Mass Effect 2... 7 Years Later

Mass Effect 2... 7 Years Later


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nairi - 01.06.2023 19:51

About the character development of shepard being almost non existent, I actually like it that way. It lets me put my own input to my shepard freely, like how she feels, what she thinks, I create the personal story of shepard myself, helps with the immersion.

Steve J
Steve J - 25.05.2023 16:39

I remember playing Mass Effect 2 the day it came out. I was so hyped to play it. I remember being impressed with the environments and I mostly enjoyed the companion missions. However, unlike the first Mass Effect, the game just didn't resonate with me. In Mass Effect 1, meeting Sovereign for the first time and speaking to Vigil on Ilos are some of the most brilliant moments I've ever experienced in a video game to this day. Mass Effect 2 didn't really do anything to follow up on that though. The Collectors were frankly boring as an adversary, and Harbinger's lame "this hurts you" lines stood in stark contrast to Sovereign's enigmatic, Cthulhu-esque nature. While the plot of Mass Effect 1 was crystal clear, Mass Effect 2 seemed kind of muddled. What am I doing exactly? Why am I working with Cerberus again? What am I hoping to achieve with this team of badasses? It just seems like the original vision and themes behind Mass Effect were lost on the way to making Mass Effect 2.

J Green
J Green - 23.05.2023 06:17

1 more year and it will be 7 years later for your 7 years later video. Can't wait!

Ez Pz
Ez Pz - 21.05.2023 18:26

Gears of Mass Effect

Twisted Operator
Twisted Operator - 25.03.2023 16:02

Still the second beat in the series.

Emiliano Hermosilla
Emiliano Hermosilla - 24.03.2023 09:25

There’s not a better way I could describe ME2, after I played it in 2023 (Legendary Edition), than an excellent short story collection hahahah

ChronoTango - 23.02.2023 19:41

I played through and loved Mass Effect. It was clunky, but it worked with the art direction and the idea of 70’s scifi having some strange guesses as to what the future may hold. Mass Effect 2 felt like a complete abandonment of what Mass Effect set out to do. I didn’t even play 2 long enough to know there were vehicle sections. I thought they were cut completely!

You say it time and time again, they essentially turned the game into another Gears clone. Story felt weak, I didn’t appreciate that none of the old characters seemed to even know who you are anymore or at least care. The whole dying at the intro was very silly to me.

I’m glad I have reviews to watch, because I couldn’t get invested with this game.

Mark Devereaux
Mark Devereaux - 21.02.2023 05:01

Mass effect 2...12 years later. Yes it's still good

CenturionVYG - 22.01.2023 17:15

Mass Effect 2 is the Empire Strikes Back or Godfather 2 of the gaming world.

Ironvultures - 28.12.2022 21:06

It isn’t perfect but I do think ME2 is the best of the mass effect games

Gabriel ivan
Gabriel ivan - 27.12.2022 06:31

For those that are True Rare John Commander Shepard big Admirers that care for his reputation have John (or whatever you called your male Shepard first name) one have him Romance Tali one of the COOLEST romance options, She has got A BOOBY GREAT TRAP, Sweet Hips, a Tight Ass 🍑.

But anyway part Two don't help Liara on Shadow Broker DLC mission, after giving either gender Shepard to Cerberus instead of the Alliance or for
A Salarian Think Tank Group that have would fixed the Commander she caused a small political storm, thankfully it's a miracle we prove Shepard's innocence saying it's an Alliance Black Ops mission they just work for the Commander not Cerberus John Harper the Illusive Man T.I.M. is not the boss he is only an temporarily Informant resource + get the Specter rank to return, so it's an official Alliance + Specter Jurisdiction Operation, but any Liara she don't deserve The Normandy Advance Delta Elite Squad's help not even help hack the terminals she's on House Arrest can't even come to the ship for a drink, if her drell friend dies so be it she probably deserves it.

Three Final Plan you're gonna want to get the Worst Companions Jack, Jacob, Miranda killed, Jack Romanced or not in M.E.3 She always punches either Gender Shepard there's no excuse for that at all come with her being a Psychopathic Sociopathic Psychotic Biotic Slut ass Most Wanted Criminal Bitch don't upgrade heavy ship armor she dies first. Don't do Jacob nor Miranda's Loyalty mission, assign unloyal Jacob to Ventilation's job he dies second.

