Pros and Cons of Living in Greece (Why I Left)

Pros and Cons of Living in Greece (Why I Left)

Jim Pastirmatzis

2 года назад

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Tsetsi - 20.09.2023 15:34

Greece is the rich man’s Bulgaria

Susan Arsoniadou
Susan Arsoniadou - 14.09.2023 22:51

Πλακα μας κανεις
Ο κοσμος Ελλαδας κοιταζει πως να σε εκμεταλλευτει. Στενομυαλος κοσμος και γιατι να πληρωνω ενφια οταν οι δημοσιοι εφαγαν του σκασμου.

Sabrina Fairchild
Sabrina Fairchild - 10.09.2023 23:25

Can you work as a dental assistant in Greece?

JBazz - 09.09.2023 12:38

shops closing early is a blessing...I wish they go back to everything is closed on Sundays! SHOPPING all the time is an American past time!

Ion Sulcina
Ion Sulcina - 09.09.2023 05:44

The Greeks lived the good life dream with borrowed money for the last 40-60 years 😅😅
What to you expect from the most laziest people in the world !? 😅😅

George Befanis
George Befanis - 06.09.2023 13:51

Greece has always been a place like most of Southeastern Europe where it's more important to have a life than make a living and with the influx of all these tourists especially Germans buying up all the beachfront property and real estate vultures coming in unfortunately they are trying to change that and that is the key to the beauty of Greece the way of life and these outsiders want to get rid of that

George Befanis
George Befanis - 06.09.2023 13:48

I am Greek and I like the fact and I love the fact that businesses close in the afternoon and then they also closed on Sundays it's a more humane way to live constantly working is stress on the body and spirit I like the fact that you can go home in the afternoon rest and get up again refreshed able to go out in the evening in New York City where they used to close on Sundays everybody was complaining all we need the income we need the taxable income now they're open on Sundays and they still complain and prices are still high and rent is even higher always on the go always burning out so if it ain't broke don't fix it

Athanasios Vogiatzis
Athanasios Vogiatzis - 04.09.2023 15:19

you can pay instead of going to military if you have a big company as you say 🙂

Anassa - 29.08.2023 00:26

What were you doing at 18 years old (in GREECE on top of that!!!), that brought you so much money that you were troubled about a 9 months military service? I'm honestly curious, what exactly you were "building" at the age where everyone finishes high school? You probably barely had any job at that point!

Michael Galanos
Michael Galanos - 22.08.2023 18:32

If you compare it with USA and Canada or Australia you are living extremely cheaply 1/3 the cost of these other countries Bulgaria is not a good comparison they are at least 30 years behind if they join the euro zone life is going to be way more expensive.

Left Coast Caveman
Left Coast Caveman - 08.08.2023 17:59

When you talk cost of living is the rate per week?

Jeff Morrison
Jeff Morrison - 08.08.2023 00:20

Food? Greece? Are we talking about the same country?!

Here is the Culinary Letdown: A Californian Quest for Gourmet in Greece:

When our food-obsessed group, proudly wearing our Californian foodie badges, decided to embark on a culinary journey to Athens, our spirits were as high as the ancient Acropolis. The land that gifted the world democracy surely had a plethora of flavors awaiting us. Instead, we were met with a flavor plateau that left us yearning for more.

The perpetual offering of souvlakis with unapologetically stale bread became a predictable fixture of our Athenian dining experience. The red and green bell peppers dolmas, while vibrant on the plate, echoed a monotonous tone on our palates. We couldn't help but wonder: Where was the fresh baked bread warm from the hearth? Or the comforting embrace of a hot soup or the gentle warmth of a well-brewed tea? Aspects that should have been staples in such a storied land.

Ironically, back in the Golden State, our local Whole Foods flaunts an olive bar that is reminiscent of a mini Mediterranean festival. Yet, in Athens, supermarkets seemed to treat olives with casual indifference, limiting their variety and essence.

Having explored more than 180 establishments across mainland Greece and its islands, our enthusiasm began to wane. We found ourselves booking a hasty weekend retreat to the gastronomic haven of Antalya, Turkey. And what a relief that was! Turkey, with its rich culinary canvas, proved to be a stark contrast, just to eat and fly back. The food was not just food - it was art, it was a story, it was, dare we say, seductive.

Maria Joao coelho
Maria Joao coelho - 03.08.2023 12:58

Im a fellow southern European citizen from Portugal and my heart was sinking with everything you said on your video.
I think this is something most of us southern europeans can relate to; we all come from extremely beautiful sunny countries, rich in history and culture. The people are incredibly warm, friendly and welcoming. The food is amazing. Seems like every single southern EU has everything to be a success, yet it's a disaster. ... And in consequence of that, many of us young people, are forced to migrate to northern countries.
It is a political issue. Lack of vision and lack of leadership. It will probably take a few generations until southern Europe reaches the average European standards in terms of life quality/ financial situation.
I love Greece, but living there unfortunately wouldn't be sustainable. But it's a country i wouldn't think twice to move, in case the economic situation was good.

