iPhone 16 vs Samsung Galaxy S24 - Don't Choose Wrong!

iPhone 16 vs Samsung Galaxy S24 - Don't Choose Wrong!

Matthew Moniz

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@olzhic2385 - 01.12.2024 11:52

Everybody talks about 60hz, but I want to point out the USB 2.0. It's not even funny anymore

@raddgaming9969 - 02.12.2024 09:34

I like android more than apple but camera and video on iPhone was amazing feel more premium than android and expensive too😅

@aboveall.7 - 03.12.2024 10:21

Since Tim Cook took over as CEO, Apple's innovative spirit seems to have faded. Their focus has shifted toward creating visually appealing products that cater to Gen Z's aesthetic preferences, rather than pushing technological boundaries. It is disheartening to see Steve Jobs' legacy compromised under the current leadership.

Furthermore it seems like iPhones are light-years behind Samsung. Apple is just catching up with features that Samsung mastered ages ago. It is as if Apple is playing catch-up in a game it is not even close to winning.

@syedkhaled4154 - 04.12.2024 15:03

Imagine you went to buy a TV and the most pleasing to the eye would be punchy colors which increases the overall experience of viewing something on the screen so I would personally say I would go with the S24. Boring colors will not feel better on the screen tbh

@fikretguc928 - 05.12.2024 21:25

Hello, I will be switching from an old A series phone, considering the price difference, should I buy the Galaxy S24 now or should I definitely wait for the S25 series? PS: I don't care about Snapdragon vs Exynos because I use the phone for my daily work and a little bit of social media. I don't play heavy games. thanks in advance

@snoopq.5687 - 07.12.2024 03:27

The iphone 16 should be compared to the s25

@keithm_23 - 09.12.2024 02:33

i always choose samsung (former iphone user)

@CJ-vq5tg - 09.12.2024 05:52

i personally dont care about 120hz, drains battery, looks nice but i dont need it BUT you shouldnt be charging 830 dollars, make it 700

@dimitarstanoev2095 - 09.12.2024 12:55

Cleared iphone not worth it buy if buy iphone will be pro or pro max because they support 120 hz

@RodyFernandez-d7j - 12.12.2024 01:36

Just got my iPhone and 16 pro max and it doesn’t feel faster it feels slow as hell. I honestly feel like I spent 1k just to downgrade. I’m switching back to Samsung immediately lol

@Grayson_aviation - 15.12.2024 15:18


@huntrainpartrain4185 - 15.12.2024 20:37

I’m thinking of getting a s24+. I have a iPhone 11 and I’m tore. I don’t know what to do. My phone isn’t bad, battery still holds, but I want an upgrade and I’m kinda sick of Apple, but I’ve never had a phone other than an iPhone (aside from a blackberry back in the day ). So I’m scared to leave iOS and the keyboard design and what not on iPhone…

@Flybox-v7t - 15.12.2024 22:15

i dont know why apple devices are super expensive in my country they typicaly are 300 usd more than the should be its i like both but because how expensive apple devices are i will get a s24

@chaliyang772 - 17.12.2024 04:07

From a 120hz screen, its not worth the trade off in battery life. Its cool for the 1st month, but battery life is better.

@99debris - 26.12.2024 01:36

I just got the S24 in this colour, 256gb second hand but immaculate for £420!! I think that’s a great price. Moving from iPhone so hoping I made the right choice

@jeijayp7119 - 27.12.2024 16:39

i will go for s23 its more cheap now plus uts snapdragon

@suryono7219 - 28.12.2024 18:44

60hz in 2024 make my eye cry..

@dragospahontu - 02.01.2025 20:36

Does the normal S24 have the anti glare display?

@dragospahontu - 02.01.2025 20:40

What is the wallpaper on the iPhone?

@eldopereira - 03.01.2025 03:03

What, this S24 color??? That's 100% yes for me! I thought it was just a case

@ludwemlumiso4051 - 03.01.2025 17:00

You're trying so hard to make iphone like a better phone than the galaxy. Stop it

@JayE-e2q - 04.01.2025 10:03

I’ve owned iPhones back to androids over the years but I’ll always say that the build quality on iPhones in far superior but they don’t innovate much but I’m tempted to get the 16 standard & I don’t care about 60hz display

@javierosorio353 - 05.01.2025 08:16

I'm the one thinks that the S24 win in the camera test? Very sure that this man is Apple fanboy

@iphone_15pro_shots - 05.01.2025 09:50

The stupidest thing i've ever did is having an iphone😢😢 my brother asked me choose between 24 ultra or 15 pro..i said 15 pro😢 he brought me 15 pro😢 i was a samsung user previously but now i am using a fuc*ing apple..actually i phone is a prison😢😢 i can't do anything with this.. Please if you are planning to buy a phone never hesitate to buy samsung 😢😢 i feel like i am the unluckiest person in this world😢😢

@FaadumoArdo - 08.01.2025 04:46

I bought yesterday iphone 16 but I am not sure if i bought good phone

@jessegriffin9 - 08.01.2025 08:17

If you live in the US, Canada, or China, choose S24.
If not, choose Pixel 9 or 9 Pro.
iOS users will choose an iPhone no matter what.

