THE BIG EV LIE. Why They Won't Save the Planet & All About Dirty Electricity |

THE BIG EV LIE. Why They Won't Save the Planet & All About Dirty Electricity |


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Conrad Harcourt
Conrad Harcourt - 08.10.2023 03:45

Wow! Yet another Clarkson clone; an arrogant, overly-wealthy, tory who imagines he somehow has the right to rule because he knows better than everyone else. Oddly, we have all for some time been aware of the facts that this fellow seems to have just discovered.
We know, EVs are not the answer, not by themselves. No EV user, outside of the rarefied circles in which our over-confident hero moves, has the attitude he suggests. It is disappointing but unsurprising to hear him regurgitating the same stale drivel from the Daily Mail, even parroting their mindless cliches (hard-working people!), and being insulting with it.
He has even swallowed the ludicrous oil industry myth that HYDROGEN is a green fuel - he seems not to have found out that it takes roughly five times as much energy (which has to come from somewhere) to extract a given quantity of hydrogen from the atmosphere as that hydrogen will produce. It is also far more difficult and dangerous to store than other sources of energy. There is also little chance that research will improve this position, whereas there are innumerable lines of research providing constant improvements to batteries. Sorry, but hydrogen is a complete non-starter economically and practicably for land vehicles or domestic heating.
To be fair, our spotty friend does make some valid points; we will have to have some nuclear power stations, however it is wrong to suggest, on the basis of what we know at present, that wind and solar are a waste of time. Ironically, he also observes that we need to end consumerism, which is largely driven by people like him who have been taught by their experiences that we really do live in a meritocracy and believe it to be their right to spend their money how they want. He even says this earlier in the video and yet is apparently blind to this inconsistency.
As many 'hard working people' would no doubt say:
Listen Pal, you're not especially clever or hardworking, you just got lucky.'
'But you make your own luck'. Yes, but if you don't have valuable connections or family funds to exploit you can really only turn to crime. Most of us manage to get what we need by working reasonably hard and we realise that we are fortunate and should have regard for those who are less lucky. What we have here is an example of that particular class of individual who imagines that he is somehow above the common heard and imbued with knowledge, understanding and skills beyond the understanding of we humdrum souls.
We get it, you love your toys, and you don't like to think that anyone should have the audacity to know better than you.
You pay lip-service to doing what is necessary to continue human life on Earth so perhaps you should stop making pointless videos and do something to help. Protest is, oddly enough, often the only way to make arrogant folk pay attention,
No doubt this comment will be deleted.

Parcel Of Rogues
Parcel Of Rogues - 07.10.2023 18:43

He says EVs ( & hybrids) will make negligible difference to global warming, but if every sector said we shouldn't change because change only makes a small difference then all the small differences add up to a big difference and nothing changes. We are on a fast train to annihilation. By all means make big changes and small ones. This can only be solved by taking slivers off everything, large and small. Small countries matrter as well as the large ones.

Michael Bolzli
Michael Bolzli - 07.10.2023 15:23

There are some good points in this video, but also some half-truths. That starts with the display image in this video. It shows plug-in hybrids, not electric cars.

- Of course you can recycle batteries. Many mining companies are currently building plants to do so. This will massively improve the carbon footprint of the e-car.
- The majority of cobalt is not mined for e-cars, but for batteries in other devices like laptops or smartphones. Moreover, cobalt is disappearing more and more from EV batteries.
- Even if an e-car is charged exclusively with fossil electricity, it is more environmentally friendly than a combustion engine. In the overall system, it would even be more efficient to pour diesel into a power plant and convert it into electricity to charge e-cars than to process it in the ice car with poorer efficiency.
- No, wind turbines are not evil bird killers. Of course birds die when they fly into a wind turbine. But by far the most birds die in western countries from domestic cats.
- Diesel cars were better for the climate than gasoline cars. Don't confuse climate with environmental protection. Because yes, diesel cars cause more pollution than gasoline cars. But they are better for the climate.
- Electric cars are getting cheaper and cheaper. According to experts, an electric car will cost the same as a combustion engine in 2026.
- Hydrogen is not an energy source, but a way to store energy.
- Net zero is possible. It is called "net zero" and not just "zero". Meaning: a net zero concept allows CO2 to be emitted if it is offset. For example, by removing the CO2 from the atmosphere. There are technical and natural solutions for this.

