Putin’s Regime or the War: Which Will End First?

Putin’s Regime or the War: Which Will End First?

Kyiv Post

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@colinwinogradoff6794 - 03.07.2024 18:09

We'll know on November 6th. If trump wins, then putin wins. It's that simple. Trump must be stopped.

@makylemur7019 - 03.07.2024 18:41


@jjhpor - 03.07.2024 19:52

Never underestimate the capacity of the Russian people to suffer for "Mother Russia" and neve underestimate the willingness of Russian leaders to exploit that capacity.

@robertfindley921 - 03.07.2024 19:55

If Trump takes power, then we are in 1939 with Ukraine playing the role of Czechoslovakia. Worse because Neville Chamberlain wasn't beholden to Hitler. If Biden, it's more like 1943 and we have a long, hard road ahead with a future in doubt. Regardless, the WWII analogy is set in stone given Putin's mindset and ambitions. But the stakes are much higher given E = MC^2.

@beautifulsmall - 03.07.2024 20:13

I hold APN's analysis in the highest regard of any of of the war commentators. Professional , honest and wide view. Great interview choice.

@henrikdalsgaard4705 - 03.07.2024 21:13

Great future. All russians needs to learn chinese. Moscow changes name to Kowtow. All thx to your great leader 推杆.

@louisgiokas2206 - 03.07.2024 21:27

It is more likely than not that the later situation will prevail. By that I mean the great powers making the rules. To have a rules-based order one needs someone to enforce those rules. The UN has patently failed, and that is the closest we have to a world government. If you look it up, all the major military powers in the world, Russia, China and the US were either not signatories to, or withdrew their signatures from, the ICC.

Frankly, it is the great powers that have "ruled" for all of human history. The attempts in the 20th century to change that all failed. First, there was the League of Nations. How did that work out in preventing WWII? Then there was the UN. Russia, as a signatory to the UN charter has totally ignored it. China ignores a clear ruling of UNCLOS in the South China Sea.

We will most likely see various regional blocs develop, with strong nations at their center. For the west, the hopeful sign is that two of these strong nations, China and Russia, are likely to fall apart or are likely to confront each other. The west tried, especially after the breakup of the Soviet Union, to bring China and Russia into the fold. They both have rejected that. Without their participation, the "world order" is not possible. Don't expect the US to step up either. It is not worth the expenditure for the US, and the US electorate is actively hostile to such a role and has been since the election of Bill Clinton.

@desousarolandoeduardo5749 - 03.07.2024 21:39

we dnt need western regime

@shantanusapru - 03.07.2024 22:12

Kyiv Post censoring & removing comments not to its liking, even though it's nothing controversial and is logical & factual!
Not unsurprising given their propensity for propaganda!
Will try re-posting my orig. comment, and see if/until when it's allowed to stand:

Generally, I respect & agree with Anders's POV. But here, it sounds like puerile trolling...
The ICC has no teeth. It has no execution mechanism for even its own rulings! How the hell will it even ensure that its ruling is observed?!
No one is even suggesting that someone will enter Russia & arrest Putin, let me see who will arrest Putin or Shoigu even when they travel outside of Russia! Who really believes in this fairy tale?!?!
As always, this is simply academic & empty rhetoric, as ICC's rulings always are!

@annetteroennow9694 - 03.07.2024 23:20

What should be done in Ukraine as America is becoming apart at the seams? Is Europe able to help even more now that Orban is head of the EU? I know this segment analysises Russia but shouldn't we look at all sides? including all the rumbles about Ukranian corruption??

@andreys379 - 03.07.2024 23:53

Dude feeding ppl your delusional POV is disgusting 🤢. Try to learn russian anthem and maybe you will survive.

@1337flite - 04.07.2024 02:18

The Great Powers are above the law.
See American exceptionalism.
The US acts much the same as Russia, just with different allied and opposition.
I prefer the US but Im not blind to the fact that they use soft and hard power whenever they want.
The very fact that the US has not signed up to be subject to the ICC demonstrates this amply.