@djromangutan8052 - 08.01.2025 22:38

Use more benchmarks to measure speed. Geekbench always give better results to iphone. Play AAA games and measure fps. In real life there's no big difference.

@thenotoriousuchiha999 - 11.01.2025 21:43

Moin, mal so ne frage. Ich nutz ein handy nicht wie andere mehr als 2 Jahre also wenn ich mir n Handy kauf will ich es 5-6 jahre Nutzen wird das handy auch in 5-6 Jahre flüssig laufen? Hab ein Iphone X und es läuft wie an Tag eins. Bekomm ich das auch bei S24 oder Pixel 9? Hab paar mal gelesen dass der Prozessor irgendwann abkackt und es so langsam wird trotz 7jahre Update? Kannst du mir bitte helfen?:)

@sampremnath - 14.01.2025 03:38

I have both and I am using iPhone 16 as primary phone because of sound quality. iPhone sound quality is immersive. Rest all Samsung scores.

@sherazmirza1433 - 15.01.2025 02:09

samsung S24 anytime, throws iphone out

@DiffuseOne - 15.01.2025 04:28

I like the s24 camera.

@sakata3819 - 15.01.2025 19:35

Base iPhone model will never ever be not a waste of money as long as Samsung still exists. If you're not tied to the Apple ecosystem, I don't think there's any meaningful reason to pick a base model iPhone over the bases model Samsung. It's as no brainer as it can be.

@Belki_PL - 16.01.2025 23:00

the galaxy also still has a physical sim card tray which I greatly appreciate. Apple adding a useless camera button but took away useful components like physical Sim tray (in the US) and headphone jack. Really disappointed with apple lately. Also disappointed android phones are going this route too, at least the "premium" ones. I'm due for an upgrade and teetering on getting an android. But I love the design of the iphone 16. Great comparison, thank you

@Sneakyjabs - 18.01.2025 00:45

I just got a s24 coming from a iphone 13 and no you won't notice that high refresh rate screen the camera is also noticeable worse, still s24 shines in other ways

@SpencerSearle - 18.01.2025 21:44

I am a tech guy and i really dont care about 60hz because i can save battery also in most of my photos i dont zoom so it doesnt matter .aswell as this half of my photos are night where the iphone is less noisy. All in all buy the phone you want and you wont regret it

@donaldengel4128 - 24.01.2025 09:29

This all comes down to what kind of user you are. The only real difference that matters is in the OS and philosophies behind the products.
If you're a techie that wants/needs the ability to get into the weeds of the OS and tweak things, side load apps, and generally do most anything you want with it... you want the Android phone.
If you are a non-techie that just wants it to just "magically work", and don't care that Apple limits and locks you out of everything... then you use the much simpler and more limited iPhone.
It's basically that simple.

- 25.01.2025 01:29

That huge island is just ugly and 60hz is criminal.

@gigachad69775 - 27.01.2025 01:33

The iPhone wins in every single topic, except for the screen refresh rate

@hoseinjavid7780 - 01.02.2025 11:48

Thanks 🎉

@beautifulcatastrophe - 07.02.2025 23:15

iPhone looks like a toy comparing to s24

@everths - 08.02.2025 09:32

S24 looks like diareah. Sorry.

@mustafabelal38 - 22.02.2025 17:29

In my country, s24 now can be purchased by $500 while the iphone 16 is for 750$! with a 60hz screen!

@hnnhnn0 - 24.02.2025 08:10

I have the iPhone 13 Pro Max 256gb and i’m thinking of getting s24, Which is 200$ cheaper than my iphone but i’m scared i’d regret it

@terminaattori111 - 01.03.2025 16:17

I miss Steve Jobs era. He would have never allowed that ugly camera on iphone

@ZakiFaraz-w9y - 09.03.2025 19:07

No matter how good Samsung S24, still iPhone 16 has something.. The design is sooo beautiful and yet sooo recognizable.. Meanwhile S24 gonna confuse people, are you using S22 or S23 or S24 or S25 or maybe A55 or A35 or even M55..

@Sar0 - 13.03.2025 23:17

I agree with most comments. I’m a live long android user (mainly Samsung) I also got a free iPhone 14 for adding a line last year. I know I’m not considered a novice of iPhone but in my time with it , I don’t see anything that stands out over Samsung clearly. IMessage is cool , the point and shoot camera used to be above Samsung about 5 years ago. It’s not a bad phone but it’s definitely over hyped. And every time they introduce something new (dark mode, move icons freely) they act like they reinvented sliced bread. 😂

@dipentasgaonkar5121 - 19.03.2025 21:46

The moment new iphone base model with 120 Hz is declared all iphones base models will loose their glory... resale is doomed.

@MatthewMoniz - 19.10.2024 17:04

Which phone do you prefer the iPhone 16 or the Galaxy S24?
