This is EXACTLY How Old School Bodybuilders Built Mass!

This is EXACTLY How Old School Bodybuilders Built Mass!

Peter Khatcherian

1 год назад

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@nboss968 - 25.01.2024 18:10

I like the progressive overload technique of sticking with a working weight until you can do all reps and sets and then increasing weight.

@Drelka - 25.01.2024 17:46

For beginners I would suggest forgetting about arms at the beginning. Also too many presses. Incline can go. Other than that I agree with everything else. FBW is definitely the one I go for. Praise the free weights.

@CheezersCameBack - 15.01.2024 06:55

5x5 was what we used in high school football along with a decline rep pyramid. I honestly can’t say I’ve seen 5x5 again since then, but I like the idea of trying it

@devexpert - 14.01.2024 20:38

BS unless you are on gear. This is way too much work with no rest, one day rest is no rest, for natural body builder. Tip: easy way to spot who is on gear is to look at the workload vs rest. If you see no rest or one day of rest, 99% sure whomever is selling that program is on gear.

@jahshshdhdgsh4686 - 21.12.2023 12:15

Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life Amen🙏

@fitnytech - 09.11.2023 18:17

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

@adrevir - 30.10.2023 12:42

Great workout plan, for me better to start with 2 days rest between workouts and cur volume to 1/2 warm up sets and 1/2 workout sets to failure

@americaforever - 23.10.2023 22:30

When I was in therapy after rotator cuff surgery, I was told behind the neck barbell presses put stress on the deltoid that was dangerous and could lead to injury. The shoulder shouldn’t be that far back. I have bad shoulders today (71 years old). I always wondered about those presses.

@FitnessAndLongevityWithHan - 12.10.2023 00:11

I’m 52 and have been weight training golds gym style since I was 13 years old. What I noticed as I aged into my 40s was that I was getting a lot of injuries from lifting heavy, but also from the limited range of movement of the traditional exercises.

Building muscle is great fun but now in my 50s - I am rebuilding connective tissue through full range of motion exercises and calisthenics/yoga. Doesn’t take much maybe 10-15 minutes a day in addition to your three or four day weightlifting week

Just a tip from another veteran bodybuilder! Good luck on your fitness journey everyone!

@cp_pdn - 30.09.2023 07:48

100 sets per week ? For steroid users ....

@gregoryhaydon7108 - 06.09.2023 07:56

What is the progression after you can reach 3 working sets of 6? Would you add weight right away and maybe not get all 6s, try to increase reps a bit so you could then do 3x6 with 10 lbs heavier, or just work for some time with 3x6 of that weight until you adapt enough to be able to handle a 10 lb or so increase?

@nickfanzo - 02.09.2023 21:36

Arnold was on loads of steroids. Natural lifters should do full body every OTHER day.

Guys that give advice based on steroid users’ methods shouldn’t be transferred to non steroid users, it isn’t the same. You will get huge training on steroids much easier without over training, not the same for natural lifters

@westoncroye643 - 30.08.2023 22:23

I have found that evolving rep ranges to be the best way to progress in terms of poundages. It should also correlate somewhat to an increase in muscle as well. It has worked well for me so far. I can do 40lb db’s for lateral raises for 3 sets 6-10 reps with clean form as well.

Evolving rep ranges would be doing 8-12 reps and failing during each set within the parameters, preferably not hitting the same number of reps each set. Its up to you when you decide to add more weight like if you hit 12,12, and 10 that isn’t very good and you should up the weight significantly. If you can get 12, 10, and 8 then that is excellent and you should progress to about 12, 11, then 10 reps or if you exceed the rep range on your first set of the exercise.

@eduardobatista329 - 28.08.2023 00:12

I started all over again, because of shoulder injuries qhich took a year to fix andwhile only using machine i got really strong at machine but lost my strength on free weights, so im starting like a newbie, and every workout im getting stronger, im 53 and i also had an ankle sprain that would not heal untill just recently my calf raises are geting stronger and my ankle is getting better, but it doesn't stop there, so because of injury in shoulder and ankle i did no squats, so guess what ,i cant put myself under the squat bar, so ive been rehabing that😊

@aardvarkhendricks6555 - 24.07.2023 15:22

Arnold also used steroids.

@c5zCarGuy - 14.07.2023 05:19

I just can't recover if I try to do the same body part again with only 1 day in between of rest.

@lukaskaltenmaier3808 - 29.06.2023 20:22

I would never survive this program.
But then again, I already squat 350lbs for five reps.

@danstafford5977 - 28.06.2023 21:43

Competition Olympic lifting they use regulation bars with the right amount of whip.

@danstafford5977 - 28.06.2023 21:40

Powerlifting was derived from Olympic lifting... to enhance their clean and jerk and squat snatch... in those days the bars used spin locks That You Don't See today.

@danstafford5977 - 28.06.2023 21:33

Pyramid sets was a staple for bodybuilding.

@danstafford5977 - 28.06.2023 21:31

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Columbo initially were powerlifters... the five-by-five training was a staple for powerlifting... the reps and sets were too low for bodybuilding.

@danstafford5977 - 28.06.2023 21:27

I'm glad your enlightening us on the history of bodybuilding... and those early days there were known as hardcore bodybuilding gyms... all the gyms nowadays are fitness gyms... you see all these hardcore musclemonsters walking around in a fitness gym.

@danstafford5977 - 28.06.2023 21:23

The Nautilus machine was next best thing in bodybuilding... however they had Nautilus only gyms... those gyms were never Diversified so fhey fell by the wayside.