Undisputed: We need to make our energy system climate-neutral. In doing so, we can make our industry and transport (air, water and road) green. And yes, this costs a lot of money. And yes, emerging and developing countries need support from the West.

And no, I don't hate cars. I've probably owned more cars than most here in the comments. I also don't drive an EV because I don't like current car design. But we should stop bending facts to fit our opinions.

AMERICAN me - 07.10.2023 04:52

Many politicians have a scam.. Clinton had cocaine and foundations.
Obama had solar..
Pelosi did insider trading.
ol jo is e.v. war.. money laundering and influence peddling.
He's old and doesn't care if this works or not.

Percy - 06.10.2023 22:08

One good Cat 8 MCE and the world is dead. All chips fail and the third world countries will survive.

powerGPT - 06.10.2023 20:52

I think most EV owners think this way: "As long as it cost me way less than fueling an ICE car, I'll use an EV".

powerGPT - 06.10.2023 20:48

Electric Vehicles (EVs) face numerous challenges that hinder their potential to dominate the automotive market:

1) Lithium Extraction: Harvesting one ton of lithium for batteries necessitates approximately 500,000 gallons of water and substantial use of diesel fuel for operating extraction equipment and trucks.

2) Nickel Mining Impact: In Russia, communities in nickel mining areas have reportedly experienced a decline in life expectancy by 10 years due to environmental contamination. Additionally, nickel mining is geographically constrained, with only a few countries controlling the supply chain.

3) Cobalt Supply Chain Issues: About 60% of the global cobalt supply, a crucial element in batteries, originates from Congo, where dangerous labor conditions and unethical practices are prevalent.

4) Battery Recycling Difficulty: The recycling process for used batteries is technologically challenging and not fully developed, leading to environmental concerns.

5) Global Supply Chain Dependencies: The raw materials for batteries often require international transportation, involving multiple stages and significant carbon emissions.

6) Manufacturing Carbon Footprint: From mining to manufacturing, the carbon emissions associated with creating batteries are substantial, somewhat mitigating the environmental benefits of EVs.

7) Battery Lifespan: Batteries have limited life cycles, with performance diminishing over time.

8) Recycling Capacity Deficit: Current recycling facilities lack the capacity to handle the expected influx of expired batteries in the future.

9) Power Supply Challenges: Constructing a sufficient number of charging stations is hampered not only by distribution logistics but also by limited electrical capacity in many regions. For instance, California imports approximately 70% of its electricity to meet current demands, with EVs constituting a small percentage of the vehicle market.

10) Charging Times: Significant improvement in charging times is unlikely in the near term, making refueling substantially longer than traditional gasoline vehicles, especially considering potential wait times due to limited charging infrastructure.

11) Sustainability Concerns: Batteries are not always able to sustain power for extended periods under full load, requiring cooling systems to prevent overheating.

12) Truck Drivers' Dilemma: Long-haul truck drivers cannot afford extended charging times, unless charging can occur simultaneously with mandatory rest periods.

13) Increased Power Demand: The projected demand for electricity due to widespread EV adoption will necessitate additional power plants, potentially increasing pollution if these plants rely on non-renewable resources.

14) Disaster Preparedness: In case of power outages due to disasters, EVs could leave individuals stranded without the ability to recharge.

15) Charging Infrastructure Inconveniences: On long trips, locating conveniently placed and fast-charging stations can be challenging, leading travelers to wish for hybrid or gasoline alternatives.

16) Environmental Impact Studies: There is limited research comprehensively demonstrating that the environmental impact of EVs, from production to recycling, is significantly better than their ICE counterparts.

17) Service and Repair Challenges: Repair shops may require additional, specialized staff for EVs, increasing labor costs. Additionally, manufacturers might restrict repairs to certified dealerships, limiting third-party repair options.

18) Hybrids as a Compromise: Hybrids may offer a more feasible and accepted transitional technology, providing some benefits of electrification without the associated challenges of fully electric vehicles.

simba - 06.10.2023 20:28

The big picture is that you will own jack all and pay for air.

