Find Your MAIN Champion in Toplane - TOPLANE CHAMPION TIERLIST

Find Your MAIN Champion in Toplane - TOPLANE CHAMPION TIERLIST


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@luissolisponce3901 - 29.12.2023 20:44

awesome video

@JorkeThePrimal - 29.12.2023 14:24

I remember playing Rek'sai top after her passive rework. She had strong enough base stats for me to start cull and just rush trinity, after that either hullbreaker or colosal hydra and then I would split or overall take any tower that I wanted in like few seconds. and If they ganged on me I would win cause the passive healed so much and I could kill them all because colosal auto attack passive and obviously hullbreaker. The downside was that many champions could deny you the wave as they won most very early fights. After the base ad nerfs you litterally weren't able to farm anymore as anyone could zone you off so I droped the playstyle and moved to midlane to play lethality Rek'sai with duskblade but it too got nerfed so I might just have to go back to jungle or wait for the mythics to be gone as I feel like it could give some light to my champion in lane again.

@comradesusiwolf1599 - 29.12.2023 06:09

no briar?

@comradesusiwolf1599 - 29.12.2023 05:59

always go nashors first on gwen.

@axlvanaudenhove6564 - 27.12.2023 16:29

You know what's funny. I'm a Zed otp who hit masters by playing Zed top 30% of the time and having higher wr than Zed mid.

Just because I'm hard to kill in top matchups and make sure to scale. I dominate from midgame to end with macro and correct build paths for sidelane.

@King-jc7xy - 27.12.2023 09:11

Wind brothers should have stayed in begginer, at least Yone. And as Ornn main, I would say he is pretty hard to pick up because of his early game (he is really weak untill ult if your enemy is fighter/tank). And because Ornn us scaling champ, and his early game can ruin everything.

@snake90hood - 27.12.2023 05:33

I play mostly Riven, Azir, Yorick, Yasuo, Urgot, Sion, Asol, Lissandra and Galio. I think my champion pool is too big but i dunno who to put aside of them, i feel like i can't...

@snake90hood - 27.12.2023 05:28

Where is Shyvana? Valid pick imho.

@mbc_55555 - 26.12.2023 20:49

Since when thrundle has no sustain?

@iso6390 - 26.12.2023 20:19


@coldartz7769 - 26.12.2023 18:01

wish we talked about galio here hehe

@jos3315 - 26.12.2023 13:44

you forgot shyvana

@mockerchan - 25.12.2023 17:22

"20 armor wich is 2 long sword" actually...?

@Rd0Lg - 25.12.2023 13:46

As an Illaoi one trick, I'd like to add some notes: she statchecks some champions level 1 with Grasp and W, so you are not completely helpless level 1 against a lot of toplaners. Really only early game monsters like Darius, Olaf and Riven can contest her here. Iceborn also completely warps her gameplay, but it's going to get gutted soon so it's not as relevant. But it's true what you say, she has a pretty mediocre teamfight without Flash and R off cooldown, and even then she can struggle to get much done except get CC chained and die with her damage being so backloaded. You will sit in the sidelane, 1v2 and 1v3, force opponents to match you so you draw pressure from elsewhere on the map. IMO she has been excellent this season, even having a decent winrate even in higher ELOs, but we will see how far she falls next season. It's not a question of if she will be worse, it's how much worse.

@JV-km9xk - 25.12.2023 10:01

Singed is not easy

@dripapproved1582 - 25.12.2023 04:23

This is actually much better way to go about tier lists than the usual S>F tier lists because it actually works off the context of “what’s your skill level?” more than only just “THIS CHAMPS SO BROKEN” and not explaining that you need actual hands and a functional frontal cortex to pilot them.

@vgamedude12 - 25.12.2023 02:40

Top lane literally unplayable with the cringe range marksman abusing losers who can counter you with 1 braincell

Literally so dumb that the hardest scaling dps class can just brainlessly auto you down and bully you like vayne and varus.

@TheRogueSentinel - 24.12.2023 19:28

Naafiri is God tier vs teemo

@user-ue7cx3pg9n - 24.12.2023 07:27

finally someone who recognized grag top is difficult

@Dentas137 - 23.12.2023 20:47

Unfortunately what he says about Mundo is a bit off but that's probably because he's not played above diamond really

@fifths78 - 23.12.2023 18:05

What would you put ryze top at

@firstnamelastname754 - 23.12.2023 14:31

Yone is actually hard, but still broken because of how rewarding it is for the Yone player even if they play at an average level especially in low elo, think of it like there is a skill to reward ratio, for normal champs it is 1:1, for Yone in low to mid elo its definitely at least 1:3, Yone is busted regardless, he may be a hard and reasonable champ to play mechanically to its best in high elo but he definitely qualifies as a noob stomper

