What about a K with a K kicker?
ОтветитьI like the way you assume nothing of your viewers by quickly defining terms as you go. You're doing good work BR79P.
ОтветитьThis video was super helpful, thank you!
ОтветитьDude I swear I take all your tips and it just comes naturally to me I’ve lost maybe 10 out of 150 hands
ОтветитьSmall stakes
ОтветитьI use to not really get poker until i stumbled across a video explaining betting high value cards and I swear it just all clicked watching the players move , what value they’re representing, what value I have/ represent and player type all alllow you to influence odds in your favor after that you just gotta know when too hold em and when too fold em 🎶
ОтветитьAlso today a won a knockout tournament and somone thanked me then I realized I was best at the table and he rode my coat tail to place 2nd 😂 I use to be the fish 3 days ago 😂
ОтветитьRemember, on the river, if all you have are pocket aces then that is all they are. Pocket Aces.
ОтветитьThese advanced videos are much better
ОтветитьI tried to order your Free Cheat Sheet twice last week and no emails from you much less the cheat sheet. What's up Nathan?
ОтветитьGreat advice for all ranks of players.
ОтветитьMy Non-Showdown line is the way in the black, and my Showdown is the way in the red. Haha I guess I need to wait for your next video!
ОтветитьGreat advice ❤ at the end the best kiker is the Luck 😊
ОтветитьWell, against the over aggressive bluffy players, we want to have a polarized raising range, with our strongest and weakest playable hands. We're obviously 3 betting with AA, KK, QQ, maybe JJ, depending on position of bluffy player, plus AK and maybe AQS. That gives us around 64 combos of value 3 betting hands. We're gonna need some bluffs here, or even Mr. hyper-agro will just fold. We want him 4 betting with AJ and TT. Then we have some easy folds with our bluff hands and make easy money getting it in dominating the crap out of his range with our value. Great bluff hands are A5 and A4S. That's 8 combos of bluffs and we block his AA. Same with some KingX suited hands, we're blocking his KK. I'll also 3 bet some trashy suited connectors and gappers against this player. Bottom line, you do need to fight fire with fire from the top and bottom of your range, and play pot control with good show down hands and bluff catchers.
ОтветитьBro put a wheel draw on the flop and talked about the kicker 😂
ОтветитьIt's a rookie mistake to "target" fish and try to get in the pots with them anyway.
Preflop you should just stick to basic strategy and the fish will catch themselves.
If you start playing wider to target limpers you just lose to the other regs.
I never associated 'the rock' as a 'nit' - I always thought they were TAG if the table was loose, and LAG if the table was tight!
ОтветитьFor players playing the lowest stakes in California with a drop system, is a button open still a weak hand? Are players opening button $15 to really try to steal $2 after the drop?
ОтветитьCan you give a general estimate of how often I should bluff preflop on the button?
ОтветитьHi Nathan I,ve been following your strategy for a long time and I,m doing fine but could be better as you learn everyday but can you get your books in the UK.
ОтветитьVery informative vlog, fam!!! 👍 Thanx for sharing 😇
ОтветитьThe free poker book link is broken :(
ОтветитьGod forbid for me to question your knowledge, but to my experience this will happen in 0.00001 % cases, at least in my games. 7 6 folds 99.9% when c bet this flop. This was just some dude that hated money so much 😂
ОтветитьU R a great teacher.
Ответитьsteal blinds? this may only be useful in trny setting
ОтветитьThat was me. #6.. I walked right into AK 9n K hi trash board. I raise all in she snap calls. I said crap. Show me aces or AK. IT WAS aK. EP pre flop raise. Checked the flop. I ripped it all in for pot size bet (late tournament).
Ответитьlook ... if youre playing poker... learn how to cheat (collude) so you can spot when its happening to you.. all this theory is worthless without knowing if youre being cheated
ОтветитьGet some sleep mate you look finished.
ОтветитьTom Dwan would destroy this player advice.
ОтветитьDefinitely never play any kicker lower than 10.
KJ offsuit is widely known to be a deadmans hand tho
This was most rapid fire, value add I've seen. Thanks.
I find poker interesting but don't ever play.
this isn't anything new...seems like a video created just for views...sadly you got one and only one from me
ОтветитьAt low stakes if you wanna guarantee win then be the nit. Some idiot will pay you off. At higher stakes they may all be wise and you have to mix it up.
ОтветитьWent from explaining what a kicker is to pre-flop reading. That escalated quickly.
ОтветитьIf you have KJ you block Ak so you still have a ton of equity with top pair. You're probably better off over playing it than underplaying it. I hate this advice.
ОтветитьITS ME!!! 😢😢😢 I’m the fish… Dangit… just when I thought I was getting better. 😭😭😭
ОтветитьI hear having The Nuts is rare. I must be different cuz 90-95% of flops hit me right in The Nuts.
Ответить#5 is sort of wrong. Yes position I get it but the aggressive player has a wider range and pocket 9’s is most likely
winning pre flop against that guy. In a cash game out that player to the test and go all in
Fold AA on turn against the nit? Seems wrong to me, couldn’t this nit have AJ QQ KK? And more combo’s than the hands you mentioned.
ОтветитьPlayed a hand yesterday that went to the kicker. I had Ace/King. Guy to my right had Ace/Queen with 2 ACES on the table. We both called and lost to a pocket King/Queen and his King High straight. It wasn't a big pot and was early in the session.
ОтветитьIn tip #5, Can you tell me again what were the suits of the 2 red 9’s?
Ответитьwhat does EDP stand for?
ОтветитьSo where's the part about seeing someone doing something exposing being a fish?
ОтветитьIf someone open limps they are usually a fish. Especially if they open limp from very early position.
ОтветитьI started playing last week and lost tons of money because I was lower than the lowest fish. I mean I didn't even know the names or terminology of any of this.
Sunday was my last play day. I came across his videos and spent two days watching and rewatching tons of his content plus download his free cheat sheet and memorized what cards to play, what cards to bluff and focus on playing more hands on the button or CO position.
I went back to the tables on Wednesday and sat down with %100 more confidence and BALLS.
I focused on three players out of the 8 at the table because they were betting the most hands. One was TAG, LAG and FISH like me.
I was able to read them and predict their hands %80 of the time. I'd raise preflop and if one of those 3 called I'd raise more on the post flop. If it went to the turn I'd raise even more. Most times they'd fold or if I read the community cards right and analyzed my opponent right then I'd fold.
I walked away with a $375 profit. Not bad for 3.5 hours
Kicker is SO important. I wont play a K 2-6 unless its suited and Im late position. K 7 -9 suite d middle position or better.. And sometimes a weak kicker lands you trips or a boat. But a weak kicker can lose you HUGE pots. Thats a type of pain I do not enjoy and will avoid it when I can.