Lord Corgi
Lord Corgi - 06.10.2023 07:06

The average yearly global temperature is estimated to be around 55 degrees Fahrenheit as of 2022. The average yearly global temperature 78 million years ago when dinosaurs walked the earth is estimated to be over 80. There was also two huge fluctuations during this time over 42 degrees. This is by far more of a fluctuation in temperature the earth has ever seen since, especially anything since Humans have been around. So the Dinosaurs either had some really bad emissions from their vehicles or it's a natural phenomenon of the Earth heating and cooling.

Environmentalists want to act like not having ice on the poles is something that's never happened, when there was actually 100+ million-year periods in earth's past where there weren't polar caps. Roughly 275 million years ago something happened, and the yearly temperature went from just around 50 (one of the coldest known periods, and also close to where we are currently) to over 90 degrees. This heating took over 70 million years to to finally cool enough for polar ice caps to reform (aka the Ice Age). Then temperatures shot back up after some 10-15 million years and the Earth had no polar ice caps for over 125 million years. This is the period where life is generally thought of as forming and the dinosaurs walking the earth.

Bert Mellen
Bert Mellen - 06.10.2023 06:20

climate change aside, which i agree on, cars are asidenote in that story, i do see a future for EVs IF and only if, battery tech improves by a lot. i get the sound and soul of petrol engines, especially the supercar kind. but for regular driving, EVs are quiet, something some people prefer when listening to the radio in the morning commute. also they have instant full torque, and if powerful enough will lauch you at insane acceleration, while being super controllable by digital control of all wheels. also makes for a lot simpler mechanics, and a lot less points of failure.. just the darn energy storage problem, Li-ion is not safe, lacks capacity and lifetime and indeed not very green.

Bob Marshall
Bob Marshall - 06.10.2023 02:30

Yet another effort from the fossil fuel industry to stop the inevitable!

David Perry
David Perry - 05.10.2023 21:34

You are right you are not a scientist but you churn out statements as fact without quoting credible sources. No-one is saying EVs and batteries are the sole answer but they are part of it. Green energy is increasing year on year, new nuclear power plants are being built, and France is working to extend the life of their older ones. Wind power (onshore) in China doubled in the last two years and Europe is likely to develop the same way as supply chain issues ease and the potential for offshore wind power is huge. France produces 90% of its electricity through non-fossil renewables ( and bolsters UK credentials by selling it to them). You are way behind on recycling, solar panels, batteries can be recycled or reused. You sidestep the health problems caused by car exhaust. Wind power kills some wildlife but nothing like the numbers killed by climate change. No-one calls people evil, that is your spin. But of course if it threatens your super-car love affair feel free to thumb your nose at the 5000 people who die prematurely every year due to petrol and diesel exhaust in the UK and 52 000in the US. Sorry if those nasty protesters hold up your sporting events for a couple of minutes, open your eyes.

Parker Shaw
Parker Shaw - 05.10.2023 18:49

I happen yo hate petrol vehicles' sound amd smell. But i acknowledge those are subjective.

Acceleration? Dude! Seriously??

Vyechi - 04.10.2023 23:33

Love it

ronbr - 04.10.2023 13:09

2024 will be a year of the most EVs sold. The true fact is the automobile industry and its buddies like the tire manufacturers, steel, mining, plastic, oil, automotive paint, glass, aluminium, batteries manufacturers, etc couldn’t care less about the environment and they are, in 2024 going to pump out some bloated EVs with the weight of between 4,000 pounds and 9,000 pounds. There is no way these heavy EVs will reduce emissions because weight means a lot more energy is required to produce them, mainly using fossil fuels.
With technology, many companies are making their products smaller and cheaper, but not the automobile producers. They are going the other way, making their products bigger, more polluting, and more expensive.

Mole Catcher
Mole Catcher - 04.10.2023 11:23

More CO2 will not cause the planet to “die”. C02 levels have been much, much higher than it is today and live on earth thrived. CO2 stimulates plant growth and is the gas of life.

Rick VanBuskirk
Rick VanBuskirk - 04.10.2023 02:04

Consumers are starting to see through the BS

Der Keniry
Der Keniry - 04.10.2023 01:04

Nobody claims that driving electric cars will save the world, but, in Germany (where I come from) transport is one of the major contributors to CO2-pollution.

