The Undertaker: Long Term Story Telling in Wrestling

The Undertaker: Long Term Story Telling in Wrestling

Super Eyepatch Wolf

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Jishnu Jayan
Jishnu Jayan - 24.09.2023 11:20

Hey,why is this video unavailable in india ?

denzel - 20.09.2023 11:56

To those who are saying he should have retired with his streak intact, you're missing the point of who the undertaker was. He was the type of guy to put the younger talent over when the time was right. He was the one holding that rope and helping others to the top of the mountain. Realistically, Brock shouldn't have ended the streak. It probably should have been an up and comer but either way, if you're leaving the industry, you leave it on your back.
Thank you Taker.

Twój Stary
Twój Stary - 20.09.2023 11:27

I'm from a part of Europe where wrestling was never this important. Actually most of people don't know if even exist. I watched it very rarely as I didn't have cable and could watch it only if I stayed with my cousins. Even tho, for all these years I loved the aesthetics and theatrics of WWE. I don't know shit about fighting and whether WWE is real and how is it possible that for a "only pretending" fights ital actually was dangerous. Undertaker I have seen only few times and still he was a prominent figure. I used him so often in jokes or when writing stories with my friends it was as if I watched him every week. I think it's and evidence of how important this character was for popculture worldwide.

astrothsknot - 14.09.2023 02:51

given that matches are scripted, was Lesnar meant to beat the Undertaker and so end the streak?

Alpha Lax
Alpha Lax - 13.09.2023 20:16

If i was him i would've definetly retired earlier just to keep the streak intact tbh the pressure would be surreal

John Lindsay
John Lindsay - 09.09.2023 16:20

Was that epic match against Shawn Michaels? I thought it was against the long time super wrestler Marty Jannetty. The Rockers forever!

Joy Alexander
Joy Alexander - 08.09.2023 21:04

I live in knox county, he (the dentist) came to my high school and gave an inspirational graduation speach

Harukami - 07.09.2023 19:25

The Undertaker for Mortal Kombat 1! C'mon Ed, I know you're reading this right now.

I AM MO of AMP - 06.09.2023 21:03

Very nicely done man. Makes sense about the length of time in creating. The edits and cuts alone are CRISP. As a wrestling fan since 1990, the Undertaker is my wrestling fandom. Pointing towards his ethereal presence the way yall did: 👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿

John S.
John S. - 06.09.2023 01:43

It ended where it all began, Survivor Series. A fitting end, I’d say. 😢

Jaxafrass - 30.08.2023 20:24

Yesterday I watched the rock and John Cena vs miz and the truth. I had been skeptical about pro wrestling being entertaining but boy did I have a great time last night. For those of you who still don’t get it I’ll describe it with these words:
If that doesn’t get your blood pumpin idk what will.

Krypted - 29.08.2023 08:06

You can almost see it in Roman's face as the undertaker tries to rise, and, subsequently falls, the realization and weight sets in as you see what you thought to be this immortal, unkillable, unstoppable beast that protected, threatened, and inspired you fall for the last time and for the first time fail to get back up and the weight of the responsibility set in as he realizes he was the one to kill that legend

hailenvy - 27.08.2023 19:48

Undertaker and his brother Cain were indeed the biggest characters to me in the WWE. I confess I stopped watching years ago, and heard from coworkers later that Taker’s streak ended. But when I saw this video, and witnessed the match itself and what followed, I confess I broke down. Thank you Taker.

JoSiAH - 27.08.2023 15:00

Roman Reigns defeating Undertaker never happened. Can we agree? Can we all agree that match was just awful? Can we all agree that Brock Lesnar is the only man to defeat The Streak? Can we? Thank you.

Philip Robertson
Philip Robertson - 27.08.2023 14:35

This was an emotional journey that was conveyed with passion. Phenomenal production!

Humanbeanbroth - 26.08.2023 14:57

Am I the only one that thinks its a bit weird they made him lose in his retirement match to roman reigns?

Alexis Flores
Alexis Flores - 25.08.2023 12:39

Rip Bray 😢

Lolo - 25.08.2023 01:10

Its the look on Romans face as he pins Taker that will always stick with me as if he's thinking "god not like this let him leave with more dignity then losing to me. These people hate me so much as it is this is just going to make them hate me even more." Taker was an institution in WWE. He was the man who cared about putting on a good show for us. He cared he put him self threw hell to make us happy. I met him once when I was 12 maybe 13. My best friend and I were at 7/11 it was like the last week or day of summer vacation and there he getting gas. Mark was just so nice to us. He didn't mind that these two middle schoolers were losing it over meeting him. He was just really nice even paid for our slurpies and told us to keep working hard at school. What gets to me is that he didn't have to be nice to us. He didn't have to even buy us drinks but he did because that's just the type of guy he is. While it meant a lot to me I know for my best friend it meant even more. Because my friend was a foster kid and WWE was the one constant in his life. A few months latter my friend was shot at the bus stop ironicly he had an undertaker card in his pocket.

Sketos - 23.08.2023 18:01

Aren't these fights scripted?

So Undertaker knew he'd lose to Lesnar ?

Ynot Ramirez
Ynot Ramirez - 23.08.2023 01:23

My 1st Reaction When I Think Of
The Undertaker Is
( In My Undertaker Voice)
" Rest In Peace " & Roll My Eyes To The Back Of Head.

