Holy Land Tour 2018

Holy Land Tour 2018

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@OxentiaTourism - 21.12.2023 16:16

God bless the Jewish people 🙏🇮🇱🙏, the Romanian people 🙏🇷🇴🙏, the Russian people 🙏🇷🇺🙏 and the American people 🙏 🇺🇸🙏!
With friendship,
👉 [Oxentia Tourism Team]

@michaelmitchell6629 - 22.04.2023 15:52

Honduras people are my people because I married local girl from there but my govt at am embassy did me dirty deny my poor latina wife migration visa that I filed to bring her to USA but them stupid people broke up my legal marriage mess my life an my wife life up all due to stupid Clinton's being in office them idiots did not even help me bring my wife to USA I try to do it on my own with no lawyers because I am us navy man so I did all my business on my own
I am very sad very upset my American embassy screw me over so going to Honduras to face them people face to face next month ask them why I just want to know why there behind me and my wife breaking up by what happen to me in 1993 last time I was ever allowed to go to honduras

@michaelmitchell6629 - 22.04.2023 15:46

He showed the via dolorosa tour an stations of cross.
It's unreal how many nice souvenir mom an pop shops by via Dolo Rosa
I plan spend lots of money in Israel buy souvenirs like I as us tourist I try to do where I travel abroad too
I am going back see my people in Honduras Centro am for first time since 1993.
I did not have passport till 2021 due to not being allowed to travel abroad because in court system could not own passport.

@michaelmitchell6629 - 22.04.2023 15:41

I just watched nice traveling Israel you tube video with Danny the digger filmed this year 2023

@michaelmitchell6629 - 22.04.2023 15:40

Greetings sir from tiger town USA city of champions
Massillon Ohio.
20 miles from Akron Ohio
10 miles from my local Akron Canton airport

@sandipmahanty6846 - 10.04.2023 14:46

A beautiful first-hand description of all the sites of the Holy Land. It's as good as visiting ib person.

@efendylamba4480 - 20.03.2023 19:41

Tabor moutaint...thats good history

@efendylamba4480 - 20.03.2023 19:37

Good luck for Israelii..blessing forever

@rezamiah4712 - 05.03.2023 13:48

Should the video would have a series of route maps?

@jeniferpalomino9070 - 23.02.2023 19:23

@angelshaw7357 - 10.02.2023 03:02

A magnificent portrayal of Holy Sites in the Holy Land!!!

@Yavuzfatih1453 - 05.02.2023 05:14

Sorry it’s called AQSA MASJID MOSQUE.

@ten_haeven - 03.01.2023 19:48

good dinner

@ricardosifuentes9088 - 04.12.2022 12:45

Thank you for your time
And it was an excellent 👌 video
Thank you for this important information

@ricardosifuentes9088 - 04.12.2022 12:43

It's different from what I have not seen.

@suzannenuara6206 - 24.09.2022 20:46

These videos are so heartwarming

@toddtownsend1079 - 19.09.2022 21:17


@wowojeejee - 24.11.2021 15:23

Historians agree that there is not one written eyewitness account of Jesus during his lifetime. Strange since he was famous at birth, because wise men expected to see the future king of Jews who was born from a virgin married mother. Every leading Christian scholar since Erasmus, five hundred years ago, has maintained that the gospels were originally written in Greek from 70 to 140 CE (Mark after the year 70, Luke about 110, Matthew about 130, and John no earlier than 140 CE). This proves that they were not written by Christ's apostles, disciples or by any of the early Christians.
Others say: “There is no proof of the Gospels existing before 130 CE”
Jesus is depicted as hugely popular in the gospels. Yet he is unrecorded by non-Biblical historians.
Paul was the first one to write about Jesus around 60CE; but he, like everyone else, never saw Jesus. He experienced a vision of the resurrected Jesus. Even Paul’s existence is in serious doubt.
John Gresham Machen wrote: The establishment of Christianity as a world religion, to almost as great an extent as any great historical movement can be ascribed to one man, was the work of Paul.
I also read that the history of the first three popes was invented because they never existed.
All myth! Seek the truth!