PwP - 28.07.2023 23:18

A Greek speaking excellent English with a slight slavic accent

Kenny Burris
Kenny Burris - 27.07.2023 03:31

So how long can you live there before they kick you out?

Firoz Shah
Firoz Shah - 17.07.2023 09:30

If Residency and VISA system is Delay not clear then No foreigner Expat will come and live there "

HappyGreg360 - 15.07.2023 23:47

As a Greek person, I'm proud for my country. But, Greece, has high crime rates, almost slow internet, and the population is growing old and slowly dying, that Greece is losing people. I also agree about the school system, its so [___] up. Also Greece is the 2nd most hardworking county in the world. But, despite this, we Greeks have welcoming people, some of the best beaches in the world, great islands (but expensive) and the summer is the best there. Also, we are developing so rapidly. Our geography is a crossroad between Europe, Asia, Africa and the whole Mediterranean. I clearly recommend travelling to Greece

AΛ2 - 14.07.2023 01:04

I've set my goal in life. Buy a property in the UK, rent it out and then move to Greece so I can live comfortably with the monthly rental income and have a job.I think wherever you go there are always pros and cons but at the end of the day its in our hands to adapt and control how we want to live. Yes, the financial situation there isn't great but I truly believe that if you make the right decisions you can easily live anywhere in the world

Lis Zaf
Lis Zaf - 13.07.2023 09:52

If you live on the Islands nobody makes enough money to live, thousands work in tourism and most are on the basic wage which is less than 800 euro a month and this is only for 6 months of the year, if you are single and living with your parents ok, but if you live alone or have a family life is absolutely impossible, fuel is the most expensive in the EU and our supermarkets are on par to Germany and the UK! Schools are constantly on strike either by the teachers or the pupils who padlock the schools for weeks on end and don't allow staff in, causing parents to send their children to private lessons which many struggle to afford! Also we are taxed from Zero. Starting a business in Greece is a nightmare, taxes are high and bureaucracy is still a major problem for all!!!! And I agree with you re. the army, our son's went abroad to study and now have careers abroad, neither will return to Greece because of the military and this is such a loss for Greece as thousands of highly educated young men will never return! On a positive best food and beaches in the world!!!!!

peter fotopoulos
peter fotopoulos - 07.07.2023 15:09

Are you the man that love’s too much?

Kat - 04.07.2023 19:00

And theres definitely a refugee problem.

Brad Erwin
Brad Erwin - 01.07.2023 20:49

All of these people complain about high taxes, yet they keep voting for the same socialist government, all because they are promised something for free. Liberalism is a disease. Nothing is free. Somebody is having to pay for it. Yet liberals cannot comprehend this, because they have no commonsense. I have no pity for them, at all.

Clay Owens
Clay Owens - 30.06.2023 20:06

Is military serves for all greece or athens .. what about a single mother there..and they cant expect a 70 year old moving there to go military .. what if in in a willchair.... this must be for for like 18 year olds

希望alex - 21.06.2023 14:11

1800€ gross, leaves 1200€ net. F*ck that. I'm not going to Greece. Taxes in Greece are suicidal (for the country).

Fridolin Oberboersch
Fridolin Oberboersch - 17.06.2023 17:29

What us about facts there are personnel opinions, but no facts

Panagiotis S
Panagiotis S - 17.06.2023 00:11

It is not the wage low and the tax high only, it is also and the accommodation very high. For example most people here work for the lowest salary which is 546 Euros per month and maybe even lower and to rent a house here, a very small old house which may need lots of repairs, you would pay even 400 Euros or more, it depends on which location you will be. So what have left to live? 146 Euros or less. It is shame. Greece is nice to be a tourist only not to live and work here, which means it Greece it is like to not be Greek at all. Anyone who comes here, comes from richer countries with better salaries and they find Greek cheap. If I were a German who earn 7000 Euros per month, it would be nice to come to Greek for vacations only. Is looks nice, but nothing else. About the work, if you want to have higher salary, here a high salary is 1000 Euros or less. Someone who is earning 1000 Euros per month is considered a rich. Only in tourist sector you can earn that money and you will need to be a chef or a cook and work on an island only and work for 15 hours a day. The rest or the country wages are very small, the lowest basic salary of 546 Euros per month and even undeclared work. Low wage, High taxes, High accomodation cost, High cost of living, High unemployment rate, Low education, The government is not care much about you, Lot of bureaucracy to create a business and the inovation will not be acknowledged. Greece is nice to NOT be a Greek.