Wog 2968
Wog 2968 - 22.08.2023 18:59

Great video! Still think fake pro wrestling is lame, but great video.

chihuahua lifestyles club
chihuahua lifestyles club - 22.08.2023 09:45

the undertaker sucks CHRISTIAN RULES rocks out to my last breath - evanescence p.s. i hate u eyepatch wolf

Arthur Vasseur
Arthur Vasseur - 22.08.2023 02:02

Taker doesn't able to do his get up and falling litteraly broke me. Like the untouchable man is, in fact, touchable.

quigone - 19.08.2023 18:02

The streak should have never been broken. PG era had already taken storytelling downhill but giving the streak to lesnar was unnecessary and Roman would never get over with the fans back in 2018 with anything.

Taker deserved to go away with the streak intact for his services to the industry.

Kai Is The Best
Kai Is The Best - 15.08.2023 04:33

One way I’ve always described Takers run in WWE is “He entered the company The Undertaker and he left it Mark Calloway.”

Volzschlittsey Xavier Koopa
Volzschlittsey Xavier Koopa - 14.08.2023 07:43


ieat caribou
ieat caribou - 14.08.2023 06:49

Losing to Brock was bad, but I can understand. Letting Roman win was unforgivable.

Sean B
Sean B - 13.08.2023 07:56

I love wrestlers with extreme gimmicks because when done correctly they are just so damn entertaining.

Rick L
Rick L - 13.08.2023 07:27

You make really good pro-wrestling investigations/summaries/content.
Thoughtful, insighful, analytical, and moving and soulful.
I've seen many such works, but very, very few better. 👏👌👍✌

Phil Accio
Phil Accio - 13.08.2023 02:36

literally the reason i watched wrestling for as long as i did

Jack-a-Lopium - 11.08.2023 14:08

What a character! What a career! What a great man!

Mathew Blackham
Mathew Blackham - 10.08.2023 14:09

This video was poetry just like the stories that are told in wrestling.

Philip Cariño
Philip Cariño - 06.08.2023 23:09

As a lifelong wrestling fan since the early 90s and watched the attitude era growing up, this video is accurate af. SEW I've just stumbled upon your Roman reigns video and may you never stop creating new wrestling fans through your videos. Thanks for making my cry before I sleep lmao

M J - 05.08.2023 23:03

The passion and joy you bring to these stories is simply incredible, Sir.

Darryl Friday
Darryl Friday - 05.08.2023 20:55

the streak being broken is still hard to watch

Mr. Herbert
Mr. Herbert - 05.08.2023 16:33

This is absolutely the most pretentious video ive ever seen, this clown would absolutely try to give meaning behind the time undertaker took a shit in a bag of booty-os.

daftnut - 04.08.2023 23:48

I was legitimately upset when the undertaker lost at wrestlmaina

Am Become Death
Am Become Death - 04.08.2023 18:48

Full on respect for anyone who calls them self Texas red

Chulumanca Ngesi
Chulumanca Ngesi - 04.08.2023 11:30

This video is one of the greatest things I've ever seen.

JRK - 04.08.2023 09:58

My memory of the streak's end is crystal clear. I was watching with a friend, we were in good spirits after Cesaro won the inaugural Andre the Giant Battle Royale and when it came time for the match we felt it was just another match and that Lesnar would be the sacrificial lamb since his return had been a mixed bag for the Streak. We get to the last tombstone where Lesnar kicks out and figure it'll be a sequence where Lesnar attempts a comeback, but eventually slips and gets pinned. And then I see Lesnar reverse the tombstone which I recognized as the same freakish display of strength when Lesnar beat Undertaker at No Mercy back in 2002 inside Hell in a Cell. I paused for a bit, looked to my friend and just said that it's over, which he understandably denied. Even knowing what was coming, seeing him just yell what the fuck and what for a minute, that period of silence and unease in the crowd is something we will never get again

At this point I'd been watching WWE for 8 years and this was the first instance where I could analyze the product and understand where the match would go. In a way it's a blessing and curse, because after 2014 it became a lot harder to commit to the product given I more often than not knew how a match would go based on promos, storylines, and other stuff to where I simply wanted the result to understand the implications for the story. Paradoxically however I am now ignoring the matches, the effort these wrestlers train so hard and sacrifice so much of their health and time on...and that shit just weighs on you emotionally

I would tune in periodically to see what would become of Taker and made sure to see what his 30th anniversary at Survivor Series would entail and my watch group elected to end the consistent coverage for now. It's only recently with the Bloodline and redemption of Roman Reigns that I've started to get that itch for a return, however it's still on the story and less about the product and it will never feel okay to wave the heart and soul of this sport.

Cassandra - 04.08.2023 00:28

Okay, fuck you for making me cry over wrestling.

Stella Rywalker
Stella Rywalker - 03.08.2023 04:51

As someone who loves wrestling I really appreciate your videos and how genuinely passionate you talk about it. You’re my people. ❤

superashe112 - 02.08.2023 01:51

I just wanted to say this video got me into wrestling and I fell in love with mjf. This last match made me cry but I get it I see the beauty in wrestling you talked about. Thank you

Nerfy the Clown's
Nerfy the Clown's "Arting at the End of the World" - 29.07.2023 00:10

Hahaha....that theme song from Nightwave... Did you get it from there or the original artist? Wondering if his license was exclusive, all of a sudden...