@duhond1636 - 23.12.2023 14:03

I dont really understand the argument with zac. You literally said there is ONE challenger player one trick that absolutly destroy with zac (i guess you mean uhneewookie?). So how can he be easy to pick. Furthermore his engage might be a useful tool but people dont understand how hard it really is (especially in later teamfights) to hit ur e. I agree with ur arguing on the dmg and sustain which is mostly due to maxing w instead of e. But you can only do this on top lane, which the video is all about so its fine. One last thing though.. you also mention it but zac isnt a carry in the terms we discussed bcs even though he „can“ put up high dmg numbers he still is just a tank and you lose to most bruisers and fighters bcs you cant force against their split potential and kits (assuming they are at least equally skilled). Very good examples are mordekaiser, fiora, poppy (but you also cant do much against those inting tanks like sion). So they force you to move around the map to help and on the other hand you need good waveclear or fighting type champions on the team to hold against the weakness you left on top lane. I played with zac on every lane in every match up there is and people really underestimate the dmg and sustain and that is zacs strongest advantage in lane but you need to know that u have to role-switch bcs in the end you play one of the best cc champs in league and therefore is a „lategame top-support“ which requires a certain champ select balance. Zac is extremöy good on forcing early kills on top with jgl and letting the jgl the kills to drive the game bcs you have so much cc and dmg but this weakens over the time as you role changes. What my point is the whole time: its easy to see a challenger doing things and realize the potential of a champion but the work behind that is extremly complex even though zac might not be the most mechanical champion on top lane. Its very easy to counter pick zac so you might surprise pick him b4 your own jgl, you last pick or … hahaha you can play him on support which kinda works like nautilus with more dmg and better engage (also people.. pls .. engage with q not with e when you are in range and then e… its just more safe bcs if you dont hit your spells… you get fucked hard). So there is much to understand with zac bcs he is such a unique champion and i love playing him for that.

I wish all best of luck and fun playing him and I want to encourage people learning the „deepness“ this champ can have on a very high level.

@PeterPan54321 - 23.12.2023 13:17

Guys. Try iceborn gauntlet on jax. Its insane

@claytonrader7189 - 23.12.2023 06:38

Alois where is Swain?

@Unholyspirit - 22.12.2023 21:56

bro your vids help me so f much <3 (commenting for algorithm)

@garrettmoorman5213 - 22.12.2023 19:24


@z4e7ajij5 - 22.12.2023 11:48

Where's Xin zhao?

@seirayasuo2598 - 22.12.2023 04:56

as a Yasuo toplane main, everytime i lock in yasuo i end wanting to end myself irl

@josecajigas9210 - 21.12.2023 23:05

What about enchanters top lane

@The_Gull1 - 21.12.2023 22:44

mordekaiser is decent at splitpushing???? hell no, he is horrible at that im sorry to say!

@fareedalhin3510 - 21.12.2023 21:24

Could you please make video for runes and items how to use it properly

@namefamily8113 - 21.12.2023 20:41

they buffed wukong mana so he dont suffer as before

@wagaj13790 - 21.12.2023 20:21

Naafiri missing?

@andrej2229 - 21.12.2023 18:12

Karma top is Legit

@redouanemammar6125 - 21.12.2023 16:08

You forgot shyvana ad top it’s really good

@ReivasMC - 21.12.2023 15:56

putting cho, sett, trynda and mordekaiser in the begginer category is actually hilarious, especially considering malphite is there

despite being the most simple mechanics wise, trynda is one of the hardest tops to master, your build and gameplay vary wildly according to who you're facing, the decision making of trynda is hardcore unless you're facing goldies or below. He can get crushed just as easely as he crushes people, it's all in your hands and your mastery of the champ

@skozy3 - 21.12.2023 04:00

Love this content. Wish you would add a few more of the less common top laners because those are the matchups that throw me off the most. Specifically, Graves, Shyvana, and Ryze. I do very well against Sylas, Shaco, and Maokai but those might be worth adding too.

@Panrogo - 21.12.2023 01:31

This may sounds weird, but I love your videos but im a mid lane player. Can someone recommend someone with the same style for mid? Sorry if this is akward

@DnB_Stevie - 20.12.2023 22:26

Maokai is not a toplaner :D im Diamond playing like 30-40% Maokai Top^^

@norbertcseh5679 - 20.12.2023 21:50

As a Karma top main, I'm proud of being so annoying, that he refuses to speak about it 😂😂

@imienazwisko. - 20.12.2023 21:39

Fiora is easier than Yone?

@loop9423 - 20.12.2023 21:36

why not Maokai? Hes so good top

@lordeltost8021 - 20.12.2023 16:59

As a darius main i agree that he is useless in tf without flash or ghost

@moldveien1515 - 20.12.2023 15:31

I play trundle and shyv, which to me seemed like the same champ almost but shyv is much much weaker in the early game compared to trundle but her spike on 2 items is kinda bonkers

@Breakbeat90s - 20.12.2023 11:42

Isn't it beautiful how Varus wins against everyone except Yasuo, who loses against everyone else? Very poetic.

@BatmansRasAlGhul - 20.12.2023 05:55

sad he's talking about ryze vs teemo top but not about ryze top :(

@joshuakoldistier9592 - 20.12.2023 02:21

as a singed main i disagree with "easy to pick up" tier. i mean his abilities arent hard and mechanically he's besinde the goofling(E into W) or flash goofling . BUT its really difficult for singed to lane against almost any enemy top laner. to a straight 1v1 singed looses against 90% of all top laner. proxy is a thing but u can also start struggeling if u 2v1 top and bot still loosing. usually u start to play singed and int for the first 20 games or so not that easy needs alot macro
almost always agreed with the rest keep it up Alois

@ducklauncher - 20.12.2023 02:12

Feels good to have someone not call Gragas a training wheels champ lol
