Warriors of Chaos Immortal Empires Battle Guide | Total War Warhammer 3

Warriors of Chaos Immortal Empires Battle Guide | Total War Warhammer 3

Colonel Damneders

1 год назад

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CH Heinrich
CH Heinrich - 22.08.2023 21:38

I hope in a future dlc they can somehow give archeon his mount from age of sigmar, it would one heck of a mount😅

Kamikaze Commie
Kamikaze Commie - 31.07.2023 04:24

The repetition of you talking about the repetition was more annoying than the repetition. You didn't have to say something about it every time. Your scripts seem tight so I dunno what possessed you to rant about that.

Lucas Gauthier
Lucas Gauthier - 22.07.2023 17:26

abit sad we didnt get videos for each lord ,azazel and the other guys ,i have trouble building the armies and this guide works great for undivided but doesnt help for khorn/nurgle/slaneesh/tzencht focus armies

Meat eater 9000
Meat eater 9000 - 16.06.2023 13:46

God damn cane we make men the size of men again?

Meat eater 9000
Meat eater 9000 - 16.06.2023 13:43

Why is khornes axes so small?

CrossCarries - 23.05.2023 00:26

Why is slanesh armouring up and nurgle exposing themselves for more damage? Like completely opposite from their nature and ruins the flavor of the units

Albert - 21.04.2023 06:22

Any plans on combining the videos? Sounds like a good thing to spend time watching tbh.

DeskSlam - 19.02.2023 00:54

Look at how big the chaos warriors are... remember that these are still humans. There's a man under that mountain of muscle and armor.

Vojtěch Slezák
Vojtěch Slezák - 03.01.2023 18:27

I find the Chosen of Khorne with dual axes great at cleaning out Skaven. It always feels like they dont even have armor :D

Saroshi - 03.12.2022 14:04

Great video!

Honestly I Valkia is one of the most powerful lords in the game atm. My last campaign was on VH/VH and she absolutely dominated every battle she was in as long as I was sensible. Her speed allows her to be wherever she needs to be and she's devastating in both deals and against blobs when she's leveled up.

On top of that Khorne infantry are extremely tough, great weapon Chosen eventually get through anything and exalted bloodletting are top tier.

Skullcrushers are amazing cav who you don't have to micro to do well with and blood shrines are great support units.

Freddy Fazbear Scout
Freddy Fazbear Scout - 20.11.2022 23:58

I cant wait for Archaeon to have his crazy mount in the game one day.

ModulusOrbis - 01.11.2022 23:28

you forgot the poison attack for ror unit "the sibilant slaughtercade"
anyway awesome list!

Chris Daniels
Chris Daniels - 10.10.2022 06:29

Your game looks amazing, is that video editing or do you have some secret sauce?

dead waste
dead waste - 21.09.2022 16:15

Can anyone tell me why I cant recruit some units, they say 10% chance of recruitment? wwhat does this mean?

Buttergolem - 17.09.2022 03:06

If I have a fire mage and use the mark ok chaos, it's only for that buff the mark gives? Because i wouldn't want to switch a fire mage for a shadow mage just for a shield.

Moop - 14.09.2022 09:49

I think you should make an update for this video; aspiring champions are god-tier, now.

Moop - 10.09.2022 23:00

I like giants for sieges.

dknight xs
dknight xs - 06.09.2022 12:44

Chosen of khorne are op… literally wiped a entire army of skaven with 2 of these backed by a hero of khorne.

dat guy
dat guy - 02.09.2022 03:59

>mfw no aspiring champions

Odin Dave
Odin Dave - 31.08.2022 13:44

Warriors of chaos editing skills 👏

Daniel Garrett
Daniel Garrett - 31.08.2022 00:56

I'm not seeing all the blood squirting everywhere whenever there's combat when I zoom in, is this a mod or something

Vitamin D
Vitamin D - 30.08.2022 05:04

Best Faction in the game?

arlond5 - 29.08.2022 04:35

completely unrelated but those graphics look so clean !! On mine even with everything maxed out it looks oddly "grainy" like there is some form of weird filter over everything. I don't know if it's the anti-aliasing causing it or not but nothing is as crisp as here.

Steel Midnight
Steel Midnight - 28.08.2022 04:43

Its pretty lame that they lose their Manticores and Chaos Dragons when marking them. On TT, they get these mount options whether they are marked or not.

Of course, there are different "themed" chaos dragons for each faction.

The dragon we currently have is the Tzeentch/Undivided one
Nurgle Dragons are wingless behemoths, called "Toad Dragons".
Slaanesh have sleek, fast Chaos Dragons that kind of look like mutated Eastern Dragons.
Khorne dragons look like mutated fire dragons and dont necessarily have 2 heads (though they sometimes do) Forgeworld actually did one of these, and if you want to see one look up "Khorne Dragons Volgorath the scarred" (A character who existed in both the Old World and later age of sigmar.

If CA is planning to do these, great! I dont mind waiting for them at all, and would actually prefer the themed ones. But if not, they really should make the current Manticores and Chaos dragons available to ALL Chaos heros and Lords, regardless of mark.

It may not seem like that big a deal, as you can get them with an undivided Lord or Hero, but A) Some of us like thematic armies all with the same mark, and B) it prevents Chaos marked lords in mono factions from having them, despite the fact that from the lore and TT, they should.

