Battle of Königsberg 1945

Battle of Königsberg 1945

Dark Docs

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@Evemeister12 - 29.12.2023 21:44

The 1000 year Reich really took off after this

@CharlieEverton-mv7yq - 10.12.2023 13:29

Is this the place where the three emperor met for the final time

@vierbaum4360 - 07.12.2023 14:38

The takeover of Königsberg by the Red Army was associated with a sense of revenge: Germany caused a lot of suffering in the world and especially in Russia. There is talk of 20 million dead Russian victims. The Red Army was therefore not out to show mercy in any form (this statement does not apply to all but to most of the soldiers). The most terrible violence, rape, and hunger followed. There are numerous elaborations on this by the so-called “Wolfskinder” - children, at the youngest age (sources speak of 2-year-olds - the rest did not make it anyway, as they were too small), who survived the winter without parents and food. They were expelled, had no shelter, the low-flying planes shot at them and the baggage trains, they drowned in the Memel. At this point, for example, I can mention the book by SONYA WINTERBERG, who collected eyewitness reports that describe what was written. Or the book by Mrs. Ursula Dorn or in the Anglo-American area the book “Are We Russian Children now?” by Rosemarie Müller. It is heartbreaking what the children of the past describe. The worst thing I read was from the book “Wolfskind Traute”, which described a stay in a Russian children’s home where the children died. She described, for example, a child who suffered from Rur and whose rectum became inflamed and turned outward. Months of hunger, horror experiences by soldiers and farmers - that is what civilians and especially children experienced. It really breaks one’s heart. Equally terrible are the worst reports of German people with, for example, Jewish faith, who were tortured or killed in Germany. Man is an animal.

@TheXTBoi - 30.11.2023 21:37

My great grand father died in the battle of Köingsberg. His last letter came in March 1945.

@RivhardDavenport - 27.11.2023 22:38


@edwardcone6860 - 06.10.2023 06:04

Excellent presentation, thank you!

@brekieinarsson3833 - 03.10.2023 02:17

My great great grandfather fought there (was sent there to die as a punishment for not following orders), his family was from there and after he got out of the gulag that he was put into by the soviets, he never found them again.

@SteamboatWilley - 09.07.2023 19:58

"Razed to the ground", not "raced". :p

@JDDC-tq7qm - 24.06.2023 22:41

Now that is what you call a real Conquest 🇷🇺💪

@randalllake2785 - 02.06.2023 08:29

When the R ussians retook Koenigsburg, there. Was so much hatred the Germans, fired at the fortress, without knowing that it housed the room of amber, given by his subject, he had. A room of his summer palace on the Baltic. Priceless,

@dignusfiliusabdulius1478 - 28.05.2023 17:38

Another bullshit from Langley. When they need you, you are their best friend. Interests change and they immediately talk bullshit about you. These people have no principles, only a passion for power and shekels.

And remember Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

@DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh - 05.05.2023 03:12

In spring, 1945, Konigsberg was raped and destroyed, and after the war renamed Kalinjingrad. But, he will always stayed german and teutonic city. Forever! Russians are today intruders in that part of east Germany, like today in Ukrajinian soil. One day, Konigsberg will be liberated from the Russians like now occupied territory of Ukrajina, Finland and all lands what Russians or Soviets annexed , before and after ww2.

@metanoian965 - 28.04.2023 02:08

From 1939 Germans collected Cultural treasure of the Slavic people of Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia. Germs stole ancient books and maps, Family heirlooms, Church Manuscripts, Museum collections, National Art works of Slavia.
These West thieves and killers transported all this wealth to the Konigsberg Museum. Germans were insanely driven to show the world that only Germans have Kultur and it is their Kampf to hold all masterpieces.
Germs were desperate to show that they brought civilization to the Eastern European Untermenschen. And That Germs settled the regions long before any other Ethnic groups. {Heinrich Himmler].
There was no evidence for the Germ NAZTY Party to use. O Germs. They did not migrate from the East, but, from the West sea.
In 1945, 6 April, Carl Diesch, Konigsburg librarian, collected chests of Treasure to be transported West. Most were lost on the way. Some are on display in Berlin. What was left behind was hidden in various old homes. These were eventually discovered by Soviet Bolsheviks.

@jamesdrummond7684 - 25.04.2023 16:42

"Raced to the Ground"🤣

Who proofreads this bullshit? The amount of constant errors in Dark Docs pieces should be embarrassing. Unsubscribed

@scott1357 - 12.04.2023 01:29

I knew a lady named Ingrid Kantermann from Konigsburg. Her Father was an officer. She passed away in 2019. She was an 8 year old girl when those red rapists came. The things she told me with dry eyes I will never forget. Rest in peace Ingrid

@jamesdaly7664 - 23.03.2023 00:38

The allied bombing campaigns or terror bombing amounted nothing to more than mass war crimes hundreds of thousands of civilians slaughtered

@simpsbelongtothegulags3702 - 18.02.2023 07:53

we will take it back soon

@cheshirecat1212 - 05.02.2023 02:47

Last year I did home care work for a 94 y/o lady from East Prussia, from a town called Instaburg, now Cherniakovsk. She was 17 in 1945 and with her mother and 2 infant siblings, fled the Russian advance. They were a wealthy family but only had enough room to carry cloth nappies and essentials. Then when they were settled in West Germany they were sent to a ‘host family’ on a farm, who treated them poorly because they were Protestant (like most East Prussians) whereas the local area was mostly Catholic. Still, she was obviously one of the lucky ones.

