The Sopranos - Tony beats Perry Annunziata

The Sopranos - Tony beats Perry Annunziata

Tony Soprano

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Internet User
Internet User - 19.09.2023 00:25

I love this scene up until the point of “my arm!” Nobody would say that in a fight 💀

T Spence
T Spence - 08.09.2023 05:01

Lets be real. Besides showing dominance, Tony chose him bcuz he couldve became another Furio. I see u Tony

James Kirks
James Kirks - 02.09.2023 12:09

Negan would've been way more brutal just bash there head open with Lucile

Adrian - 31.08.2023 20:25

Respect by fear is a short term measure.

QuinnanScott - 31.08.2023 04:33

He picked perry because he was young and jacked. If he can kick Perry’s ass he most definitely can kick everyone in that rooms ass. Alpha male as melfi said.

Islamic school of meme studies
Islamic school of meme studies - 30.08.2023 17:15

Dad bods vs Fit bods lol.

734jab - 23.08.2023 03:16

Bobby Bacala was a no nonsense guy when it came down to it

Ryan - 18.08.2023 14:26


Ian Jones
Ian Jones - 16.08.2023 02:35

If Noah had been there, Tony would have been laid out 😂

A Google User
A Google User - 12.08.2023 02:28

Acts tough doesn't get hit throws up his guts

Jacob P
Jacob P - 11.08.2023 20:50

All that reading of Sun Tzu Paid off it seems

Matt Sivits
Matt Sivits - 08.08.2023 07:52

Sill always knew what Tony was doing before he did… even when Tony killed Chris Sill knew

Stevie Seagal
Stevie Seagal - 02.08.2023 14:22

The "Virgil Smile" shows itself again. Classic. Best actor of all time.

Blanco - 01.08.2023 07:18

There was nothing he could do. Tony was a mafia boss and Muscles Marinara was just a driver. It was among the Italians. Real greaseball shit.

Richard Schulman
Richard Schulman - 29.07.2023 08:50

So that was pointless and he made an enemy. Even a midget can buy a gun

100 subs without a video
100 subs without a video - 14.07.2023 16:18

Glad I'm not the only one who quotes this scene😂

Slop King
Slop King - 10.07.2023 06:30

Tony wanted to show that his fatness was the most powerful

Matt Sivits
Matt Sivits - 09.07.2023 08:21

Tony knew what he was doing, he picked the strongest and weakest guy at the same time

RageJoona - 06.07.2023 18:19

The Sopranos is one of the few shows that can have a silly fight have this many layers.

Michael Mcdonald
Michael Mcdonald - 05.07.2023 19:55

Yeah, umm no.
Perry would've had Tony back on life support, even pre gunshot

1 - 02.07.2023 16:15

Took me a while to figure this scene out. Perry was a new associate as well as Tony’s driver. Tony needed to show everyone that he didn’t choose Perry to ‘protect’ him after getting shot, as Carmella mentioned in another scene. Perry having anger issues, could easily take Tony out while he’s weak, or be influenced from NY/other NJ crew members that don’t respect nor fear the boss anymore . Tony had to establish to his crew that he didn’t hire this muscular young guy to be his ‘protector’, and that he’s still someone to be feared. It’s hard to see, but everyone is way too comfortable chilling out while the boss is around, and Tony definitely sensed it. He was in the hospital for all that time, yet no one bothered to clue him in on missed business when he returned. They just acted his babysitter while they just did their own thing. That alone raised alarm bells with Tony, and he had to act fast.

I’m so tired of people analyzing this show from a Freudian lens, the mind is so much more complex than these superficial labels like ‘sociopath’ and ‘insecurity’. This show isn’t supposed to be a case study of sociopathy for a psych 101 course, it’s about nuance and the duality of man. We’re all capable of darkness and evil things, it’s just a question of circumstances and how far you can be pushed before abandoning your moral conditioning.