@disco1974ever - 04.07.2024 06:02

"Battle of Rusles Based Order VS Might makes Right"
Which side is USA on? The US House Speaker just yesterday threatened to "wipe out" the ICC for their threat to arrest ISRAELI leaders
Anders will never admit to Western hypocrisy

@Rene-kg7pf - 04.07.2024 08:12

Hej Anders du er da også alle steder, men det er nu godt nok... For god sakes for everybody let's not hope Trump comes along more.......

@Rene-kg7pf - 04.07.2024 08:24

Kyiv Post keep making videos like this very good 👍

@claudiobertadeazevedo4669 - 04.07.2024 12:54

We need to see the big picture, and that includes the past, who broke the NATO agreement not to expand towards Russia? Europe was taken into a BUY WEAPONS from US or die. That also happened, now has Europe bought enough, or we need more war to continue? READ MY WORDS Ukraine was used to sell weapons and protection and destabilize Russia in order to split into 4 regions, close deal to explore natural resources that nowadays are not under control of the ones that run USA

@mikaham681 - 04.07.2024 13:47

Putin, Gerasimov and others in Russia are thumbing their noses at the ICC, but so is Israel. The ICC says that "Netanyahu and Gallant bear criminal responsibility for war crimes in the territory of the State of Palestine". If the west does not force Israel to obey the rule of international law, it doesn't make much sense thinking Russia will obey either.
Its clear what both Russia and Israel believe, we are stronger than our enemies, so we will do whatever we want. We are in the midst of battle at the moment, and I hope as both these conflicts reach some sort of resolution, the ICC progresses the cases against all of the above perpetrators. I would expect ALL western nations to support the ICC, but I don't think they will. The US, UK, France all seem to have unwritter rules that they believe in International law,...... sometimes, when it suits them. Its no suprise Russia and Israel believe they can get away with anything and everything.

@kevindelaney1951 - 04.07.2024 14:26

Until the people of St Petersburg & Moscow are suffering the same losses of their men that rest of Russia suffers under Putin there will be no leadership change in Russia.

@dirtybies - 04.07.2024 16:39

War, huh, yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, uhh!

@ronmorrell9809 - 04.07.2024 17:02

The Americans quit the Vietnam war because the citizenry wouldn't take it any more. 59,000 dead sons from 225-million population over 10 years. More people died in traffic accidents. US psyche is still affected 1/2 century later.
Russia has lost three times as many sons from half the population in 2.5 years. They are unable to meet the demand for prosthetic limbs. PTSD superimposed on endemic alcoholism affects the physically healthy survivors.
ICC rulings don't just prevent the accused from freely traveling to The Hague. They are billionaires who now can only vacation in China and Iran. Transporting their megayachts to the Caspian Sea is difficult. Flying private jets internationally is similarly limited.
It's not who is bravest, it's who is brave longest.

@gustavalexander8676 - 04.07.2024 17:42

Not surprising seeing one of the few remaining, uncompromising 'yes men' interviewed by Kyiv Post. Just earlier today I saw an interview with a pro-ukrainian american combat-vet talking about how Ukraine will win eventually. Kyiv Post will interview anybody willing to pander to their beliefs. From a german perspective .. Do you think the continued fighting from end '44 was worth it in human terms? At the cost of several hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of lives, The Third Reich bought itself 7 or 8 months more only to end like it was always going to end as most intelligent people knew already by 1942 and the german declaration of war against the US.
At what point does Ukraine have to step down from its maximalist goals (regaining Crimea and Donetsk/Luhansk + joining NATO) and negotiates? Ukraine was doing great in 2022-23 which is why, after the Kherson/Kharkiv offensives, some prominent US generals advocated negotiation .. This was the high watermark of what they could achieve against an industrially and demographically much stronger nation. I fear that, as time goes on, the situation will only worsen and when the negotiations finally do come, Ukraine will have to give up more territory than it otherwise would and it will have lost so many more lives only to end up in a worse position than if they hadn't lost them and accepted some form of compromise earlier.
Goebbels was preaching 'final victory' untill well into the spring of '45 .. He had a moral part in the useless, continued german deaths. Privately he knew, of course. The 'yes men' always bear a degree of responsibility imo.

