Why Jalen Brunson was SMART for taking less money from Knicks | Hoops Tonight

Why Jalen Brunson was SMART for taking less money from Knicks | Hoops Tonight

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@Colinkrauss1 - 14.07.2024 00:02

Can’t believe more players don’t do this.
You can go from wealthy as a god to still as wealthy as a god, but leave salary to sign another really good player.
Or you can go from wealthy as a god to slightly more wealthy as a god, and have a bum on your roster.

@808bAler - 14.07.2024 00:10

Thank you for the clear and succinct explanation of key factors involved in this situation. Brunson made the most prudent decision in signing this contract now, rather than waiting til next summer. ESPN is centering his choice around signing this contract to "save the Knicks money". Total narrative spinning. Taking the chance and waiting to sign a MAYBE contract next summer would have been foolish. The fact that the Knicks also benefit is great. I'm stoked for Brunson.

@xavier92991 - 14.07.2024 00:16

I don’t think you can say he avoided a big risk unlike IT then say he did the Knicks a favor.

If you think there is IT fall off potential this is a horrible deal for the Knicks.

@dvdv8197 - 14.07.2024 00:17


No way anyone else would do that.

MASSIVE respect for Brunson!! 👍👏🔥🔥

@Clyde92 - 14.07.2024 00:18

So what’s wrong with capitalizing on a win-win situation? Other players could’ve done it too but chose not to.

@TobiasThomKoberKober - 14.07.2024 00:23

The, Orlando Magic gonna win the summer league?

@dvdv8197 - 14.07.2024 00:24

The Knicks and in particular Brunson deserve to go at least to the Finals now. 👍👏🎉🎉

@dvdv8197 - 14.07.2024 00:26

Villanova taking over the NBA in the next few years! 😅👍👏🔥

@houseflan2505 - 14.07.2024 00:41

How thesendudes overlook Julius Randle while talking future contracts is bizarre. DVD is coming off the bench this year. 2 time All NBA Randle is the PF for this team.

@BLACKSTONEPOET - 14.07.2024 00:45

Its never smart to take less money. Easy way to tell. Do the people with the most money take less? No. But they've created a system where we all praise others for taking less. Genius isht!

@bobqzzi - 14.07.2024 01:03

Also, are we sure Jalen Brunson is as good as he was in last year's playoffs? That is by no means certain.

@AYjoy93 - 14.07.2024 01:29

Teams are not gonna like losing draft picks 7 years from now because of the 2nd apron.

@Barak144 - 14.07.2024 02:00

The Knicks are not gonna trade Julius Randle

The reason y’all don’t want Randle on the team is because he makes the Knicks a real threat to be a dynasty.

There is absolutely no reason for the Knicks to even be considering trading him right now he was an allstar last season and would have been all NBA as well if he didn’t get injured and played enough games.

So every platform that’s says “they should consider trading Randle” I say for what and who? How do you replace 25/12/5

Just stop the front office isn’t listening to fans or to you goofy content creators.

It literally makes absolutely no sense to consider trading Randle.

@iwannatalktosampson5852 - 14.07.2024 02:00

Respect to Brunson for taking less for a better chance at a title . Other stars should take notes.

@Other_Robots - 14.07.2024 03:23

People keep comparing brunson to isaiah thomas as a “small gaurd” but isaiah thomas was like 5’9” and brunson is like 6’2”. Like isaiah thomas was short for even non-nba players, brunson is just short as far as basketball goes

@mydog337 - 14.07.2024 04:36

Question - how does this impact Jamal Murray's situation?

@cavemanslayer - 14.07.2024 04:58

He gonna get that all back with his next contact

@georgeafajardo4398 - 14.07.2024 04:59

It's going to be hard af to try to defend against the Knicks! Brunson, Randle, OG, Bridges, Hart, Divicenzo oh my!

@Roihclem871 - 14.07.2024 05:51

What if he gets hurt is wild to start off on man

@Christopher._M - 14.07.2024 07:16

Winning also wins you endorsement and sacrificing wins you relationships.

If the knicks win a championship or make deep playoff runs year after yeay he probably will earn all of that from sponsorship

@firefly611 - 14.07.2024 07:42

Even if Brunson got injured he was getting paid

@PatronHall - 14.07.2024 08:41

You're a good channel but this is the laziest, worst take I've seen on this situation. The comparison to IT is ridiculous. IT is not a small guard, he's an EXTREMELY small guard at 5'9". JB is listed at 6'1, in line with many, many NBA point guards. Second and more important, Leon Rose is his godfather and the father of Jalen's agent. This isn't a standard negotiation. JB is a made man and he's in on the nuances of their long term plans that we'll never hear about because they likely involve all kinds of tampering and under the table stuff. Drawing a comparison to standard player situations is absurd, Jason. Do better.

@Travbryanmusic - 14.07.2024 09:07

Why was Brunson the first player to do this?

