Serum: First Look!

Serum: First Look!

Neebs Magic Dumpster

1 месяц назад

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@gregflowers6529 - 19.06.2024 15:44


@stooned4428 - 19.06.2024 17:56

The writing is not very good it's kinda funny. Or is it the voice acting

@Slaytanic187 - 19.06.2024 19:14

Didn't think to upgrade your weapon... what a pro gamer move...

@MrTeems - 19.06.2024 21:02

Neebs Gaming develops a new game, Workbench Simulator

@doggin6 - 20.06.2024 00:06

Wow a survival game? You guys never play those! How new and refreshing!

@deetzyboywonder9312 - 20.06.2024 00:46

Yall gonna look at at small land it's like a mix of ark grounded and fern gully I recently got it and thought of yall

@booniversegaming - 20.06.2024 01:42

Thanks for playing this game so i don't have to.

Love the Dumpster

@4n0n4U - 20.06.2024 02:34

I hope this game gets the feedback it needs and they listen to the players. I know Indies have been good at doing that lately.

@HolyFudgeBalls - 20.06.2024 10:30

It's all about the base, 'bout the base, no bipin'

@deadcell66 - 20.06.2024 13:07

You know, this game could actually work as a playthrough with Appsro playing, and then Neebs being the annoying voice in his head! Would work perfectly and the setting is great for the scenario

@bryanhawell2376 - 20.06.2024 20:51

Hope to see a play through of this

@PebkioNomare - 20.06.2024 23:35

I 100% disagree with Appsro about skill trees. I want something to look forward to; something to work towards. If I'm blindly meandering down stat increases there's a good chance that I'll miss a cool ability that I didn't know was there, play through most of the game with a flat experience, frustrated with the skill tree for being so useless, and only later find out from some random chat six months later "oh yeah, there's a double jump... you didn't get the double jump ability?" A hidden skill tree doesn't increase immersion, it makes you rely on a wiki.

@sportmotor181 - 21.06.2024 01:52

this was a bit boring

@djfunsize88 - 21.06.2024 14:55

F immersion, I need the visual and info display from the iron man suit on screen at all times 😭. I would even love it irl 🤣

@jeremyhallett4799 - 21.06.2024 19:13

All they need is the character to say, "I'm Batman. I need serum"

@PasqualItizzz - 21.06.2024 20:53

Might rename my morning alarm to 'serum' so I can hate it a little more.

@iturnwoodintothings1204 - 22.06.2024 06:07

yeah pass. Have to constantly rush because of a timer on my arm...nahhh I want to be immersed in a the game not be stressed out looking for the next fix

@Marcelis - 22.06.2024 13:17

Why didn’t the dead guy use the serum himself?

@Poke_n_Smot - 22.06.2024 14:49

i had to skip the beeping in the beginning.. yall are bigger then me id quit the game over that...

@nunjadamnbusiness - 22.06.2024 18:00

Adam's new Tester ID is 00FU!

@SaltNBattery - 22.06.2024 20:55

Appsro always has the worst suggestions for the devs, Simon coming in with the common sense everyman take ftw!

@noelhutchins7366 - 23.06.2024 01:09

If you never had fluoride as a child, and broke a tooth: the breakage would be completely-different from that of a fluoride recipient; untreated teeth break from tip to root, in-line, following the grain of the tooth; pieces would separate like bundle of piano-keys; with fluoride the embrittlement lets the tips of those piano-keys chip off instead of breaking the entire key away from the bundle.

@pofkasgaming - 23.06.2024 03:33

I want to see more of this game can you make more episodes please

@elgiacomo - 23.06.2024 04:46

Appsro, the best gamer of the group, struggles to play a video game.

@rylandvance5304 - 23.06.2024 05:34

Writers for this game really got hung up on name dropping the title lol

@admindugreen - 23.06.2024 07:51

sounds like geralt

@Rehd66 - 23.06.2024 11:10

Who in tf wants a survival game to be single player?

@malistair7476 - 23.06.2024 17:50

LOL lessons learned....if only they read the tutorial stuff.

@brandonsmith5379 - 23.06.2024 19:58

Holy snot someone finally made a game of the Justin Timberlake movie “In Time”

@chawd44 - 23.06.2024 22:19

Video: 10/10
Game 0/10

@michealdehay4217 - 24.06.2024 09:24

Simon has slowly become my favorite person in the Neebs group.

@1x4 - 24.06.2024 14:13

Yeah, not playing this.

@josephdonais4778 - 24.06.2024 16:16

Hoping this isn't another linier non open world, another Super Mario... I shall see. *Nah, tyvm.

@Vegland - 24.06.2024 19:56

Favorite dumpster to dive into!

@CelestineTGG - 25.06.2024 00:52

Did Dora just explain Plasma?

@jeffstangl1471 - 25.06.2024 16:15

Talk to a chemist, fluorine and chlorine is not good for internal use, and they've been trying to get the govt to quit using them in water for years.

@BigRedBen - 25.06.2024 18:15

Simon Simon Simon... The fluoride thing is so well documented and researched.

The real problem is the dihydrogen monoxide in our water! Hydrogen is EXTREMELY flammable.

@kc3d777 - 26.06.2024 00:43

It sounds like the voice actor for Richard is constantly out of breath like he is talking while fast walking on a treadmill the whole time.

@TheZim40k - 27.06.2024 05:16

This game seem to be rip off from bio shock

@Ladylight101 - 29.06.2024 19:03

The only question remaining you need the serum?

@RiffyDevine - 03.07.2024 06:54

This was like watching game journals playing games. For how much shit you guys give Simon on picking up basic concepts just wow.

@matthewjacobs2991 - 06.07.2024 01:17

While the game does make some questionable design decisions. I bet the storage issue is that you're only supposed to store weapons and healing or something. Everything else is probably just supposed to be scrapped and they wasted a bunch of time storing all the recyclable items

@insertname7750 - 06.07.2024 07:06

The nazis put Floride in their water because it makes people submissive

@IndustrialBonecraft - 07.07.2024 16:34

That's a very clean sewer.
Why has this dude signed up to test some insane medical biotech if he doesn't even know what/why he's testing? Why doesn't he know where he is if he's got a fucking LED screen and USB port in his arm? That's pretty basic stuff. The protagonist is a bit of a Darwin Awards candidate from the outset.
"Cleanse your organism"? Never heard it called that before...
Also, I'd expect a biological scientist used to talking about chemical compounds to not refer to ingredients - of presumably a very complex solution - in the same terms that a 12th century alchemist would. There are no academics that refer to "aspects" in any biomedical field. Ever. Try getting that shit past peer review - see how far you go.
This is such a random grab-bag of incoherent dystopia tropes. I'm all for the biotech/plague whatever thing, but if you're going to tell that story, at least have the narrative dots connect in a way that makes some kind of sense. The fact that this narrative seems to fall apart within the first ten minutes is concerning. Who wrote this?

@robertblack1512 - 08.07.2024 19:53

lol! “Nothing but their foreskin. Or their labia. Because really they both do it”

@cheryldahl9192 - 10.07.2024 06:44

I went to an idiot doctor who wrote in my chart that I had, "hemoptysis."

I looked it up and was shocked. She must have got some money to write that in peoples charts or something.

@tripp4222 - 11.07.2024 00:10

A genie fulfills Appro's wish, and suddenly, the game Serum is devoid of waypoint markers. Hours later, Appro exclaims, "Why on earth do I keep running out of time and dying every two minutes?!" LOL

@paulferrell6626 - 12.07.2024 23:21

The Dumpster is a great place to visit.
