The Fake Tech Influencer Drama

The Fake Tech Influencer Drama

Theo - t3․gg

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@TheInfamousButt - 04.12.2023 05:17

Why is tech like this? Don’t pretend you don’t know. California centered businesses are left leaning? Who would have guessed. Stop caring what people look like and pay attention to their work. Politics don’t belong in the workplace. It’s just another political trick meant to divide.

@user-yq4gk7th6m - 04.12.2023 03:56

Theo lead the web tech industry

@lockitdrop - 03.12.2023 18:11

100k followers… I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that most of those were purchased for money

@avid459 - 03.12.2023 18:02

Apart from these conferences, i hate pyramid scheme sellers and people selling vercel/nextjs, and scam callers. All come in the same category.

@Ghibliite - 03.12.2023 00:15


@KathySierraVideo - 02.12.2023 23:48

Can’t believe Uncle Bob is still at it. I left the tech world many years ago (death/rape threats eventually got to me 🤷🏼‍♀️), but long before that, I was a founding member of the Java Champions and resigned because of Uncle Bob’s behavior around women and tech conferences. I still keep an eye on the field (and occasionally write programming books) but after seeing the comments here, I guess I’m glad I quit speaking at tech conferences. I thought things were getting better. If these comments are any indicator, not much has changed…

@ytriumiliardaru5471 - 02.12.2023 22:52

why would you be looking specifically for women in tech to invite to conferences? like just look for people in general that are talented and interesting

@bielarusajed - 02.12.2023 19:52

Open source women catalog? Sounds kinda creepy

@Saman-qn9nj - 02.12.2023 19:48

another stupid look and opinion in the name of diversity we don't need woman in tech or black or white or latino or arab or indian we need good people in tech it should not matter who they are or what race or gender they have

@hughmungusbungusfungus4618 - 02.12.2023 19:22

This is what happens when you're looking for people based, not on what they've done, but rather based on inherent characteristics.

@alexandrep4913 - 02.12.2023 18:19

A bunch of drama queens.

@modestas2890 - 02.12.2023 14:56

"just another white dude on stage" wow. Maybe we should all just wear masks and use a voice changer so that people don't focus on such irrelevant characteristics

@bencemanyoki1239 - 02.12.2023 13:31

Theo is a fake profile. He's AI genereated don't be fooled!

@Wielorybkek - 02.12.2023 13:14

it's just sad

@nsuid7499 - 02.12.2023 12:57

"Uncle Bob is a scourge to software". Why? I thought his books and stuff were popular.

@Brainiac5 - 02.12.2023 12:14

Theo you are not just a white man. You are Theo! A very smart white man with lots of opinions, but very valuable ones! Dont sell yourself short man

@raijinhasarrived - 02.12.2023 12:04

Nahui Boba

@hqasmei - 02.12.2023 10:16

Thanks Theo for making this video!

@mubashir3 - 02.12.2023 09:32

I've been a software engineer for about 35 years. There are very few women in this business compared to men. I don't think anybody is keeping them out. Managers would love to hire women in these roles. But women are mostly just not interested. I even encouraged my own daughter to go in this field. She is a straight A student. But she wasn't interested.

Men and women tend to have different interests. You are not going to get equal representation at tech conferences. That is an unrealistic expectation.

@labeebull - 02.12.2023 07:59

i wish we could have this sort of coversations on a different platform than shitter

@paulsalele3844 - 02.12.2023 07:13

So what's the back story with Uncle Bob and why does Theo not like his take? This needs a whole video to explain!!

@VincentFulco - 02.12.2023 05:38

Invite developers/contributors for skills & insights not for gender. It's a great disservice to all attendees to do otherwise. No one wants to waste their time on those who are not qualified.

@gyanashekka - 02.12.2023 05:29

maybe he identifies as a woman when online (Digi Gender)

@orionh5535 - 02.12.2023 05:07

Attractive women that only exist on the poster is a common trope in tech.

I have seen so many agencies that promently feature attractive white women on the team page, but all the developers are not.

@brett84c - 02.12.2023 04:32

As much as I hate the grift of abusing the female gender to leverage engagement, I also am not a fan of people trying way too hard to push females into tech or blaming mysogynism on the lack of females in tech. It's not a field that women, by and large, seem overly interested in, in the same that men aren't generally as interested in nursing or teaching, fields dominated by women. Video feels a little pandering.

