Forgotten Leaders. Episode 2. Kliment Voroshilov. Documentary. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN

Forgotten Leaders. Episode 2. Kliment Voroshilov. Documentary. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN


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ForceOfTheProletariat - 23.08.2023 04:17

Voroshilov is such an interesting individual. So brave and clever, yet so erratic and overly sure of himself. But it was his bravery, determination, and intelligence that made him a hero even when he wasn’t a professional. He excelled in something he did not specialize in, and excelled he did. 🫡💪👏

Kahennareis - 07.03.2022 02:09

Esse exército vermelho lutava contra quem?

Matthew Whitton
Matthew Whitton - 11.12.2021 16:24

A brilliant piece of historical documentary work ! Thank you so much for providing this series to the English-speaking world !!!

VietNam Farmer
VietNam Farmer - 24.07.2021 19:56

This guy is the reason why Soviet army suffered heavy casualty in the early 1941

maybe Ukrain3
maybe Ukrain3 - 14.06.2021 07:27

I will never forget kliment forever!

Blueberry Pirate
Blueberry Pirate - 18.03.2021 16:32

The one who could sass Stalin and live to see the results!

john thomson
john thomson - 27.02.2021 20:33

Is there no pictures of klim and his bogging wife wie koba. Apparently after koba had mikael frunze murdered. He gave the defence kommisar job to klim cos he liked dressing up in uniform and hats. Better a non entity like klim than someone who was competent. Although to be fair this muppet was demoted although never killed of because he was part of kobas tsaritsyn mafia. He even had a tank named after him.

Юлия Бойко
Юлия Бойко - 04.01.2021 18:01

Прекрасные фильмы от Стар Медиа. Большое удовольствие от просмотра 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Himbeereule - 17.08.2020 22:00

Tukhachevsky was the embodiment of incompetence. Only him being a German agent and appearing a "military genius" because he used complicated words he made up himself brought him into his position. A scam artist, nothing more.

Lekso Lee
Lekso Lee - 04.03.2020 22:33

Interesting fact - When Stalin started to arrest the wives of his inner-circle officials (fearing they influence their husbands too much) Voroshilov was the only one who protected his wife with his saber and when arresting squad finally through their command chain asked Stalin what to do Stalin laughed and tell them - just leave them alone.

AudieHolland - 22.02.2020 04:39

He was the perfect example for the common soldier.
But he was a Captain, not a General.

This reminds me that in the few cases non-commissioned officers were promoted to Lieutenant in the west,
they never rose higher than the rank of Captain.

Trevor Philips
Trevor Philips - 09.09.2019 13:32

Thank you for this great documentary.did you think in future to made something about the russian civil war?

Raju Gentes
Raju Gentes - 30.08.2019 17:59

He played his part in Stalin's rise...

Rusoviet Tovarich
Rusoviet Tovarich - 07.08.2019 15:43

He was seen as a waste and a joke by Mikahil Tukhachevsky. He made sure that Tukhachevsky was tried and executed in 1937. He was nothing but a gang banger kapo - muscle with a brain to match. The claim was he had no political ambitions....anyone who rose in that 'hell on earth' aka CCCP had ambitions. He was nothing but 'Koba's female dog on a leash. Only Budyonny surpassed him for sheer idiocy

Daniel Pasterp
Daniel Pasterp - 19.05.2019 02:54

Voroshilov was courageous and cunning but it seems that he was no strategist!

Meat Scepter
Meat Scepter - 13.07.2018 17:05

The guy whose name will be used for a tank! NOICE!
Gonna drive my KV in World of Tanks!

gusthebroken2 - 08.07.2018 20:29

Even Churchill drank a bottle of whisky a day in war time ... most or the world leaders were inhebriated whilst making their decisions ...Alcahol powered and they only needed petrol and coal at the time to power the military industrial complex and get things running in the political game they were playing at the time...nothing has changed since WW2 ..The same concept when you scrutinise it all . They all went bezerk when Hitler wanted to get out of the IMF and jeckle island concept ... and JFK was assasinated because of that as well ...[ The money machine at work again , and just who were the CIA ..although named differently at the time playing the fiddle ]

Ilija Pjescic
Ilija Pjescic - 12.06.2018 22:41

Can we get more of these documentaries with Russian learning Russian and it would help a lot!

FelixDzerzhinsky - 11.06.2018 12:32

a incompetent in a rol of military comander