On the average, the electricity mix (renewables vs. fossils) is about 50%. On a day like today (Oct 3rd, 2023) the mix is even at about 75% renewables vs. 25% fossil. Correspondingly, the CO2-intensity of 1 kWh of electricity is about 250g/kWh – in Great Britain today it is even less due to an additional contribution of nuclear energy.

Now let’s do a little math to compare emissions:

Burning one liter of liquid fuel (neglecting the small differences between diesel and gasoline) produces CO2-emissions of about 2,4kg. Thus, driving an economic ICE-car (assuming 5,5l/100km) produces CO2 emissions of 13,2kg/100km.
Lets’ do the same with a BEV, using the german average electricity mix of about 50% (associated with CO2 emissions of about 450g/kWh). The above mentioned ICE-car comes also equipped with an electric engine and consumes 14kWh/100km on average, thus producing emissions of 14*0,45=6,3kg/100km.

When charging it on a day like today (250g/kWh), the BEV even only produces emissions of 15*0,25=3,75kg/100km.

Thus, there is no way of claiming there to be no difference between an ICE-car and a BEV!

Yes, since the battery production is also associated with CO2-emissions, a BEV can be viewed as coming with a ‘CO2-backpack’. My BEV (built in 2019) is assumed (by the manufacturer) to have a backpack of 5 tons. Due to the difference in associated emissions of 13,2-6,3 = 6,9kg, this backpack is eradicated after 5000/6,9*100km = 72463km. After that, the BEV travels more climate friendly than it sibling ICE-car. When trying to charge it mainly during hours or days with high renewables content in the grid, this distance can be reduced further.

The same thing happens automatically when the contribution of renewables is growing, which is currently the case in your country, as well as in Germany.

An ICE car is never able to achieve this. Instead, it produces high amounts of CO2 until its very end. The BEV at 60.000km currently has a battery degradation of 5%. Projecting this linearly in the future gives 15% at 180.000km and 20% at 240.000 - no reason to quit the car. Switching back to the average emissions of 450g/kWh for the BEV, at this driving distance the ICE-sibling has produced about twice as much CO2 than its BEV-sibling.

Cobalt: Modern day batteries don’t need cobalt any more! Check for the so called LFP-batteries. The same holds true for Na+-batteries, which are about to come (see the manufacturer CATL!)

But cobalt is needed, for example, to remove Sulphur from fossil fuels, it is needed to harden bearings in engines and is part of catalysors in the exhaust fume section of the ICE car.

So, it remains to be emphasized that you are spreading misinformation. If it is intentional or not, I cannot judge –

but it simply is not the truth!

Maksim Lebedev
Maksim Lebedev - 04.10.2023 00:28

Hi, have you seen ICCT report on this topic? What do you think about that?

ema goutard
ema goutard - 03.10.2023 20:43

Non y’a le lnethanol et dans 40 à 50 ans l’hydrogéné le lithium vous emballez pas😂

Peter Hicks
Peter Hicks - 03.10.2023 10:56

When the UK rely on getting appx 60% of their energy from France vis the 4/5 under sea pipe & cable interconnectors its no wonder they wont send them back .
Last time the French had a ruck with Jersey the French threatened to turn off the power , Guess who won the ruck ! fking joke , if you lay with whores you get crabs !

Clean environment
Clean environment - 03.10.2023 04:32

Big business thinks of people as sheep, it's easy to steer people in the direction you want, with just a few persuasive claims about EV's.  ... Foolish  people are followers

Robert Ramlrez
Robert Ramlrez - 03.10.2023 03:28

I just watched a show on EV'S in China, they have thousands upon thousands of registered EV'S sitting in huge fields rotting with batteries in them. They were supposed to be sold outside China but for some reason we're unwanted. They at one time did the same thing with bicycles and huge fields have tens of thousands bicycles rusting in fields. The batteries that China makes are not well made if you look at all the car , electric motorcycle and scooters catching fire. They paint fields green. They drill holes in palm size white rocks, stick them in pieces of three ft steel rebarb, sticking them into the ground so they look like crops from satellites, the same reason for painting rock hills green.

