Classic Townsends.
ОтветитьMinecraft flint and steel in real life!
ОтветитьJas - could you also do a piece about other common firemaking methods at the time - especially with your american frontier series of spots, it bears mentioning that many american frontiersmen learned native fire starting techniques as well, and it might help someone out. Love your channel, and watch often (especially when my hands start itching to so some of the crafts and skills)
ОтветитьJust got my flint and steel in the mail I ordered from the website. Not using anything except what I can find in the woods though. Caveman time
ОтветитьMy husband & children would never eat because I would never be able to start the fire--& we would freeze to death...
ОтветитьIn Florida you can simply look for a pine tree root that is still burning from the last forest fire.
ОтветитьGood sharp pieces of quartz work well for the sparks too
Ответитьi love the tobacco box, i own 2 of them one for actual tobacco for my pipe, and the other for my flint and steel. another thing i carry is a wax jute candle i use for lighting candles and pipe while in camp, your series are part of the reason why i started investing in to these products and still use some baking techniques you teach in your vids while in the wilds on vacations, keep up the good work and stay safe in the trouble times
ОтветитьThank you for everything you do to keep history alive. I greatly appreciate your videos and your obvious passion for historical education. Keep up the good work!
Ответитьyou can burn item but can’t freaking smelt iron with furnace in minecraft
ОтветитьFantastic to see such a critical skill broken down so clearly, and with simple and effective tools. Your videos are excellent for sparking excitement about history.
ОтветитьWho the hell buys Kindling.
ОтветитьWho watching this in 2020
ОтветитьThank you so much
ОтветитьCan you please sell tinder fungus in your store?
ОтветитьLoved that outro music. "Over the Hills and Far Away" from the Sharpe's Rifles TV series?
ОтветитьDid I just stumble upon a gem of an ancient video on Townsend's channel????
ОтветитьI bought the flint and steel fire starting kit from the Townsend website. It arrived really fast and was a good value. but I somehow managed to cut my finger open the first time I struck the flint and steel together. Flint is very sharp.
ОтветитьSo glad you don't do the "staring off into space" side angle camera shots anymore. Now if only the rest of the Internet would stop too!
ОтветитьSir, you are a hero of mine. The past should be learned from and never forgotten. You never know when things will be reduced back to that again. I truly appreciate you
ОтветитьIt came in the mail whilst I was at work.
I have made fire!
And this is also how the knuckle duster was invented too
ОтветитьAwesome video very helpful 👍
ОтветитьThat brazier must pre-date the firebox by centuries, it's the old saying there's nothing new under the sun ☀️.
ОтветитьIsn't that Chert?
Great video 👍💛
Would you please show a side view and the correct angle of the flint against the steel?
ОтветитьHELLO from 2022
ОтветитьMakes it look easy
ОтветитьIf I sent you a flint knife (rock self collected from a creek) would you use it on your channel?
I think you would put it to good test on some kind of game
I hear dryer lint works well too, like in the “birds nest” stage
ОтветитьHee Hee....... Minecraft :)
ОтветитьI may pick one of these up so that I don't have to keep borrowing my grandfather's old handmade flint and firesteel kit that my father has now. I'm an Assistant Scoutmaster for my old Boy Scout Troop here in my hometown. The only "flint and steel" most Scouts ever get to see or use is the modern "el-cheapo" ferro-rod glued into a block of magnesium metal. Sure, they work better for lighting fires but there's nowhere near as much care, skill, and preparation involved. Let alone as much "cool factor".
ОтветитьIs that really how they dressed ?
Just make a instructional video ( which you did very well)
But save your money on costumes!
What’s the fungus called then we can look it up and get some for ourselves ?
ОтветитьSo is it the metal thing he is holding that makes the spark up against a ruff surface of a stone still trying to work it out 😂
ОтветитьDope, I can use some of these. "Winter is coming"
ОтветитьMy favorite way of making fire, it's a satisfying feeling making a fire without a lighter. Friction fire is on my to learn list. Love the channel thank you for the videos
ОтветитьSo thats how it works n minecrafy
ОтветитьJon, Thanks For the Fire Starting Lesson! Keep Up the Great Work.
ОтветитьFlint fire sparks
ОтветитьGood material. I will try your technique. I’ve taught my sons to build campfires using ‘squaw wood’, this low-hanging dead branches on trees. But we’ve always used matches because we’re not skilled enough using steel…yet.
Recently I’ve been using waxed sawdust pellets within my small kindling, but I don’t want to become too dependent on that.
thanks for prepping us for an isekai immigration (jokes aside, history major here❤)
ОтветитьWow this video was 15 yrs ago and i just found your channel now at the very end of 2024 December
ОтветитьNow light a nether portal
ОтветитьUsing charred clith is not aurhonic notvis jute cord. Tender fungus hascto be prepared.
ОтветитьWhat a cool channel ... I just discovered this 13 year old video. I'll be watching more! 😊