Can we stop focusing so much on immutable characteristics and more on merit? You have plenty of merit that goes well beyond your skin tone, Theo.

@streetchronicles5693 - 02.12.2023 02:58

Stop pretending you're not a part of the problem. This is because of your culture and desperation.

@sarjannarwan6896 - 02.12.2023 02:21

I agreed with you up to the other white dude on stage comment. White people are not some monolith and we are all individuals. I think this mentality of associating yourself with a group is toxic.

@edwardallenthree - 02.12.2023 01:41

If a conference is willing to lie about their speakers, then they don't have anything poaitive at all to offer. Talent and success doesn't need to cheat. If a conference had real things to offer, they would have no problem attracting a diverse set of speakers.

What I'm saying, in short, is that the scam is much much bigger than their attempts to conceal their diversity issues.

These conferences are massive scams to get money out of small businesses who send their employees to them. They need to end.

@scraper1000 - 02.12.2023 00:38

The problem is the horde of simps that follow these accounts because "wow it a gurl" rather than following the smartest folks in the industry

@rodrigoea - 02.12.2023 00:10

yes. we deserve better.

@jdubz8173 - 01.12.2023 23:57

I get so tired of hearing about this idea that diversity in race and gender is an important aspect of the people conveying any sort of idea. I get that having multiple perspectives very valuable, but even twins who grew up in the same environment can have completely different perspectives on the same problems we face. While the people who impersonate are fraudulent assholes, I've never once looked at a speaker roster and thought, "oh good, a woman is bringing her womanly perspective". Instead I go, "oh her topic seems interesting. Let's check it out". I'm willing to bet the majority of people are like this as well.

@greendesertsnow8441 - 01.12.2023 22:21

You need computer science drag queens over there.

@RemotHuman - 01.12.2023 22:11

Something strikes me as weird about going to a github repo of women so that you fill a virtue signalling diversity requirement (this person filled it by making up people). Is that really fair to women?
But the alternative is not fair either

@CodingWithLewis - 01.12.2023 21:41

New set? Looking slick!

@trashcan3958 - 01.12.2023 21:28

Don't force diversity for the sake of diversity. A male speaker isn't less valuable or interesting than a female speaker just because of their gender.

@uscjake868 - 01.12.2023 20:15

There is a scurge of fake techs and people who talk tech in large companies with no real dev knowledge. It's like scamming with enough surface level knowledge to sound intelligent. I had 2 conversations with cloudflare where this happened. So I imagine this same thing happens in the influencer space.

@neociber24 - 01.12.2023 19:52

In an ideal world the most talented people will be the ones that get the oportunity no matter the gender.

Having weird rules to force diversity makes no sense for me, but if most of the people are men just for probability you will end with just men if you don't add those rules, taking in account that all the men are women are really skilled people.

@JoshuaKPearson - 01.12.2023 19:43

Now do tech recruiters pretending to be women on linked in. 😂

@ixnskywalker - 01.12.2023 19:32

I'm trying to work out now if theo is actually an AI imposter :/

@carloslfu - 01.12.2023 19:19

George xD

@nestor-martinez - 01.12.2023 19:18

Lmao at some of these comments. Swing and a miss.

@CoryTheSimmons - 01.12.2023 19:06

People still go to conferences? Why?

@michaelmannucci8585 - 01.12.2023 19:05

Sorry but this is hilarious. This wouldn’t happen if people were valued for the value they bring, not the colour of their skin or what’s in their pants. You select people as speakers just because they’re women, and this is what happens. I say kudos to the person who did this for exposing this virtue signalling foolishness. The ones who did this are not the problem with tech, the problem with tech are the “oh another white guy” and “oh we need more women” types.

@reinoob - 01.12.2023 18:53

Pinterest has hundreds of incredibly talented women engineers.

@meonitelexdee3432 - 01.12.2023 18:52

Why Theo detests Uncle Bob? 🤔

@MerkieAE - 01.12.2023 18:47

theo’s coverage of this was 10/10

@rtorcato - 01.12.2023 18:30

makes perfect sense that he's probably making up fake people to defend him on twitter too.

@Showmatic - 01.12.2023 18:23

Dude, I want to RenderATL this past year and I was disappointed you didn't show up

@philodox13 - 01.12.2023 18:23

I have binders full of women if you need any.