@jeno826 - 04.07.2024 22:19

If you think about it ! Who’s regime is this ? NATO or Putins ? Who provoked the Russian’s into this war ?????? Who wants to move militarily right on the doorstep to Russia ? Who was offended by this kind of move ,back in 1962 ?????

@memirandawong - 04.07.2024 22:41

Name one dictator that lived happily ever after?

@MrWotcher - 04.07.2024 23:14

Ist’t is also the West’s, and not only Ukraine’s interest, to extend the war long enough to eliminate Putin’s regime once and for all, but not to a point that China’s takes over Russia more than it already does? China is on the same world view as Russia that might and not the law should rule. It is certainly in the West’s interest to support Ukraine militarily, economically, but also to mount much more effective strategies to blunt Russia’s and China’s communication and disinformation war as part of the actual ongoing Cold War.

@user-ft2bt9kw7x - 05.07.2024 00:55

A defence analyst who knows nothing about modern warfare tactics

@toddburgess5056 - 05.07.2024 05:31

For a second I thought Anders was being interviewed by Jimmy Fallon

@sushibar777 - 05.07.2024 05:59

Agreeing to let Putin keep Crimea and the eastern provinces of Ukraine would not mean peace anymore that letting Hitler have the Sudetenland. How did that work out?

@blafonovision4342 - 05.07.2024 21:58

if the rules-based world order goes away, that means free trade and free navigation of the seas goes away. How is this to the advantage of Russia and China, whose economies are very export dependent?

@jenskruse1475 - 05.07.2024 22:00

Remember its not about Russians, its about a "few" leaders, who so far have been willing to let 500.000 russians die to secure there power and economic position.
Ps. the west needs to ramp up production, so Putin is out produced rather suner then later.

@robertdshannon5155 - 06.07.2024 06:16

Note that Russian economy is capital starved on account of Putin’s 50% take. High tech and war industries require large amounts of capital to operate. Additionally Putin’s “stability” precludes Russian industry from modernizing. So Russian economy and society are rigid and therefore unstable.

@W_Bin - 06.07.2024 07:16

Agree. Russia is making a mocker of the UN and the ICC. And the west lets it, even though it is not even a member, and only a simple majority vote (as in 36 for-35 against, for example) of the UN General Assembly is needed to expel the representatives. Unbelievable.

@sallybaughn4376 - 06.07.2024 10:07

The ICC is issuing arrest warrants for war crimes at the level of individuals at an unprecedented rate at the moment: against Russian, Belarussian, Hamas and Israeli leaders. None of them are likely to come to court unless their country is soundly defeated. In fact it could have the undesired effect of spurring them to more extreme methods in order to win. Putin and Maria Wassaname are individually responsible for the deportation of Ukrainian children. Yayah Sinwar of Hamas seems to have organised the raids into Israel off his own bat, and is certainly holding hostages. These are individual crimes against humanity. However Shoigu and Gerasimov were working within a command structure, which sets impossible targets at the top level, and accepts no responsibility when these are unmet, and Netanyahu heads a coalition government which makes joint decisions. The International Court of Justice, which deals with war crimes at the national level, might be more appropriate.

@fabriziomecacci8941 - 06.07.2024 16:32

Zelensky's regime will end first :-p

@user-fm3wm7yt1e - 06.07.2024 16:54

Mute the sound when zelenski he speaks.

