ответитьloving these videos, they are so interesting !
ОтветитьWith Wendy Williams IDK. It could have been an early symptom of the dementia.