@dimelo58 - 14.07.2024 09:11

I think Brunson took the paycut to help with the roster I don’t like the IT comparison, Also Brunson is 6’1 IT is maybe 5’9 another thing you should think about is that he has family ties with the franchise. Idk if it was a smart move or not but it puts his team which he’s trying to win with in a better position to keep players or get another player. Money isn’t everything.

@mauriciocanales5420 - 14.07.2024 12:09

how do you compare Isaiah Thomas (small explosive mini Kyrie) to Jalen Brunson (super fundamental mini Tim Duncan)??????!!!!

@hb9316 - 14.07.2024 15:22

@houseflan2505 thank you !!!!
What is Jason talking about !? How do you not mention Randle lmaooo that’s criminal

@user-vj6xs8tr1x - 14.07.2024 16:33

Here’s a thought…. What if he doesn’t get hurt? That goes both ways. You win some you lose some. That’s why its called a “Bet”. Me personally i take my chances to get that extra 70-80 million. Taxes are high as heck in NY. Gotta get all that cash. IMO.

@jrjr9348 - 14.07.2024 16:58

What people need to realize is teams were more afraid of Randle than Brunson when everyone was healthy Randle was getting the majority of the double teams this team is perfect for him we are not trading Randle so basically everything you saying idiotic

@liferealgood - 14.07.2024 17:12

Don’t look now but Kolek may be a sweet deal too. He was a projected first rounder and looked really experienced in summer league.

@DonJuanKW - 14.07.2024 17:33

He said he doesn’t like how it’s being framed that Brunson did the Knicks a huge favor and then proceeds to say Brunson did the Knicks a huge favor lol

@iBank-lm6py - 14.07.2024 19:18

No way to slice it. It was a bad move. All he needed to do was learn from Isiah and not play hurt. Instead he takes 100million off lmaoo

@Okieant - 14.07.2024 20:16

What is this fucking narrative about Julius Randle? With a full squad, the Knicks in January were 12-2. Teams were vexxed because they had to choose who to double team and Randle with his bully ball was tiring teams out by the 4th Quarter. Have y’all seen Jalen Brunson actually collapse into Julius’ arms after a game to hug him? Jalen and the rest of the team love Ju, need Ju, and there is only one player in the league you can replace him with and he ain’t leaving Milwaukee. He is not the odd man out. He is your #2 moving forward. Did Knicks win games without Julius? Sure. But they were winning them at a higher clip and much easier with him. Ask Philly, Denver, Minnesota, Miami, etc about the ass whoopings we gave them in January. Julius stays. If anyone is going to be odd man out on offense, it will probably be OG or Bridges in the starting lineup or Josh Hart when he checks into games. And Josh is ok with that. OG is the one to worry about. He wants a bigger role and he’ll definitely have a lesser role on offense now.

@roscoedash5915 - 15.07.2024 01:43

Nah bruh he did the Knicks a huge favor. No need to try and down play it. Nobody else would’ve done that period.

@steveno7058 - 15.07.2024 02:44

My question is if this was the most Brunson could get on an extension THIS SUMMER.

@steveno7058 - 15.07.2024 02:56

So the millionaire (Brunson) is taking less money to help the billionaire. Ridiculous. He should have gotten a max extension this summer. He deserves it

@silasdeane777 - 15.07.2024 13:04

What’s up with the stand up comedy aesthetic

@SneakyJB - 15.07.2024 13:41

I still would love to see you on a podcast with Nick Wright. Probably would be the best episode of an nba podcast in history.

@Jbdreambrother - 15.07.2024 13:57

Love you man but this is a bad take. It’s like saying that JT and JB taking a half billion plus is a good thing! Taking advantage??! 👎

@byrongriffin6000 - 15.07.2024 16:24

Brunson is the bully on the block who hurts other guards… and he has been ballin in the playoffs for 3 straight years now. He ain’t damn IT.

@EDTheOneable - 15.07.2024 18:13

Can we stop comparing Brunson to every small guard? This shit is getting absolutely ridiculous at this point.. Brunson is on a different leauge than most all small guards and has never had any injury concerns or has the type of style of game for a small guard like a Ja/Thomas/etc etc have that would concern you. This guy is an absolute superstar and just wants to have the best chance to win in his prime with a maximized team around him.

@en.4392 - 15.07.2024 18:22

Let’s also understand all that money does not go directly to the players without p.c, they gotta break of some to the respected parties

@lucasshrode4434 - 15.07.2024 19:21

I'm struggling to find the twitter account he says is great with the cap, can anyone help?

@smoothbee9951 - 16.07.2024 01:29

This when you know not all podcasts know basketball SMH talking about flipping Julius Randle odd man out HOW STUPID IS THAT??? Julius 25 and 10, 3x ALL STAR 2x ALL NBA and they were 14-2 before he dislocated his shoulder…quit your podcast bro !
