How to start playing ARC WARDEN in 2021 | Arc Warden Dota 2 Guide 7.30d

How to start playing ARC WARDEN in 2021 | Arc Warden Dota 2 Guide 7.30d


3 года назад

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@medusagg - 27.05.2023 13:34

the problem is late game, when switching between illusion manta, and illusion ult. do u have tips?

@locoloco8948 - 14.11.2022 14:58

the only reason why this hero so hard to play is panic when team fight,haha
ty for the guide.. keep it up

@coll_sstv758 - 09.11.2022 00:29

Не зря учил англицский(я про тебя, сап то я его особ не учил)

@hosseinhossein3824 - 30.08.2022 17:50


@clevelandtyler2 - 21.06.2022 08:05

Are you Dutch? Because your accent is fucking hilarious

@yema8319 - 24.04.2022 16:11

is arc still playable in this patch?

@MarketResearchReading114 - 28.03.2022 15:22

20 sec in and you have a unique accent, and I find your english rough but fun to listen to I appreciate you putting this together, I like arc wardens ability to put down a zone of protection. Thank you for your support.

@genwary - 22.03.2022 11:33


@Septentrional33 - 07.02.2022 02:21

1Bacer or bottle 2midas 3maelstorm 4BoT 5mjollnir 6skadi or bkb 7 blink or mkb or nullifier or hex and so on

@motherscamer8911 - 01.01.2022 21:49

Пытаешься не палиться что ты руский

@jtbmag7720 - 10.12.2021 19:51

Shadow blade after Midas/Maelstrom/BOTS is nice to push.
TP to enemy tower with BOTS on hero. Cast ult. Use magnetic field to attack tower with both hero and clone, and when enemy comes, you can shadow blade away on hero while towering/engaging enemies safely on your clone.
Once you get manta, this becomes a ridiculous Rat option similar to/more powerful than Natures Prophet.

@Wulfffgang - 10.12.2021 11:30

You know i really like play multi unit hero and i really good using tb, at first i always think using arc is really hard, but when i try it and spam i manage get out from herald and now im reach legend, in my opinion play arc is more easy then when i play tb cause tb i must control many unit instead arc just controling 2 unit and the good thing about it i can spam skill and item instanly when fight

@davidhorvath9100 - 15.11.2021 18:13

Very cool myguy, i have played >2000 hour with Dota, never with Arc. I saw your video and started to play and you helped a lot. 3rd match i was able to win. Dont give up on creating videos. <3

@stl0223 - 14.11.2021 21:27

what new talents do u take?

@DihCpsPsy - 13.11.2021 21:17

great video!!! thank you so much!

@ank.elv.070 - 06.11.2021 15:24

I'm in love with his accent..

@NiMeNi94 - 03.11.2021 00:25

Thanks for the video. I just started DOTA and I'm looking forward into looking to learn a couple of heroes really well.
Arc is one of them. I'll watch your other vids as well. Cheers!

@user-jw3cw1qt4f - 29.10.2021 18:44

гайд хороший,а самое главное что я его понял без субтитров

@meysamsarhang1343 - 27.10.2021 19:58

good ob bro keep moving

@arryaaa_ - 04.10.2021 04:45

Thank you for teaching us the "TAB" ♥♥♥

@arryaaa_ - 04.10.2021 04:29

SUBSCRIBED ! I Love the tips !

@reportmidsumbo8455 - 25.09.2021 16:49

i want to this arc warden level 6 unit and manta style unti are the same settings so how to do other unti manta style and other level 6 unit key ?

@ahmaddddd100 - 25.09.2021 12:13

This video and the comment section is an actual gold mine , very very helpful

@joker93216 - 03.09.2021 19:36

The outro made me subscribe and like this video :) hope you're doing fine buddy

@LotusReal - 29.08.2021 06:28

I love you man these videos are incredible and very valuable, stay safe friend.

@anthonyjaya5075 - 21.08.2021 19:00

Tb, slark ez

@hahaha3764 - 13.08.2021 00:37

Thanks for this video! It's helped me! But I want to ask about drum. Is it a good item for arc or not? У тебя очень хороший английский!

@olek268 - 11.08.2021 17:28

Почти не видно акцента, красава))

@adrain6253 - 07.08.2021 10:32

But after i bought manta and i used it then it switch to the illusion which come out from the manta, how do i fix this?

@semalambobodimana7112 - 04.08.2021 16:04

How to play arc Warden fast ? im play with tab and i want play like ti 😂 so fast click him and ilusion spell and item and see map so fast and cant push and kill together 😂 im still confused

@angelyngagawanan9730 - 30.07.2021 09:34

Keep it up mate! People like your videos!

@ApexFungi - 29.07.2021 22:08

Keep Your chin up man, your videos are amazing.

@Mohamed_SaZID - 28.07.2021 11:58

We're all here from getting fu*ked from our last Arc warden match

@auburnnn - 17.07.2021 23:33

I saw pro player skipped mdias and went for 3 wraith bands and power threads instead of bot. Could you explain in what case we go with these builds?

