Shot my first tac this year in Michigan and definitely doing a weekend thing next year! Would be so badass to shoot tac with you guys next year! Great content!
ОтветитьPast your eyes 😂
ОтветитьI want to go to next camp where and when I’m from Canada but I just listen to the 3 day thing you mfjj and Turner bow hunting saved me a when covid came and now I want to upgrade my bow and knowledge. Whom better to learn from
ОтветитьMFJJ we’re counting on you to keep this man humble! All love ElkShape keep these videos rollin’
ОтветитьThat looks like a good time
ОтветитьI'm here for the name of that rangefinder gadget
ОтветитьGreat video. Made me laugh a few times.
Ответить🤣 This video was a hoot to watch.
Ответитьlooks like a Dead-On range finder according to the googles.. pretty sweet gadget. might need to pick one up!
ОтветитьTac is something that is on my bucketlist but me living in Europe makes it a real challange getting to an event
ОтветитьHey Brother. The more I watch your TAC videos, the higher TAC gets on my bucket list. Looks like it is just an amazingly great time. Thanks for showing us the awesome time we're missing. Lol. I definitely need to get some Crispi's. I'm tired of inferior boots. I have some Rocky's with 400gr of insulation for my treestand hunting. But, it seems like the weight of them is 5lbs a piece. Not very optimal for the hike in to my stand.
ОтветитьLove the energy Dan🤍
ОтветитьAnyone can shoot an elk target... Get ya some of that yote at 50 yds. LOL
ОтветитьI thought he’d be taller in person.😂😂😂 dynamite comes in small packages! U da man dan🤙🏽🤙🏽
ОтветитьJosh really needs to invest in a Synunm press…he’ll never have to use a bow medic in the field again ❤
ОтветитьMan what an awesome group of people. You guys definitely let it all hang out. Witch is a good thing. Will be at Solitude TAC on the 23rd. Hopefully you guys will be there. Would be great to shoot the shit with you .
ОтветитьOregon... Represent.
ОтветитьIdk if I’m the only one but the new camera mans nose whistle drives me crazy.
ОтветитьThats a killer dad joke!😂
ОтветитьSetup an elkshape course at the nw mountain challenge
ОтветитьNew camera man kinda sucks
ОтветитьYou guys would be a blast to shoot with. You all should come to seven springs in PA next year. I promise not to bring up Dan being vertically challenged 🤣
ОтветитьDid anyone know the tupe range finder? Maybe avideo can be made about it
ОтветитьWhat a ripper weekend. Had a blast hanging with the squad, shooting some video, lobbing a few arrows, talking a bunch of trash and getting to meet a bunch of awesome people.
Appreciate what you do for the community Dan.
Thank you, abt.
ОтветитьWhat’s the name of that grey grid fleece hoody you’re wearing?
ОтветитьGreat job guys. MFJJ field stripped that derailed Hoyt like a fucking CHAMP !
ОтветитьDan the man and Elk Shape Squad, a question bout the solids. I’m wearing Kuiu from 12 years ago. Stored every year and still rocks, hunting only. I think if wearing your hunting threads all the time, may break down the material. Maybe…than buying new clothes. Just a thought. All ya all rock!!
ОтветитьLove the content. Been a sub for a bit. I like that you guys are a bunch of honest/average guys doing way above average things. However, it "almost" sounds like a commercial for Crispi boots. Would you be willing to do more product reviews/R&D on other boots that don't cost $300-$400? I would say the majority of hunters cannot hunt terrains as you or as often. (Especially in midwest) Maybe some only getting out half a dozen time a year. Being one of those hunter that can only get out so little, I've had my danner pathfinder since 2012 and still going strong. Looking into new boots now and can't pull the trigger on a set of $400 boot to be used 5-6 times a season. Thanks again the content. I've learned a bunch.
ОтветитьHey just curious on your arrow set up to todays date. Are you still running fmjs?
ОтветитьI'll be down at San Antonio TAC next year. Haven't shot in years and just now got back to the range. So I have about 9 months to warm up lol
ОтветитьGreat Job 👍 Dan
ОтветитьThank you for sharing I enjoyed watching
ОтветитьWould have been solid to give that kid your gear.
ОтветитьAwesome video guys, yall totally Rock... definitely Dude.... 🤙🏻💯
ОтветитьYou need a directional mic
ОтветитьAustin Tx Archery country 👍
ОтветитьHalfway Oregon is such a chill town! Spent quite a bit of time there!
ОтветитьB3 Hawk Pro is very consistent and smooth.
ОтветитьI was into archery from the age of 12-18. Mainly hunting. Then i sort of fell away from it because I got tired of hunting public land, scouting all year, and then walk in to my spot only to have someone else sit 20 yards away from me 10 minutes later. Anyway. I’m 27 now. Getting back into it hard spending all of my money. Question I have is, is it to late for me to get real good at it. I was never good good like “hit a dime from 80 yards” good. But I want to be. Is it too late for that now that I’m 27.
ОтветитьDoes anyone know what kind of tether Josh is wearing on his thumb when he shoots?