Take Unloyal Bitch Miranda to the Prototype Reaper human hybrid giant Cyborg, after that Cyborg falls. John Commander Shepard starts setting the timer on the station power core to explode getting all Collector Aliens Killed. But John Harper the Illusive Man T.I.M suggest using time radiation to get the Collectors Killed leaving the tech in the Base Starion intact leaving them for Cerberus to use against the Reapers but also use against other Species allies. We'll be like No, you're not using that tech to kill any other species including Girlfriend's Species. T.I.M. says I didn't discard you because I knew your value. Don't be so quick to discard this facility. Think of the potential. We'll say I missed the part where that's my problem, since the Alliance can't have the Collector station base Cerberus won't have the Collectors station base tech. Shepard will be like: We'll fight and win without it. I won't let fear compromise who I am. He'll be like Miranda -- do not let Shepard destroy the base! She says Or what? you'll replace me next? I gave you an order. I noticed. Consider this my resignation. T.I.M says Shepard. Think about what's at stake. About everything Cerberus has done for you. You-- then Miranda gets the Holographic deactivated. Places the timing bomb on the Collector's base power core. But already know even that does not at all redeem Miranda all the Evil Unforgetful UNFORGIVIBLE SINFUL CRIMES she's, that hoe ass BITCH Still NEEDS TO DIE. As Well like to say BROS BEFORE HOES.

Then they fight to get the New Giant Human Hybrid Prototype Reaper and when destroyed, the Platforms falls, they fall to the ground, debris fall on Miranda painfully killing her. How ironic it was Miranda standing above while Shepard was laying down in a life support Coma in so much pain while she helped Jacob Wilson save his life, but now it was Shepard standing above Miranda hoe ass Bitch while Miranda lays down in so much pain closely dying this time not saving her, but know this their positions shall never again be reversed.

Operation BROS Before HOES Finished. He removes the debris above her, but is too late then Miranda BITCH DIES. Remaining Delta Elite Squad Great Survirors escape back on to Normandy Version Mark 2 Then Entire Obsolete Design Stupid ass Alien Collector's base gets Destroyed by getting burned inside + getting Blown Up 💥. Then when talking to T.I.M. on Normandy Version Mark 2 for the last time we'll be like WE FREAKING WON💫 FOOLISH OBSOLETE Alien Collector's BASE DESTROYED. YOU'RE LOSING 📉 BITCH 🖕🖕. Tell Jeff to break up the communication WOAAAAAAAAAH 🎆

Blake Devitt
Blake Devitt - 02.12.2022 20:38

Garrus, the ultimate bro. Legion, the ultimate bro-bot, and Javik the ultimate bro-thean.

Blake Devitt
Blake Devitt - 02.12.2022 20:35

Depending on the dlc characters ya get, the team should be called "Ocean's 13."

Robert Smith
Robert Smith - 27.11.2022 02:17

13 years later... yep still a magnum opus!

The Bayandur Poghosyan Show
The Bayandur Poghosyan Show - 06.11.2022 17:14

I just replayed the first two games back to back as part of the Legendary Edition.

What I can say is, ME1 is not a game I enjoyed replaying. I tried to do a completionist run, it was pretty terrible. The main game is very short, and the side content is pure padding. Themes like religion are discussed with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. The romance... let's just agree that BioWare sucks at writing a serviceable romance, it sucked in Baldur's Gate, it sucked in KOTOR, it sucked in Dragon Age and it sucked in Mass Effect. Where it shines is the world building.

DA2 got a lot of heat because of reused environments, but MassEffect essentially has only three environments outside main quests. Feros, Virmire, Noveria and Therum are unique, as is the Citadel, but outside that there's one civilian base, one science base, one spaceship with minor variations. At least DA2 had some content outside its main quest.

As for the second game, it was quite an enjoyable experience. As a movie it would fall apart, but as a game where you gather your companions, help them tie up loose ends, go on a suicide mission together, it works. And the best part is, like DA2, it has stopped pretending to be an RPG. It's a third person action-shooter game with RPG elements in the loosest sense of the word. Though I wish LE updated its UI the same way it did for the first game.

I am not planning to replay the third game. Because the Citadel DLC was such a stinker I still refuse to touch that thing with a ten foot pole.

Astro Guster
Astro Guster - 09.10.2022 00:15

That suicide mission theme music is EXACTLY the same as the I am the Doctor theme from Doctor Who. Both amazing

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday - 04.10.2022 02:45

I regard mass effect 2 as a great game with a great plot and characters. While also having the worst most tedious side quest I’ve probably ever played

MidNiteR32 - 19.09.2022 22:05

Now it’s been 12 years. 😢

Luis Páez
Luis Páez - 03.09.2022 21:53

The Mako from Mass Effect 1 > Planet scanning.
Give me those horrible controls any day.