I hope more people speak on this and bring attention to it. CA have been fantastic about listening to fans, and some of you guys who never played TT and like Chaos alot are missing out on the potential and variety of Chaos Lords and Heros. The ONLY THING marks should do, is add the god-touched mount option, and give them their buffs/debuffs. It should NOT take away any of their current mount options.

Carter Small
Carter Small - 27.08.2022 22:38

Chaos is metal af

Franz - 27.08.2022 14:46

The warriors of khorne in undivided roster (coming from the monogod) look so out of the undivided roster looking more dedicated than the chosen and being the ones mounting the juggernaut instead of the chosens than are lower as units in the game. They should change the units making 2 for undivided khorne warriors and (same as for Slaanesh mouroders) make the 3 monogod units dedicated. It is so wrong to see in game a mistake like this after they did a quite good job with the others units of the sub factions looks. It has to be noticed by CA that the thing looks wrong if you paragonate the sub factions units with them .

zktwo 1001
zktwo 1001 - 26.08.2022 16:33

Thanks for the video, but you called Azazel “incredibly tanky” vs non-magic dmg? He’s a good assassin, but calling him anything “tanky” does not seem right.

Nothing Important
Nothing Important - 23.08.2022 18:20

Can you please speak 10% slower?
It can sometimes be hard for non-english natives to follow you...

riccardo393 E
riccardo393 E - 23.08.2022 15:25

Cool but, Still missing armor piercing For many units

Donel King II
Donel King II - 21.08.2022 07:44

When does this come out?

Robert C
Robert C - 20.08.2022 17:05

I fell like the "Cons" at the start where just to be there but are not actualy cons :)

BigBoyBarbas - 20.08.2022 16:54

Are the demon princes even worth the trouble (loosing levels) when you can take a chaos lord or chaos sorcerer lord on a dragon. The versions without armor piercing seem to be not worth it.

Evan Sherman
Evan Sherman - 20.08.2022 16:37

From what I’ve seen, the Khorne Chosen Dual Weapons have such high WS (and BVI) that they can cut through even armored infantry well. Armor presents a chance to mitigate a percentage on normal weapon damage, but when the weapon damage is in the 70s on and infantry unit… that’s still a lot of damage getting through.

Edit: Plus, hidden in the WS stat in the 70s is actually a decent amount of AP.

mordormiddleearthbeastmaster - 20.08.2022 16:16

Me seeing the chaos giant: honestly (in my opinion) I don't think it's that bad I mean sure he's a sponge for damage but the big guy could divert almost all attention of the enemy range units to it while the other infantry could go in and fight without worrying about arrows or anything being thrown at them.

nvn50 - 20.08.2022 15:34

anyone knows what happend to azazels lips on the model???

Nicolas - 20.08.2022 15:06

You missed the daemon princes.

Péter Roskó
Péter Roskó - 20.08.2022 13:52

what will the next faction be: The Empire High elves or Lizardman

ThePowerOfAngel - 20.08.2022 13:10

So the AI will be a pain in the ass. Many different army compositions in different armies and always another fight. That’s crazy.

Moop - 20.08.2022 12:30

How are Chaos horses not monstrous cavalry!?

Bon Clodger
Bon Clodger - 20.08.2022 10:57

Khorne chosen actually don’t do that bad vs armour, not ideal but they ain’t pillowfisted.

The Cabbage
The Cabbage - 20.08.2022 10:24

From what I have seen the anti-infantry of the Khorne Chosen outweigh their lack of AP. In some videos they completely annihilated 90+ armor units such as grave guard with gws.

Moop - 20.08.2022 09:28

Those Chaos Marauders are at least twice the size of Empire men. Their charge, alone, should knock them down.

Moop - 20.08.2022 09:13

Alright, alright. You can be the campaign guy, too. You and Legend cover way different kinds of campaigns to have overlap, so it's fine. :) Good scripted content, here. I approve!

The Tale of Zulu
The Tale of Zulu - 20.08.2022 00:58

So can you upgrade any Chaos Sorcerer Lords & Hero's in any WoC faction to Daemon Princes? Or is it only for Be'lakor ( I know he can turn lords into princes ). For example, if I had a Chaos Lord as Azazel can I then upgrade him to a Daemon prince? Please let me know, very curious!

A Wanderer
A Wanderer - 19.08.2022 23:07

Slaanesh Chariots lost some base Charge bonus because they have Devastating Flanker, which doubles Charge Bonus upon flank/rear attacking a target

Nik 34
Nik 34 - 19.08.2022 22:55

I had to double check when I saw the forsaken of tzeentch with AP and bonus vs large - but then I read the unit card from the top and you mixed in the chaos warriors with halberds (tzeentch)

Sagittarius A
Sagittarius A - 19.08.2022 22:43

For me Mark of Slaanesh and Mark of Tzeentch are way better than the other 2. As a Nurgle-Lover.... I'm sad :(

TheScandinavien - 19.08.2022 22:03

Nice to see these guides again.

Madison Ramanama
Madison Ramanama - 19.08.2022 21:54

About the aspiring pog champions, I know they can be given a shitton of stacking buffs in the ends of the tech tree, do you think that changes their value at all?