Kenneth Matinale
Kenneth Matinale - 02.10.2023 17:11

Pumping your own gas is revolting. That's why people will switch to Electric Vehicles in 2-3 when prices are competitive. Simple and basic. It won't be about Climate Change or global warming.

ButchNackley - 02.10.2023 12:10

The Green New Deal (now called just stop oil) is all a scam to increase taxes on the public. Right along with the WEF. The fact is that newer ICE vehicles produce far less CO2 than they did 40 years ago. They are less expensive to produce, have a longer lifespan, are easier to maintain. EV's on the other hand, have a larger carbon footprint than the ICE, overall. They do not last very long, are expensive to service and not something the average DIY'er can maintain. There is also the high number of fires these vehicles are experiencing. The lies we're told about CO2 is also quite telling. For instance, Mt St Helens eruption released more CO2 than mankind has since our dawn. CO2 is vital to life on earth. Global Warming is just the latest trick to put fear into the people. It greatly benefits the government, as they can get away with insider trading, thus making them richer. They can skew the results of studies in their favor, since they hold the purse. Many independent studies have proven man made GW/CC simply isn't true. Earth has natural cycles of warming and cooling and always has. Of course many of these honest studies have been buried, hidden away from the public eye. You can find them, but you have to do a lot of searching. Google knows quite well how to hide facts from us.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
Joseph Goebbels

ddavideo - 02.10.2023 05:11

It's an interesting topic while on share of global emission by country. The table shown around 13'17" in the video only provided a snap shot of "current" indicated earlier in the video it said "Global Warming" was a result of "Man-made effect on greenhouse gases" which means that the current issue was not a "recent event".

Having said the above, it'll be interesting to see the aggregate figures by country since the “Industrial Revolution” then we'd all have a total picture on which countries truly contributing to the current situation.

Hawaiian Punch
Hawaiian Punch - 02.10.2023 04:15

It's about control.

dkk47 - 01.10.2023 21:09

Great video, thanks
But I was sorry to see a little bit of misleading when you mentioned Wonder of the Seas, it runs on LNG. Probably still a polluter, but in a different way.
Congrats, great video

industrial monk
industrial monk - 01.10.2023 14:11

I have not read all the comments but I noticed that you have not pointed out that for every watt of alleged green power we are burning fossil fuel to produce no power watt for watt as the green is so unreasonable & if we don't we will have power cuts this has been tried & we have power cuts in the UK.

Haarb - 01.10.2023 09:52

funny, I dont even care about global warming, electric cars are just more fun to drive, so even a small reduction would be good since its just a bonus in my mind. As for starving African children... lol, you all using mobile phones and dont see problems with it, how often you switch them?(hint - over a billion phones per year, in 2022 cars were sold not even 100mil) take Apple for example, same goes for most of the products since they are made not in US, not in EU. But suddenly cobalt for cars is bad? So stop using everything else that have similar practices... typical European hypocrisy.

Gene Roush
Gene Roush - 01.10.2023 08:36

They also dont think about the fact that with our present power grid there is not enough power to charge everybody's EV

Raymond Parsley
Raymond Parsley - 01.10.2023 08:01

I'd rather fill it up and go, changing the battery at a cost of a about a hundred to one hundred fifty dollars about every three years.... Bring the cost of gas back to a low normal by voting Joe and his democrats out of office.... Forget the EV before it burns down your home with exploding batteries, or breaks the bank when purchasing the car, plus the added costs when replacing the battery pack. Everything that glitters is not gold, as for these EVs, the only glitter is in the paint...that glosses over the cost of inconvenience, reliability and maintenance. Good luck!

David - 30.09.2023 21:35

Thank you for putting this together, excellent.

Marv Kwia
Marv Kwia - 30.09.2023 19:40

It costs a lot more energy to get the lithium out of the ground you still got to use deasil. Plus electric batteries last so long then need new ones but at what cost there will be a recycling charge. Then batteries catch fire easily I don't want to be in drivers seat

A Nautical Gate
A Nautical Gate - 30.09.2023 16:31

Can you imagine the Dakar to Paris Rally , with these constraints? And don't say there will be charging stations in the Sahara.

RBG - 30.09.2023 09:33

Energy and heat is the highest according to all data that I have seen but I mostly use Statista and Edgar and a few other sources. But your statement about co2 from transport is negligible is not true as transport is the 2nd highest according to almost every single source I saw.