@JorgeLuiz-qd6ry - 31.01.2023 20:27

At the end of the war, the americans and the british allowed the Soviet Union to annex East Prussia and Poland to do the same with 1/6 of the german territory up to the Oder River

@tomstulc9143 - 31.01.2023 09:33

As the city and area apostatized from the faith an become Protestant Lutheran heritics I think it's right and just as God allow them to be evisorated. Martin Luther, Hegel, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin. It's just a matter of divine Justice. Abandon Christ the King pay the price.

@vonFisch - 30.01.2023 15:15

It's almost unbelievable how little has change for the red army since then. Their tactics is still to shoot at all civilians and press, to level cities to the ground and spare no-one. Does it bring them success? No, or very sporadicaly at best. Remember the fabled "Amber Room"? Most likely bombed by soviets in Konigsberg...

The orcs are just disgusting, that's why we need to support Ukraine at all cost while the orcs are trying to turn it into rubble!

@ms-tw4sj - 25.01.2023 05:10

A map or two would have been nice.

@willburgess2514 - 22.01.2023 06:12

You have used the term, "raced to the ground". Should be "Razed to the ground.", meaning burned, destroyed.

@simulationsrealconflicts1586 - 18.01.2023 02:22

there are no good guys in war. Churchill ordered a massacre in Dresden and the Americans committed barbarism in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. History cannot be changed!

@mito88 - 13.01.2023 08:23


@TBagr - 12.01.2023 15:37

A city doesn’t get “raced to the ground” when it is destroyed but rather it gets “razed”.

@SeamHead33 - 11.01.2023 06:42

*razed to the ground

@SeamHead33 - 11.01.2023 06:33

WW2 was Man vs. Evil and Man lost

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:32

The Soviets blew the buildings, because, they were damaged beyond repairs.

But, there is another question. Why would the biggest country in the world, The USSR, which owns one quarter of the whole planet, need such a dumpster as Konigsberg? Well, there was only one reason for the Soviets to take Konigsberg, now, Kaliningrad, named after the general who took the city, Kalinin, as far as I remember :

The whole Eastern Prussia was given to Poland. Not a big deal. However, in case Konigsberg was given to Poland, Germany, may, in the future, start another war against Poland to return their prized city, they were proud of. Thus, The USSR took Konigsberg ( Kaliningrad ), so, the Germans cannot start a war with Poland. In case the Germans want Kaliningrad, they have to fight the Soviets and we all know how this will go.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:23

Again, Konigsberg was encircled. The Soviets, therefore, did NOT care whether they would take the city or not. Thus, NOT the 500000 Germans kept the city, but, the Soviets did not care to take the city.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:21

The Soviets have NEVER closed a civilian corridor. Thus, not the Germans maintained the corridor, as the Western propaganda claims, but, the Soviets ALLOWED the corridor.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:19

The daily ration in Leningrad was 50 grams of lousy ( not white ) bread.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:17

So, similar to the encirclement of Coralia, the Soviets could have, only, encircled Konigsberg, but, taking Konigsberg was good for propaganda, while, taking Coralia had no value. Neither military, not propaganda. Most people did not, even, know such a land, called, Coralia, ever, existed.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:15

The Soviets were not only more numerous, but, most importantly, stronger and better. Again, to attack a fortress is more difficult than to defend. A few Soviets kept Stalingrad from Germany's best army, led by the Germany's bets General, Paulus.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:12

The destruction of Army Group Center, the pride of Germany, had, only, tremendous propaganda value and not a military one.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:10

The Soviets were on attack. Of course, the attacker, always, gives more casualties.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:09

The Soviets, only, needed to CUT East Prussian, German forces from coming South, NOTHING ELSE! Of course, taking Konigsberg was better, but, militarily, NOT important all.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:07

The British hit the East end first in order to ensure they would make an easier route for the coming, Soviet, sledge hammer.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:05

Everything Harris said was 100% legal. The only law governing the war was the Geneva convention, according to which, one can kill as many women as one wants as long as this is from the air. Land forces were not allowed, even, to touch a civilian. However, from the air, one can do anything.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:01

Konigsberg was famous as a seat for German and Prussian kings.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 10:00

The crusaders main task was Jerusalem.

@StevenStanleyBayes - 07.01.2023 09:59

One of the early surprises for the Soviets was a medieval wall, which, should have been possible to be destroyed with a fart. Instead, the wall took a lot of heavy artillery and explosives to be destroyed. But, how? Strangely, the Germans mixed concrete with ... eggs. Some chemical reaction makes the concrete extremely strong when mixed with eggs. So, the strongest army in the world had problems with ... eggs.

@efreitorsroul9332 - 07.01.2023 05:50

It is rumored amongst the soviet officers that when the last german defenders surrendered and started to walk out in an organized column, the sovits rushed their tanks upon them and crushed many of them below the tank tracks . Its something they liked to do and still do whenever they can.

@jimb.942 - 07.01.2023 03:02

I’m sure Kaliningrad looks like a ghetto now.

@luislenzaprimera9657 - 06.01.2023 23:42

La guarida de prusia.

@zoranpantelic503 - 04.01.2023 20:43

kalinjingrad. keningsberg,ne postoji !!!

@famodllm4794 - 04.01.2023 09:06

Understood the WW2 was designed to wipe out existing European culture & kill

@user-jg9ci8vi5g - 04.01.2023 08:38

Ahahahahh videos from Berlin offence, dislike