@danstafford5977 - 28.06.2023 21:16

Back in the early days they didn't have all the machines they have nowadays... Vince gironda was the originator of the Smith machine Ruben-smith improved upon it and and had it put in in all the Vic Tanny gyms Nationwide... the Smith machine is still in every gym today.

@danstafford5977 - 28.06.2023 21:06

Full body workouts was referred to as the offseason training 3 days a week... historically that's where Monday's became bench-pressed day... they would train like that right up till the day of contest... the Inception of split training didn't come till later... Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the first ones to do split training... Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of the first ones to do double split pre-contest training... most bodybuilders never did Double Split training.

@Ste2023 - 25.04.2023 19:21

Are they all Dead though ?

@mojo-synthesis9404 - 12.04.2023 02:30

My stomping grounds are diamond 💎 gym and plaza fitness 💪 in New Jersey since the age of 23, im 50 now those are the old school 🏫 hard-core gyms that I learned to use all of the barbells, dumbbells and even machines. Most gym goers didn't have those earlier foundation styles . I trained in every style of training and still learning. I love going to comercial gyms and see the younger generation look at what I'm doing from my old school learning experience. I love the old school style. Hard core gyms taught me plenty with minimal injuries. Good content my brother.

@aviccilostboy1755 - 05.04.2023 20:37

Considering ALL the OLDSCHOOL BBs probly STILL did roids in off-season, Being Natty i would not only sub out the deadlifts, but cut out the repeating exercises altogether, thereby eliminating about 30% of the volume and also sub out behind neck presses for side lateral
monday= Deadlifts, Barbell press, Pulldowns, Barbell curl, Pushdowns , Seated calf, Side laterals
wednesday= Squats , DB low incline press,BB rows, Incline DB curls, Skullcrushers, Stand calf
Friday= RDLs Barbell press Chinups Barbell curls Pushdowns Side laterals

@jjm4643 - 14.03.2023 20:02

That's a lot of work in one session. Squatting three times per week. Tough if Natural. Like your idea of variations.

@DanLetts97 - 09.03.2023 01:15

I don’t have time to watch this video right now because I have nothing to learn from it. But hopefully there’s some mention about the rampant chronic steroid use in professional bodybuilding

@entropy8124 - 03.03.2023 02:26

You make a bunch of other old school bodybuilding workout videos, should we follow this or the other ones?

@wylwrk6884 - 26.02.2023 05:54

Arnold Swarzenegger was trained by Vince Gironda. If you're really into bodybuilding, you gotta know about Vince.

@philstall6262 - 23.02.2023 23:52

You're one of the best Peter

@alextee2005 - 22.02.2023 17:33

Majority of the exercises are compound movements which work multiple muscle groups

@andrew3682 - 18.02.2023 19:25

just what I was looking for

@buddyryan875 - 13.02.2023 18:19

This is interesting and I like the exercise selection but this is not sustainable for a non-enhanced athlete. The biggest I ever got was lifting 1 day a week 2 sets on the big exercises and adding 5 pounds a week. Can't do it anymore joints are too banged up. I think full body 1 set of 40 reps 3x per week of these exercises with a rep range around 40 reps and progressing when I hit the 40 would work for me. I've saw people get great results with comparable on the X3 program

@andrewcoates4952 - 05.02.2023 17:58

It’s interesting how there wasn’t much direct hamstring work there other than a bit of activation from DL’s in this particular program

@sword-and-shield - 03.02.2023 08:02

Actually you are wrong, at least by Arnold's own words. He didn't want to wait and quickly escalated his workouts from FB 3 days a week to six days a week at like 16 yrs old. So yes a bit of full body but most definitely not the bulk of his mass. His words again, from his year in the military this was his biggest gain in any 1 year 25 lbs he was working out 6 days a week 6 hrs a his words differ from yours.

@mertonhirsch4734 - 31.01.2023 23:11

Arnold's "golden six" routine done "by the book" and Mentzer's "my most productive rountine" done "by the book", actually both work out to just over 60 work sets per week. Mentzer went to failure while Arnold suggested doing sets of 10 across until you could complete 3 or 4 sets of 10 at the same weight, but Mentzer's included many smaller exercises like lateral and rear delt flyes, calf raises, wrist curls, pressdowns and leg curls while the golden six only used Squat, Bench, Pullup, Military, Barbell curl and Sit-ups.

Point being, their total volume adjusted for intensity, and the magnitude of the exercises included in the program were very very close, about 60 going up to maybe 80-90 sets a week (when Mentzer did 2 on 1 off instead of 1 on 1 off).

@lukekharmawphlang3241 - 26.01.2023 09:56

Great 👍

@thomashewittknewit5510 - 01.01.2023 02:55

Did bodybuilders back in the 70s lean bulk ?

@arkdude8484 - 28.12.2022 03:30


@vikram_shahi - 23.12.2022 07:10

Thandi thandi barff and tatti 😆

@CarnivorMike - 08.12.2022 13:05

Old school basic moves and eat like a maniac. And a little test helps

@dongerdong1184 - 11.11.2022 19:01

Write down the reps and weights you use doing only 5 sets of bench a day. By the end of the week you got 15 heavy ass sets of bench. A week later try and do 15 sets of press with the same weights you did doing 3 full body workouts. More weight more reps with full body.

@Wethepeopledriteam2023 - 19.10.2022 03:01

Pete, this is sounding a lot like Jordan Peters full body training but without the volume. He advocates a similar approach with a 4 way full body split ie.,
Workout A emphasis on lower power/upper hyper range
Workout B upper power/lower hyper
Workout c same scheme as A
Workout D same scheme as B
1 working set per movement
Varying movements each training day and training eod. So 7 training sessions in 2 weeks

@christiann2148 - 15.10.2022 06:54

Don’t forget D ball