@fredianriko5648 - 17.07.2021 14:36

“Give more Impuck”

@zardecil9419 - 15.07.2021 08:39

Some comments from an arc spammer with 1025 games:
1. Flux is cancelled by adjacent units. This includes invoker's forge spirit. If you're going to max flux vs an invoker, you're basically obligating yourself to always be 100% aware of what spells invoker has currently invoked such that you can find openings to kill him where he doesn't have forge spirit.

2. I'm surprised that shadowblade or silver edge wasn't mentioned. Invisibility is underrated on arc warden because of the simple fact that arc clone is incredibly good at killing backline supports. In addition, it's a vision item that lets you play extremely aggressively on the map and lets you always find good angles to take teamfights with. It's also my go-to item when it comes to heroes that can get on top of you like storm and PA, because neither of those heroes can actually go on you unless they can see you. Then I get hex to go with it, along with damage items such as daedalus and mkb in order to run around the map finding pickoffs. I have had several games single handedly turned around by finding 4 key pickoffs after I buy a hex and I have a shadowblade. The break is also really good vs certain lineups.

3. Cooldown talent isn't really the talent to be going for. The timing on the level 15 talent is such that you most of the time have maelstrom travels and a hyperstone, as such taking the attack speed talent takes your smaller powerspike with the hyperstone and turns it into a massive one. In addition, even if you're not fighting with it, the attack speed talent pays for itself in farming speed if you're not yet to mjollnir or the hyperstone, as the attack speed of a maelstrom travels mjollnir is still the limiting thing for farm. The cooldown reduction actually doesn't give more gold than the attack speed talent.

4. Arc warden in the midlane is actually not all that weak. When it comes to lower mmr players, the typical plan for the lane is to win the creep block, and place spark wraiths behind the enemy ranged creep on their hill. Then since you have 625 attack range which is longer than every hero's attack range in the game except lina, you're then allowed to harass the enemy an exorbitant amount. As a result if the enemy screws up and takes too much harass you can often kill them at level 3 with 2 points in flux to let you run them down and kill them.

If you're not able to kill with level 2 flux, then you just get level 2 wraith and keep harassing them. Because the wraith is on the hill, the enemy had a dilemma. Either they trade uphill with you, or they back off into a wraith, or they have to leave the wave and you get to freely last hit and deny all 8 creeps. In addition, with level 2 wraith you're capable of killing the enemy ranged creep with 2 auto attacks and a wraith. You can combine this with aggroing the wave to your ranged creep to repeatedly deny your ranged creep and secure theirs. The win condition for arc in lane is having the lane be static on his hill, not moving.

5. You're right about illusion heroes countering arc warden, but I don't always necessarily agree that you can't out-rightclick them, mostly because of the existence of butterfly. PL and Naga siren both really don't want to be buying MKB. As long as you're farming at a good pace, by the time they have diffusal and manta, often you can have mjollnir travels butterfly, at which point you can go contest them for farm because with butterfly they aren't actually capable of killing you until they get an answer.

The funny part is that most nagas or PLs will get confused and try to manfight you at this point, losing because they actually killed themselves on the mjollnir active.

Also, take the attack speed talent vs illusion heroes.

Hope this helps someone out there!

@user-fq7yh2ct1y - 13.07.2021 18:19

Thanks for the video bro, learned a lot from it!

@fun_the_mental9382 - 12.07.2021 12:37

Great content, keep it coming bro 👌👍

@alialekberli172 - 10.07.2021 23:39

Dude really thank u for this video it really heps us, and its hard to find like this vidro which teach lane phase, farming, fights and others. Your videos is really high quality for me

@coverthedark1383 - 07.07.2021 14:47

my talent for arc is 2 2 11

@griffithdota - 06.07.2021 13:15

Top guide dude!

@amirbahador.developer - 06.07.2021 12:47


@sobhan5730 - 06.07.2021 10:44

Tns so good man

@armin168 - 06.07.2021 06:12


@jbw6351 - 05.07.2021 02:09

I am a low MMR player but I spammed arc warden to rise all the way from Herald 1 to Guardian 2 with a 60 something percent winrate, something I'm really proud of. I have started buying an early dragon lance in most games which I've found is super valuable, not sure why more people don't to buy it. What I love about arc is how versatile he can be, experimenting with item builds, and his ability to split push to compensate for a bad team

@NitrosS - 04.07.2021 20:44

manta isn't the best build

@syedamjadali2812 - 04.07.2021 07:52

Thanks man, helped my All hero challenge!!

@aaspectlightning1722 - 02.07.2021 05:20

how do you control manta and cape on arc when I group them the game keep messing up btw the main and clone illusions

@jl1nz342 - 01.07.2021 06:49

thx man, ur channel so helpful for me to play heroes like meepo/arc ^^
