Einwandern per Blue Card | Made in Germany

Einwandern per Blue Card | Made in Germany

DW Deutsch

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@hendekp - 06.09.2022 00:08

HOW I COULD NOT GET A BLUE CARD: I found a job in Germany, my employment contract said 57.000 Euros gross salary per year (higher than the limit of 56.400 Euros), my school and my department had equivalence. I went to the German consulate in my country and applied for the Blue card and I got my visa with the "BLAUE KARTE EU" written on it. Everything seemed to be smooth. I came to Germany, after working for 6 months, it turned out that I could not get a Blue card at the Auslanderbehörde appointment in Germany because my salary was 57.000 € with New Year's and summer holiday bonuses (double salary). and in this case, my salary did not appear as 57.000 Euros gross per year in the system???. this information is not written anywhere, including on official German websites...I apply for a Blue card visa, my application is positive, and my visa comes out with the phrase "BALUE KARTE EU" on it. I learned about this problem only at my appointment at the foreigners' branch in Germany and I could not do anything after that moment. THANK YOU GERMANY, YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT FROM MY COUNTRY WHICH IS NOT IN THE EUROPEAN UNION!!!!

@haraldhacker - 26.08.2022 09:02

Wieso sich den Stress mit der Blue Card antun? Einfach mit aller Gewalt ins Land einreisen und fertig. .... Machen doch mittlerweile alle so und ist akzeptiert.

@almanyadayasam609 - 14.04.2022 17:47

Haha, findest du nicht Fachkräfte. Ich lach mich aus. Warum sagt ihr uns; tut uns Leid, wir können hoch qualifizierte nicht einstellen können. Wer lügt wohl...

@scrofanigiuseppe7281 - 27.04.2020 08:19

Mega geil dein mario scrofani super