@hermansen1000 - 06.07.2024 17:50


@tinabush8580 - 07.07.2024 01:52

American people do not support this war!!! Get a peace deal

@Video2Webb - 07.07.2024 05:21

What has to be done, at the same time as teaching Russia a lesson, is that there is NEVER going to be a desire by the West to invade Russia. I am sure that this point must have been made to Putin several times but still he and his populace have this bogey-man view of Europe and America. They want to blame the West for having NATO and for the eastward move that has occurred, but here one meets the 'blinded man': former colonies of Russia do not want ever to be colonised again by Russia!

So someone (and I vote for it to be Anders Puck Nielsen 😊) needs to convey to Russia that if they would just chill it, stop the fevered fear of being vulnerable to Western countries, stop ascribing motives to them that do not exist, then truly life becomes REALLY good for everyone!. Russia can be Russia but not imperialistic, not living in hyped up fears without basis, and LET'S DANCE! Have fun! Make money! Collaborate not viciously compete!

@gregortaljan7227 - 07.07.2024 11:13

Just another Russia-bashing interview. ICC is clearly just another propaganda instrument of the west: only oponent countries are being persecuted and no western countries (e.g. Israel, USA).

@NathanDean79 - 07.07.2024 12:58

A deal can’t be struck with Russia because they ALWAYS violate whatever treaty they sign. The war will go on until Russia gives up or a new government in Russia gives up after Putin is gone.

@NathanDean79 - 07.07.2024 13:01

And trump is going to lose the election. Relax if you saw the debate. Do you know what that debate changed? Nothing. It changes nothing people over here would rather vote for Biden and he have to step down AFTER the election leaving Harris as president. That would be just fine if that’s what happens. I don’t think you people understand how unpopular trump is. He lost the last election no matter what he says and he will lose this one.

@edhargquest8710 - 07.07.2024 13:15

Military analyst who even hypothetically refuse to say that Russia can win, he are locked to only say that Ukraine win, all other options are forbidden to say. Real military analyst will discuses all possible options and scenarios .

@JMM33RanMA - 07.07.2024 21:43

As the famous Spanish-American philosopher, Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás [a.k.a. George Santayana], wrote, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." and "Only the dead have seen the end of war." This applies most pointedly to Czar Vladimir the Dimwitted and Ignorant Putin!

@2kt2000 - 08.07.2024 02:03


@hugokatz - 08.07.2024 08:04

Russia only wants what it can't have. Take all peace negotiations off the table.

@DCresident123 - 08.07.2024 11:00

These propaganda videos are getting dumber and dumber huh

@robertstevenson5145 - 08.07.2024 13:12

Has anyone ever stopped an thought about what a lot of analysts say claiming russia is doing this because they dont feel safe or worried about nato expansion.Russia has 6000+ nuclear weapons whos going to invade them??....Nobody!.Its all a power grab plain and simple and more so than that its a blueprint for nuclear imperialism where a nuclear power attacks a non nuclear power and immediately start with illegal annexation of territory then claim any attack on said territory by say another power attempting to uproot them is attacking their sovereign territory and has the right to respond with nuclear weapons.If allowed to happen other not so morally correct nations with nuclear weapons will follow the same blueprint and commit futher acts of nuclear imperialism.

@hommhommhomm - 09.07.2024 13:22

Russia presents their point not as "we don't want rules based order" but as "the west is breaking the rules on regular basis and we have to stop them". What they're real aim is is unclear but let's not forget that in their eyes, they are the ones standing up for rules based order. This makes it much easier for countries to side with Russia morally, especially if they see themselves as victims of the west. Russian invasion of Ukraine is of course illegal but it's important to depict their view accurately, not assume they openly want to get rid of rules based order in the world. That would be underestimating them.

@TheLillid - 13.07.2024 00:17

I guess russia gets broke at the end of this year.

@hphmichaelsen - 18.07.2024 18:50

Another excellent analysis by Anders Puck Nielsen.
