James Brandon Lewis’ Red lily quintet   Fallen flowers Live

James Brandon Lewis’ Red lily quintet Fallen flowers Live

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2 года назад

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James Brandon Lewis returns to Roulette to present celebrate the album release of Jesup Wagon—a brilliant appreciation of the life and legacy African-American musician-painter-writer-scientist George Washington Carver. This performance will consists of seven pieces that create a portrait of stunning clarity and depth.

Jesup Wagon is James Brandon Lewis’ Red Lily Quintet, anchored by the tectonic rhythm section of bassist William Parker and drummer Chad Taylor, and rounded out by cornetist Kirk Knuffke and cellist Chris Hoffman. Parker, who James says “has looked out for me ever since I arrived in New York City,” is a genius of the stand-up bass who performed with grand-master Cecil Taylor for 11 years straight. He is also a renaissance man in his own right. Chad Taylor, “one of the most melodic drummers I’ve ever played with,” James says, is a Chicagoan who has gifted to New York some of the energy and drama the windy city is known for. Kirk Knuffke is one of New York’s rare cornet players, using that instrument’s impish tone to explosive effect on dozens of records by New York jazz heavies. Chris Hoffman made his bones playing Henry Threadgill’s demanding music in a few of the great alto saxophonist’s bands, and has worked with artists as diverse as Yoko Ono, Marc Ribot and Marianne Faithful.

This performance is presented live in Roulette's theater in Downtown Brooklyn.

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