@فيصلالسرحان-ب6ف - 21.10.2021 00:10

كان في قديم ازمان مزبله سبحان الله العظيم يابني سريل 🇮🇱💐⚖️🕊️

@petermwangangi5000 - 06.08.2021 21:12

Beautiful country

@AhmedAhmed-dk7hy - 30.07.2021 05:44

Zionism = Apartheid = Racism

@AhmedAhmed-dk7hy - 30.07.2021 05:43

"I am happy to be a Fascist!"
- Miri Regev, Israeli Minister of Culture

@AhmedAhmed-dk7hy - 30.07.2021 05:43

"I have killed many Arabs in my life, and there's no problem with that"
- Naftali Bennett, Israeli Prime Minister

@AhmedAhmed-dk7hy - 30.07.2021 05:42

"If I don't steal it, someone else is going to steal it"
- Israeli settlers

@AhmedAhmed-dk7hy - 30.07.2021 05:41

Israel has already killed 76 Palestinian children so far in 2021

@AhmedAhmed-dk7hy - 30.07.2021 05:40

Israel is a racist ethno-supremacist illegitimate apartheid state guilty of war crimes and illegal occupation under international law

@AhmedAhmed-dk7hy - 30.07.2021 05:40

Israel kills Palestinians and steals their land

@christinebates5943 - 24.04.2021 19:01

To walk and see the sites where Jesus (Yeshua) lived, taught his Disciples and spoke to the crowds gives you a sense of experiencing the history of the Old Testament through to the incredible journey of our Lord Almighty in the New Testament.What a Wonderful and beautiful country... Love it...

@jjoycetgutierez9994 - 06.04.2021 18:29

so many religion in the birth place of Our Lord Jesus

@adlihgarfer4963 - 04.04.2021 23:29

Do you mean the first convert as the first person to separate themselves from the original Christian church.

@adlihgarfer4963 - 04.04.2021 23:28

what do you mean by the first onvert?
The first Christian convers, where of Jewish faith.

@laxmivijay3544 - 14.03.2021 20:03

Nice Explanation of Jerusalem Trip Actually I have been Visited in the Month Of April the Same year with our Paster n Man of God K Shyam kishor Jesus Chirst of Nazareth Ministry Hyd India Iam Vijaya laxmi GottamTQYou Sir Praise the Lord n Glory to Jesus only

@ericclaption4959 - 09.03.2021 18:09

The first Great Britain or the Rothschilds know the Rothschilds would have been a hexagram

@1woksape606 - 12.02.2021 21:54

Great video, thank you- GOD bless us everyone..

@1woksape606 - 12.02.2021 21:53

Woe to you capernum... if the miracles that have been done in you were done in Sodom & Gamorrah...

@zenaidaagayao4598 - 31.01.2021 07:36

Thank you for this video place of our Lord Jesus nice

@salomisnehalatha2077 - 02.01.2021 23:56

The commentary is clear &straightforward .

@anndeakin1508 - 30.12.2020 11:56

A great biblical tour showing all the places that Christ walked a real spiritual journey to day 30thDecember 2020

@AdolfoFullo - 28.12.2020 07:00

Great video thanks for sharing my friend. I SUB already and ring your bell. Greetings from Manila, Philippines. ADOLFO

@Ленад-е1ш - 10.12.2020 19:55

Thank you my sun 🌞❤️😘 God Bless my dears ❤️❤️🌈

@sanchobeautifulmartinez4937 - 11.11.2020 14:27

salamat po at nakita ko ang templo na pinagtoroan ni jesus

@suzanto - 28.08.2020 08:09

How much cost for the trip form Montreal ? It’s dream come true to visit holly land 💙🇮🇱💙

@secretredninjafull - 23.08.2020 06:27

Amazing, you are all my type of crowd

@charlesnelson4609 - 17.08.2020 21:02

God's Creation is excellent.
Holy land is holy land. May my Almighty God bless Israel for ever. Excellent information revealed. Congratulation. Greetings from
C.Charles Nelson. Bangalore. India. 👌👌

@letenguskahsay8314 - 16.08.2020 23:08

I am orthodox and and I am happy when I hear about kisses and see the Holy Land I like it so much better than anything else

@boltimuss - 08.08.2020 00:16

What was the savior's name?

@rgball1960 - 27.07.2020 13:08

What may I ask , does this have to do with what Jesus accomplishes at this city of religious midgets.? Did you hear him mention Nephi ? And say certain things pertaining to that cult? I did and I’m disgusted. This whole show is sponsored by these fanatics. Nephi my ass !

@rgball1960 - 27.07.2020 12:24

I smell LDS propaganda, and the stench is insupportable.