If we break it down more we see that cars and vans are the highest contributor.

Edit: how did you get that number for industry? I can’t find that figure anywhere. They are all listed at around 10%. Your industry of 43 and agriculture of 33 percent makes no sense. How and where did you count that up? I checked Edgar and tried to do some math but nothing came to your estimate.

I know this is an old video and you probably won’t respond but maybe anyone can explain this better cause I spend the last few hours trying to work it out.

I feel like everyone is blindly agreeing without actually trying to work out the data that is presented to you on your own.

victoria - 30.09.2023 09:23

honestly this depressing, electric cars are not the answer to global warming we need to reduce plastics, garbage , our clothes and of course overpopulation. I've always had said overpopulation is our problem why, because there's more people, we need to feed , clothes inflations and don't forget we need more room for people so that we need to cut down trees. look at china and Asia they produced more greenhouses commission because they have overpopulation. people needs electricity. its weird that china and India is so overpopulated whereas Japan they decreasing of no new babies, there's more old people then babies. I guess the more advanced and educated the society, less problems

Tablespoon - 30.09.2023 08:11

All the work of marketing genius elon tusk

M D - 30.09.2023 06:35

Right now government is trying to toss the gasoline price in sky to push people to buy ev to help all auto industries richer. That's a game

Altruism First
Altruism First - 30.09.2023 05:28

ONLY 0.7% of Uranium can be Enriched for Nuclear Fission hyper subsidized devolution of power production, so what happens to 99.03% of the rest left out of on the surface?. Please visit the Congos and Australia where you can toboggan the Yellow cake mountains left out in the open against Aboriginal and tribal wisdoms that for EONS has always stated to Uranium in the ground. You are like a Evangelical preacher with only 95% truths and 5% toxic cancerous propaganda of military industrial controlled technologies.

Steve C
Steve C - 30.09.2023 01:18

We need more voice (and brain) like you to bring us back to the right track. 💯

noname99 - 30.09.2023 00:58

Article about how CA can PULL electricity from your coal car.
Unplug when done. You have been warned.

Steve C
Steve C - 30.09.2023 00:53

"They Won't Save the Planet", they will save politician's job. That's what really matter.

Jeff Walker Meadowbrook
Jeff Walker Meadowbrook - 30.09.2023 00:02

End animal agriculture! Plant trees! Go vegan

Oliver England
Oliver England - 29.09.2023 10:41

The argument for EVs is that it is easier to capture carbon at the power station than it is at the tailpipe. Diesel, the argument is particulates, soot! Anyone who knows anything about ICE powered vehicles will know that diesel is significantly more efficient than petrol. 25% vs 35%
Tyre wear is an issue. The tiny particles of rubber from tyre wear are damaging to the environment.
Ultimately, personal transport is the issue.
The future of personal transport is doomed.
Ordinary people won't have access to personal transport. Distant future, not anytime soon.
Dylithium crystals are the future!
Make it so!

dato - 29.09.2023 08:53

use horses

Harry p
Harry p - 29.09.2023 07:00

It doesn't matter if climate change or global warming is real or not. We have to pull our heads in and stop producing stuff we don’t need or produce less of it. Do we really need to live in and furnish big McMansions, do we need to drive giant 3,000lb motor cars, do we need to buy so many plastic toys, (Plastic toys are the world's largest user of plastic and soft plastic toys contain dangerous and toxic chemicals). Do we need to throw out so much food? It is estimated in 2022, 2.5 billion tons of food worth $230 billion was thrown out. Do we need so much clothing and footwear? 35% of microplastic in the ocean comes from clothing and clothing manufacturing each year. An estimated 500,000 million tonnes of microplastics annually comes from clothing. The list could go on and on. Somewhere along the line, we have to be less wasteful.

Israel - 29.09.2023 02:51

Petrol never live you at the outback
I see guys piss on the fuel tank and petrol car still make it home.😂
With electric car EV once brake down our of no where you pritty much fucked stuck the car look good but unreliable.

Israel - 29.09.2023 02:48

Earth was made for Flesh and Blood 🤧
Remember that.
You're not Angel or Aliens you're Human is the way it is was created.
