The 10 Types of Hourglass Crews In Sea of Thieves

The 10 Types of Hourglass Crews In Sea of Thieves


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Noah - 11.11.2023 19:54

I usually play the long game draining my opponents of all they got while striking at every opening not to kill but to drain

Myself - 04.11.2023 18:29

Some changes they could make to hourglass to make it better in my opinion. Xp awards for activities in the battle (with caps of course) these would be divided between offensive and defensive actions. Examples of offensive actions would be, Hitting cannon shots. Disabling mast. Breaking enemy wheel. Getting kills. These actions would award the most xp as they require the most skill to do. Defensive actions would be things regarding your own ship such as repairing. And killing enemies on your own ship. These actions would award less xp as they take less skill to do. And then you would have passive xp gained for how long the battle lasted. Up to a max of 15 minutes. The xp gained from winning and losing would stay the same as the bonuses from the aforementioned activities would satisfy both sides. The losing side gets compensated for thier effort and the winning side gets even more xp than before. Next to solve the issue of people running away you can have the battle zone shrink over time to force both sides into conflict. Right now the arena size is to generous making it easy to stall and run. Having the zone shrink over time would fix this. And it would also make each battle more consistent as you would know that no matter what each fight will only be 15 minutes for example as that's how long it would take for the battle zone to shrink all the way and begin to red sea damage both ships until one sinks.

Ian Belletti
Ian Belletti - 02.11.2023 16:55

I ran into a spam boarder once. I crossed their bow, put a couple of grade 3 holes in their bow then missed my board when they rammed the ass of my sloop. One jumped on my ship and the other stupidly jumped in the water with me. By the time I got back to my ship all I had to do was clear one boarder because their ship sunk and I still had plenty of time to repair.

Winnipeg Ryan
Winnipeg Ryan - 21.10.2023 17:32

i always gift the rest of my supplies to people after i battle i thoughtt i was the only one

Charlie Bruton
Charlie Bruton - 17.09.2023 18:27

Too many hackers

Mani - 15.08.2023 20:01

Huh, I thought people would’ve already forgotten about the arena players by now. I guess it’s hard to forget the thorn in your side whenever you try to do stuff.

MMG Miš Maš
MMG Miš Maš - 12.08.2023 01:31

I had no idea there were other supply gifters.

ImRango - 29.07.2023 07:45

Shit im lsd and dont got goest curse...

DarkRelic - 10.07.2023 11:27

Scared Navalers can be confused for trolls don’t confuse us we shoot fireworks in your face

Drainedhero - 09.07.2023 11:28

Was absolute garbage when I started my grind for the skelly curse at the start of season 8, end of season 8 mostly thanks to community day and the double rep week, I got my curse. I consider myself a regular when it comes to pvp, but I’m slowly grinding towards 1000 for dem golden bones. Atm sitting at 241, honestly I’m in no rush to get to 1000, just a long term goal I have so as to finish my time in hg and begin pulling shinigans on the seas themself.

Nick Sparrow Studios
Nick Sparrow Studios - 05.07.2023 20:02

Thanks for calling me MrBeast bro

kiro 1218
kiro 1218 - 03.07.2023 23:59

I only get Arena refugees in HG. Its why i had to take a break for a bit lol

Jayson - 22.06.2023 02:41

I love to loss farm a couple times at the end of my play session. I like how much it pisses the players off. What pisses people off even more is when you loss farm with zero supplies.

I am a pain
I am a pain - 20.06.2023 01:17

I've once met a player that was doing the dice method but instead of rolling you would get a sot themed trivia question

magicpyroninja - 13.06.2023 18:58

I would be a supply hoarder/gifter among other things. The gifting is to keep the karmic balance😅

magicpyroninja - 13.06.2023 18:55

If you're one of those people who goes into hourglass battle and then runs around trying to avoid your enemy the whole time, why? If after 3 hours you manage to beat him, you still wasted 3 hours on one battle. You could have lost four times. It got the same amount of rep and still had leftover time to do more battles before your 3 hours were up.
If you go into an hour last battle just fight you lose you go again. It's not that bad and if you keep fighting at some point you may find you actually start winning

Hidden Desire
Hidden Desire - 13.06.2023 05:22

I do either Dice Duels or Loss Farming. For a while I came across an “armada” of Hunters Call fanboys. All with Merrick look alike’s and the coat. They did a “first to a trophy fish, no recasting” challenge. Won a couple, lost many more. They gifted me pineapples.

Piotr Rogulski
Piotr Rogulski - 13.06.2023 01:44

as a dice roller i agree

John Thackray
John Thackray - 12.06.2023 03:52

I really need a crew to help me with pvp

Nate's Game Box
Nate's Game Box - 12.06.2023 00:31

Too accurate lol. Awesome video tho! I swear I always run into the spam boarders when I'm trying to run solo PVP and have no backup.

ArcaneReciver - 11.06.2023 19:50

Personally loss farmer but that because i dont care about the pvp to get better or to even try

LabyrinthMaster - 09.06.2023 08:52

I'm not a hourglass player but when I need to log off and have a ton of supplies, you bet I'm gonna vote hourglass down and give all my supplies to the opposing ship.

Amethyst_Dawn - 09.06.2023 03:48

Some additional details:
1) Noobs will rage at you for firing at their boat even if you try to explain to them what the hourglass means. While most Newbs will either blankly stare at you or laugh about how unprepared they were.