BigotGaming - 28.06.2023 23:31

this was random as hell

jumpstart55million - 24.06.2023 05:23

Love the show…But there’s no way Tony’s fat out of shape ass would’ve been able to beat that guys ass. Weak spot or not. In real life, In terms of brawl fights, The younger, Stronger, Faster more explosive guy whose equally as tough as the older guy, wins 10 out 10 times baring a lucky cheap shot or sudden slip. These guys aren’t UFC fighters they’re mobster brawlers, Most of whom aren’t in great shape. There’s hardly any true skill to fall back on, Just impulsive chaotic toughness. Tony B and Christopher were all right on the money when they called him a Fat Fuck whose a heart attack away from dropping dead. The most unrealistic part of the Sopranos is the way Tony never gets his ass whooped in the show and always wins fights, Despite having breathing issues and terrible cardiovascular health.

LikwidSnake - 20.06.2023 23:17

If he didn't slam the fridge door he wouldn't need to be taught a lesson.

jimmicrackhead12 - 02.06.2023 11:36


S0nantxny - 26.05.2023 05:03


Ben Serkowski
Ben Serkowski - 16.05.2023 12:14

He thought who’s the toughest guy in the room so he picked Perry beat his ass just to show the boys who’s king in the jungle. Same thing as guys in prison that don’t want to be messed with they pick on the toughest to send a message to everyone else.

FPStupid _
FPStupid _ - 13.05.2023 07:38

When you’re a Philadelphia lawyer:

tempo1889 - 03.05.2023 08:03

This wasn't a fight due to the fact that nobody was playing Monopoly.

Travis Bickle
Travis Bickle - 01.05.2023 11:54

this is one of those ironic moments when Dr.Melfie helped Tony become a better mob boss.

Kevin Karén Kljyan
Kevin Karén Kljyan - 26.04.2023 20:01

This scene angered me the most. The guys just standing there while Perry just gets beat. They could’ve snapped and said “Hey fatso, leave him alone”. Start a bloody brawl w/ Tone. I don’t care if Tony’s made and is the boss demands respect. The guys should’ve said “get ur fuckin hands off of Perry and whack someone ur own size u fat POS”.

Michael Lusk
Michael Lusk - 16.04.2023 07:17

This scene show what a sociopathTony was, Lookd forward to seeing the character whacked.

nicodemo Scarfo
nicodemo Scarfo - 15.04.2023 22:54

Throwing up all that Gabbagool...

mangamegs - 10.04.2023 00:46

Tony beat up vin diesels mutt of a cousin.

BACONBIT44 - 09.04.2023 07:35

So he gave that guy a beating for no good reason accept to re establish dominance??what like dogs???what a insecure maniacal little fucking pussy-now I don’t wanna binge this show

BradentonCane - 09.04.2023 04:09

“My Arrrrrmmmm”

Bobby Casares
Bobby Casares - 07.04.2023 12:19

for everyone saying “he’s insecure” that might be true but everyone has to put themselves in Tony’s shoes,just gotten outta coma and your people are starting to look at you as if you are weak.

Sean Norfleet
Sean Norfleet - 20.03.2023 05:52

Tony felt like his "tough guy" image was on the line. Feeling weak after recovering from his gunshot wound. Beating Perry's ass was just a way for him to assert his dominance. Letting his boys know "I'm still the man". Notice the smirk on his face while looking in the mirror. He needed that fix..

Brendan - 14.03.2023 02:32

Tony has to be the most sociopathic protagonist in TV lol

Aaron Perez
Aaron Perez - 13.03.2023 21:47

As insecure Tony was. I still believe that he whooped his ass for 2 reasons

1. He’s the boss and can not look weak among his crew.

2. To snuff any rebellion or push back from perry in the future

because he’s a hot head and Tony would have to deal with that eventually.

Enigma - 26.02.2023 01:41

This is what happens when you forget to count to 10...

Santiago Franco
Santiago Franco - 19.02.2023 22:33

Tony's lucky he didn't pick Bobby to fight.

Baird Grimm
Baird Grimm - 14.02.2023 13:11

The look on Paulies face LMFAO

X88B88 - 11.02.2023 23:08

Jesus Christ what did Perry expect, coming at Tony with a chainsaw and all!