Vaihola Pohiva
Vaihola Pohiva - 04.06.2023 18:41

The military will teach you things you can’t learn in a classroom.

Yarenn Šagor
Yarenn Šagor - 04.06.2023 07:13

Sounds worse than Israel

Ted V
Ted V - 03.06.2023 17:01

Funny thing about the mandatory military, in Bulgaria it was the same as in Greece, then they decided that if you get into university, you don't have to go in the military. And now we have sooooo many universities and the education got worse :)

antimnimoniakos - 03.06.2023 14:53

Drama is drama (just kidding) is great town.
Since 2010 living in Greece is like extreme sport. Never know what will happen in next day. It is the best place on earth for vacation but not to live.

nando bulova
nando bulova - 02.06.2023 00:25

Al di là del discorso economia lavoro e tutto il resto posso solo immaginare l'immensità del paesaggio greco e la loro cultura. Un Paese fantastico che dovrò assolutamente visitare al più presto.

Kevin Strong
Kevin Strong - 24.05.2023 04:38

Liberal and entitled 😢 no thanks

PapaG - 24.05.2023 03:21

Im ready to move to an Island in Greece

Kostis K
Kostis K - 22.05.2023 03:00

Well done getting out of this hellhole, it's sad but most young people in the country need to leave if they have any hope for a decent life

Zain Ul Abdin
Zain Ul Abdin - 01.05.2023 11:21

As overseas live for 6 years outside of my beloved homeland. I learnt lot of stuff regarding international law, politic, public policy, business, development, tourism, so on... In case of Greece (Greek) the biggest con is thay dont want to open border for immigrants like Portugal. We need diversity multicultural society and modern technology so we can generate billions of dollars in our economy n also attract intelligent axpats who will bring investment also, greek has everything good weather,good food, history,good cultural values, tourist paces etc . can't live alone n compete with highly developed nations so we need to open our doors for the better future of our generations from Pakistan Greetings from Dubai ❤

Sam Drimakis
Sam Drimakis - 23.04.2023 18:33

Kalispera Jim, Ok I agree with your pros about Greece. We can add a few more cons about Greece. How about repulsive public hospitals, no proper policing, poor infrastructure like roads and sidewalks. Let us not forget the careless rude drivers as well. Greece is not a perfect country but nevertheless we pay a heavy price for that sun that shines most of year in our country.🌞

 darkphotographer studio
darkphotographer studio - 20.04.2023 15:33

problem with greece is most make only 500 per moth, most rent is start at 300 , if have car is 100 , electicy water intent , 100-200 . so just do the math , is nothing left , and if you have a bussness , you need to pay almost has much for wage for asurance and tax for every employ , so you don t hire new peoaple ,

GoldenTrinity - 17.04.2023 22:45

Amazing video - thanks for posting!

Gus Evening
Gus Evening - 15.04.2023 17:12

Too bad. All these problems are created by the Government. Sad.

Νικος Χριστινιδης
Νικος Χριστινιδης - 14.04.2023 09:43

With the exception of taxes all your other points are moot and can be applied for every country in the world.

UNREGIERBAR - 13.04.2023 04:13

It´s outright diabolic how they flood such a small country with "refugees".

Unknow0059 - 12.04.2023 05:58

Bro, you lived IN Drama, say no more, I understand💀

Demigod - 10.04.2023 18:33

It's possible that I am moving to Greece next september (for studying an archaeology degree there in an international private college), so this is super helpfull. I just need to look for any ice skating ring and horse riding where I can go without driving (by public transportation).

Sarp Sevinc
Sarp Sevinc - 08.04.2023 01:21

Zannedersin ki amın oğlu dünyayı yönetiyor arkadaki 8 ekranla. 😂

Paddy Dalton
Paddy Dalton - 06.04.2023 12:54

I moved to Greece two years ago and I love it. I live in Athens and I really enjoy the city and the country in general. Of course it all depends on your income, tax, age, purpose, aspirations etc so it's a personal journey. We compared Greece to a number of other places that could suit us but we remain extremely happy with our decision. Greece is not perfect but I've realised in life that absolutely nowhere is. I hope one day to become a Greek citizen once I am fluent in the language and have "done my time". Lets see!!! For me, the weather is a key component to good living as is a low cost base and great food but also Greece fosters great community feel and a warmth of character that in my opinion is almost second to none.

Guillermo - 03.04.2023 17:47

Same story in Spain. Beautiful, but a socialist nightmare and getting worst by the week

Market YourLuv
Market YourLuv - 01.04.2023 19:14

Does Greece require a vaccine?

Little Reptilian
Little Reptilian - 28.03.2023 19:29

Μόνο δράμα ρε αλάνι

ANASTACIA KAGOURA - 11.03.2023 22:16

Γραφειοκρατεια,αδεσποτα,ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ ααα