2) Scared Navalers have one of two reactions if you use chainshots, anchorballs and/or riggingballs. They either can and will rage at you for using game mechanics they didn't account for, or they'll laugh their asses off because you keep knocking their mast down as soon as they lift it up.

3) If a Hacker has a microphone, don't offer immediately after dying. Hearing what they say and how they say it can give you a firsthand peek at what sadness and desperation for attention sounds like. They are the middle children of SoT, but their behaviour proves they never aged past 9.

4) TDMers have a massive overlap with Boardlords.

5) Spam Boarders, aka Boardlords, seem to have a large overlap with Arena refugees. Both because of their blue cosmetics, and the fact that as soon as you blunderbomb them off your ladder, you'll find out why a gamemode that only had 5% of the playerbase somehow was the source of 80% of toxicity reports. And if they see you with a sword equipped, they will verbally violate the Geneva Convention. If you made a venn diagram of Arena Refugees, Boardlords, and TDMers; shouting every gamer word in the book at the sight of a sword would be the circle in the middle.

Papy Bretzel
Papy Bretzel - 08.06.2023 11:19

Hey... I'm a Mr. Beast of the seas :D

naiibrhm - 08.06.2023 03:16

Loss farmers just know HG is full of stinking cheaters so why waste time trying. Just sit back and enjoy the sink 🤣

GoldenLegendGaming - 07.06.2023 08:36

I just went up against a scared navaler and it took me two hour to finally get him to run out of supplies and sink while trying to board me, I had to stay up to about 12:00 am just to finally get him, they have to be the second most annoying people on the seas right behind the hackers

Kligor2 - 07.06.2023 08:06

I swear Im not a loss farmer Im just shit at pvp lmao so I do a lot of gambling for wins and I still aint one a single dice roll either!
At least I tend to use the double-loss exp thingy

FoopaKoopa - 06.06.2023 21:27

Yooo I remember doing dice rolls the day hourglass launched lmao good times

Shakon_Krogen - 06.06.2023 01:49

i'm basically a loss farmer but still make an attempt to battle

Carbide - 02.06.2023 15:09

I'll be honestly, the arena retirement folks are a mixed bag like everyone else. They're either gods, or they just got the stuff last minute before the arena closed and think its looks impressive.

Lucas Ramudo
Lucas Ramudo - 02.06.2023 09:14

I’m a dice roller but if you don’t roll my dice I’m a cross between normal and ex arena player

ModernGrub18 - 02.06.2023 02:51

most LSD are trash at the game

strumms - 01.06.2023 23:23

“I love you because you probably don’t hear it enough” what a great quote! I’ll have to use that sometime 😉

Ashiv 76
Ashiv 76 - 01.06.2023 19:30

I got another one, on xbox I see dozens of looking for group posts wanting to glitch for the curse

The Big Cheeked Giant
The Big Cheeked Giant - 01.06.2023 18:29

50 plus ranks, due to loss farming. Cant to prime time matches, 5 out 8 matches you get a hacker.

Scroto Baggins
Scroto Baggins - 01.06.2023 17:04

other than still a n00b, im more of a supply gifter these days, once im done for the day, gather up all the supplies off the ship, go to an outpost and leave the supplies on the dock for the next player

Bloodyblade num1
Bloodyblade num1 - 01.06.2023 13:00

I flip a coin with the emporium emote to see who scuttles
they call it

DarkwyndPT - 01.06.2023 12:44

I haven't done PVP yet because I'm anxious and tend to freeze up during stressful moments. Still, I'd like to give HG a shot, just to see how it is.

Tpbond - 01.06.2023 10:52

Hey, what is the black and white filter?? I was playing one time and this other guys ship had a black and white effect with shroud music whenever i got on or near it, I'm not new but I've never seen that before.

MrGalzraVoid's Clips & Misc
MrGalzraVoid's Clips & Misc - 01.06.2023 09:32

My very first dive battle. Brig v brig. All 3 on the enemy brig were cheaters. Default everything, new accounts, extremely similar names, 1 balled the very second I spawned each time even below deck

Leona Dewoody
Leona Dewoody - 01.06.2023 04:47

Loss farmers aren’t trying to get a title to show off without doing the work, we just wanna see the godamn hideouts rare put behind a skill wall

DCP - 01.06.2023 02:56

All the dice rollers i encountered were liars looking to spawn camp me out of the ring

king puro
king puro - 01.06.2023 02:25

im a dice roller and why eh allows me to give wins sometimes sheesh if i get 2 in a row i just give the the opposite faction my lvl 5 flag lol i dont scuttle i just ask em to shoot me so i still get loss exp and i do this in my free time when i dont have a crew on lol

AtomicSoul29 - 01.06.2023 01:53

I’ve become a loss farmer not because I’m bad at pvp, but because ironically enough, it’s faster to lose and gain rep than win. I only encounter people who drag the fight out for far too long since they constantly keep running

Capt_NightOwl - 01.06.2023 01:46

i have only done hourglass on community day. thats the only time its really worth it for this casual player. it was filled with toxicity all day. i only had one good encounter. i decided to bring another person with me for a couple matches. once i was boarded and they heard a female voice greet them the situation changed from spawn killing to how about we roll for the win. the second match we both ran out of supplies and rolled for the win.

Colin - 01.06.2023 01:37

I don’t know why the tdm rats are always asking do you have tdm I mean what is a tdm
